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Russell’s mom. Adopted Nebraskan. Saluki ‘03 UIS ‘04. Baseball fan. Vegetarian. Supporter of democracy. Love dogs. 🇺🇸🇺🇦
I still don’t think he’ll drop out. Will be chaos if he does, though
Reposted byAvatar Katie
This is the move
The attempted assassination of Donald Trump does not erase the crimes that Trump himself has committed against American democracy, or the crimes he would commit if given the chance, and no one is obligated to pretend otherwise www.theatlantic.com/politics/arc...
Nothing About the Attempted Assassination Redeems Trumpwww.theatlantic.com This crime does not erase what the former president has done, or what he has promised to do.
Reposted byAvatar Katie
TRUMP: I'm going to be a dictator on day one DEMOCRATS: Trump wants to be a dictator! REPUBLICANS: Hysterical Dems are endangering Trump by saying he wants to be a dictator
Reposted byAvatar Katie
My son watched baseball with me for a little while this evening, and asked questions about the game. So I think I finally might be winning at parenting.
My son has been singing “Jingle Bells” for a week. It’s July.
Attempts at a selfie with Mermaid today.
Reposted byAvatar Katie
A few months ago a FUNBAG reader asked if I cared when I used the family barf bowl as just a normal cooking bowl when it was off duty, and I said no. But ever since then, anytime I’ve cooked with the barf bowl, I’ve thought to myself okay yeah this bothers me
Reposted byAvatar Katie
A couple of calming treats and a sleep music playlist later, the dog is handling the fireworks better. (She still hates them, though.)
Reposted byAvatar Katie
If Biden can't campaign he should consider passing the torch, but the elite press (and especially the NYT) is desperately trying to will this into existence. And it's really gross. (2/2)
Reposted byAvatar Katie
Biden's age and poor debate showing is obviously a legit story, but what we've seen over the last week is a hysterical feeding frenzy aimed at some combination of self-vindication, settling old scores, claiming a scalp, and the desire of some in the media to have Trump back in power. (1/2)
Reposted byAvatar Katie
The New York Times ratfucking operation in favor of Trump is so incredibly blatant that it’s beyond parody. If you saw ratfucking like this coming from a newspaper in a movie, you’d probably think it was a bit over the top.
Here it is, the dumbest thing you will read today www.nytimes.com/2024/07/04/o...
Happy Independence Day, fellow Americans. I kinda like this democracy and independence thing. Let’s hold on to it.
A reminder to be responsible with fireworks tomorrow. I’ll be inside with the dog while everyone else lights up the neighborhood.
Reposted byAvatar Katie
LOTS OF PEOPLE still need further proof that Trump is a monster. We should never shut up about it!
Yes, seen it... but we can do more than one thing at a time, and we really need no further proof that Trump's a monster. Kind of like discovering Hitler beat Eva Braun after discovering Auschwitz.
Reposted byAvatar Katie
I knit and crochet to take my mind off things. Start of a new project.
Two systems of justice. One giving TFG whatever he wants.
BREAKING: Donald Trump's sentencing has been postponed until September 18
Fireworks, then thunderstorms. Mermaid just cannot with today.
Not even the 4th yet and I’m already sick of the fireworks.
Not a surprise, although this preceded the 2016 election.
The SCOTUS ruling today was a huge disaster. I’m interested to see if, or how, it’ll affect things in the coming months.
New here. What’s the good word?
End of feed.