
Among majors cut: English, History, Math. All the non-elite SLACs are cutting the liberal arts. Message: only the rich, privileged kids at Swarthmore, Haverford, etc., deserve a liberal arts education. For everyone else, Business Administration.
Alverno College declares financial emergency, plans to cut majors and graduate As part of the restructuring, the south-side Milwaukee college will cut 25 full-time faculty positions and 12 full-time staff positions.
Lol. Business professors are going to have to start teaching composition. That will be fun for everyone.
Obvious plot twist: they’ll encourage the use of AI to get those pesky essays done. 😫
And said professors just happen to have little side investments in AI, lo & behold.
As a graduate biz school prof, this is already true and a problem for us. Nothing is more worthless than an undergrad business major, give me people who can write and have critical thinking skills
I honestly think Communications should own/teach comp. English grad students are not the “natural fit” that comp studies pretends they are. Comm makes a lot more sense and is a more straight forward curricular integration into the program’s core mission.
this is so horrible. I hate this I hate these fucking ghouls who are doing this I hate ghoul politicians who enable this I hate all the money the US has for weapons but not for education I hate it all
It's to the detriment of our future in so many ways.
what future?! species doom is so overdetermined at this point (and at least in the US, the destruction of education is one of the ways it’s overdetermined)
The hundreds of useless administrators never have their funding touched, just the people that make the university important and useful.
Exactly. The president at my college, who just fired me and four other Humanities colleagues through tenure denial (allegedly due to financial exigency) makes a six-figure salary to essentially gut faculty. She’s done this at two other institutions before mine and keeps finding jobs.
Disgusting. It should be illegal.
I am so incredibly fucking sorry. Absolutely enraging
100% with you that this sucks and is a long term detriment to society. Swarthmore and Haverford references made me smile though. Is that the “tell me you’re from Philly without mentioning Philly” challenge?
I’m not from Philly—these institutions were top of mind due to an internal document at my college where one faculty member implored others on a committee to consider emphasizing rather than cutting the liberal arts.
Ahhh that makes sense! Those are fine examples.
As someone who lives in and teaches just outside of Philly, I was wondering where Bryn Mawr was in the list 🎓
Good point! I thought it was a legal requirement to mention all three together. 😂
As a UNC-Asheville alumnus, I commiserate.
I read about that a few days ago. I am so sorry.
It's not even limited to humanities. In many of these cases basic science and math are cut, even supposedly "practical" areas like cybersecurity, health care, and certain business school programs as well. The future is more like training for working at Target.
Wow. This is my ma’s Alma mater. She went through their nursing program, but learned how to write in the English program and calculate meds in math. So shortsighted.
business degrees are participation trophies
Which is pretty ironic seeing as the majority of the truly great art, be it music, theatre, TV, film, painting, sculpture, writing, whatever, is made by people who come from humble beginnings