
I'm just like... not even remotely prepared to concede that Donald Trump winning in November is a foregone conclusion.
Same and I canā€™t stand Biden. Are the Democrats currently losing? Yes and if they actually run a competent campaign, itā€™s a coin flip.
Really says a lot that liberals have been screeching at progressives for months for any negative word about Biden and now THEYā€™RE the ones basically ready to hand the election over to Trump. They really do not care about the stakes even a little bit.
I really think itā€™s the so-called moderates and centrists this time. Most regular Liberals seem to me to be very afraid of a redux of 45 and very much would like to engage in a strategic electoral campaign that defeats him. Elite Dems seem unable to offer any direction to them.
Itā€™s not. A shit ton of white noise is being generated to make you feel that way, though.
A substantial portion of that noise is being generated by the NYT. Chuck that paper of record on the compost heap and donā€™t amplify their garbage, and stress levels immediately go down.
They've been plotting their revenge since Biden was on the Howard Stern show. Let's not forget how Maggie what's her face glorified trump.
She still does. "Trump has been seeking to rewrite the history of Jan. 6 for years ā€” calling it a lovefest, among other things ā€” and has said heā€™d likely pardon some of those arrested. This will give him a new talking point." From June 28, 2024.
Bidenā€™s winning by a mile. Thatā€™s why the Republican media are screaming for him to get out of the race.
Reddit and even Daily Kos. Yikes. Still the debate was a hot mess.
That is a Portrait of Complete and Utterly Irredeemable Despair I'm not prepared to look at.
Whole lot of money and idiocy whipped up right now by NYT to appease the base. Me, Iā€™m hoping the October Surprise of 2024 is not to the benefit of the GOP and their orange spokesmonkey who thinks heā€™s the ringmaster of the circus. Frankly, Iā€™m hoping Merchan throws him in jail in September!
With the NYC sentencing and now the DC trial both teeing up for the fall, it seems Trump's criminality will be the headlines leading to Election Day. Prison would be the cherry on top. Love it when we can smack the gloat right off GOP faces after they think they outsmarted us.
Only good thing about the delay is that it wonā€™t give the GOP a way to easily replace him if heā€™s jailed long after their convention.
When the Oct. convo turns to questions of how a president can run the country from prison, Trump won't be attracting all those undecided voters and Repubs who aren't yet quite totally bat-shit he's counting on. He'll need more than 7M+ of them this time if Biden's voters show up again, and we will.
Kansas- KANSAS- rejected a referendum to make abortion illegal by a 60-40 margin. R's have done piss-poor in every major election since Dobbs. Even their wins were kind of losses. A sundowning, pro-Israel Prez is a problem but voters have already shown where they stand on the fascism issues.
Biden shit the bed in one debate and everyone lost their mind and let NYT propaganda rile them up. We are getting Trump.
sucks to see trump collecting Ws but still a long way between here and november. idk
Can you provide proof of that?
Trump is completely incontinent. He wears diapers ALL the time and they are often visible. Not to mention that MAGATs actually BRAG about it.
And we toss Biden over board for less. We are not the same.
Not if you're the one spreading the BS. Where's your proof that he did this?
I may have misunderstood your point.
People get righteously cancelled for much much, much less. What do you expect in 2024?
Absolutely not. He's a fucking monster and we'll fight against him no matter who's on the ballot.
He's gonna get fucking trounced, half his voters think elections are rigged and won't vote
It's a different dynamic, different historical context, but I'm old enough to remember when Democrats were ready to hand the 2012 election to Romney because Obama blew a debate too
The only recent presidential election the Dems have lost* is the one where they assumed they had it in the bag, all the ones where they were nervous went for them *By which I mean, "won, but the US has a deeply stupid system to elect presidents"
Right, like even after the media circus around the debate the polls are still roughly neck-and-neck, but people think Trump's support was unestimated before so it must be underestimated now.
But it's possible that this is an overcorrection and Biden's support is now being underestimated. The success of down-ballot Dems and some of the unprecedented shifts seen in certain demographics make me suspicious of the polls.
I believe Biden has done a very good job and I think he's a beyond terrible candidate. I don't find any contradiction in that at all.
Oh hell no. That is not happening.
Itā€™s pathetic. The only thing I know about the future is that it hasnā€™t happened yet.
Run campaign ads where a montage of people are saying assertivelyā€not Trumpā€ maybe 20 people, scatter in a couple famous people to get folks watching closely, then at the end, have the Cookie Monster approve the message. There can be different versions. End one with Elmo, end with Bert and Ernie.
The ONLY way that would NOT be a Catastrophe would be if the Democratic majority in the Senate was greatly expanded, & the Dillhole Majority in the House was soundly reversed. Then we could watch him twist and bloviate helplessly for however long it would take for him to have the inevitable stroke!
My new slogan: "Donald Trump? Fuck that guy!"
It is not foregone, i still feel it prudent to be prepared if he doesnā€™t take it well when he losesā€¦.
I already stated MANY times I am voting šŸ”µ no matter who as I did in 2020. I would, however, MUCH rather vote for someone who actually has an EXCELLENT chance of beating Trump and does not have "resting 25th Amendment face" per Jon Stewart. Steph
biden is a shit candidate but donald trump is a whole sewage system of a candidate. i give trump a 30% chance of winning, in spite of what the polls say.
Iā€™m not convinced that Donald can survive until January. Or even November.
Do we have to? Canā€™t Biden refuse to leave? Canā€™t he just refuse to acknowledge losing (if thatā€™s how the election turns out?). He could just pass some ā€œofficialā€ laws so he stays in office right? Thanks Supreme Court!
Same, but every self-professed Trump hater currently filling their diapers publicly about Biden is making it more likely
We donā€™t talk about Grampa like that in mixed company! Keep it in the family!
I suspect enough people hate the guy that they would vote for a chihuahua.
How do you deal with folks IRL espousing doomerism? Finding myself getting vexed with my work colleagues, who I know are aligned with our values but feel like theyā€™re too cool/traumatized to release their pessimism/cynicism/despair. I refuse to cede the future & it hurts me to see they already have.