Tom Bellino

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Tom Bellino

Urban planner 🌃, friend to animals 🐑, bike/transit rider 🚇, Chicago gay 🌭

@tombellino on ig
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A map of the French results — with a dot per district:
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We know 550 of 577 districts in France. Left bloc: 188 Macron bloc: 149 RN/far-right bloc: 139 LR/right: 44 Other left: 8 Other right: 16 Others: 6 REMAINS: 27
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New Popular Front won because of this
Scenes from the Left Alliance victory rally at Place de la République c/o France 24.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Bellino
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
This most recent episode of Drag Race México has some of the most fun and creative looks I’ve ever seen. This season is so good so far!
Cute meandering bike ride scenes from this lovely day 🥰🚲🌇
On the “But they’re just gonna call Harris a ‘DEI Candidate’!” talking point I’m already starting to see — go ahead and let them. Unlike Biden’s age, which is a major concern for 80% of voters, DEI is viewed positively by most voters.
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GREAT maps of what's on offer in France tomorrow. Check them all out here if you like that sort of thing: Here's one I'll embed: Who will face the far-right in the runoffs? Shades of pink/red (left). Yellow: Macronists. Blue: LR. Gray: No far-right.
I saw Maxxxine tonight and thought it was fun but forgettable. But it's kinda growing on me as time goes on, I keep thinking about it!
Reposted byAvatar Tom Bellino
I understand that “Biden is actually fine, it’s just media hysteria” is purely done out of fear for a Trump presidency, but it’s convincing to roughly zero people. Nobody who saw the debate believes you really think that.
Biden could immediately quash any fears by reenacting this
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i don’t know how to properly describe it or measure it, but being memable or at least having a campaign people want to post about is kind of crucial in elections and biden & his comms team have totally misunderstood that, just the cringiest half-hearted posts from a playbook over a decade old
Noticed a new distressing geography fact: parts of Michigan are west of parts of Iowa. 😱
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Petition to replace the 9 sitting justices with this aptly-named street
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I also think it has to do with who complains. If you drive to a store or restaurant, you might tell the manager, “Ugh, parking sucks around here.” If you walk, bike or take transit, you probably don’t say anything. That leads to business owners believing that all their customers drive.
I've become convinced that one of the biggest obstacles to better road design in commercial areas is well-off business owners who drive their BMW to work every day and find it impossible to imagine a customer who uses any other mode of conveyance to arrive at the shop.
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Explosive reporting in Le Monde confirms what was apparent all week: Macron resisted the emergence of anti-far-right front after round 1. His PM, Attal, forced it as a fait accompli, & pressured for drop outs to block RN. Even then, Macron made some phone calls to undercut it.
Législatives 2024 : entre l’Elysée et Matignon, tensions sur le front ré L’attitude à tenir face à la montée de l’extrême droite a profondément divisé Emmanuel Macron et Gabriel Attal. Leurs stratégies, parfois contraires, se sont parasitées avant le second tour des électi...
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Labour wins their 326th seat, Blackley and Middleton South. They have officially clinched a majority in the House of Commons and ended 14 years of Conservative government.
Obsessed with these ridiculous BBC election graphics
No amount of power or influence could get me to wear one of those big ribbons the British MP candidates have to wear.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Bellino
I've said this before, but I love the way UK election results are announced: All at once, with all the candidates standing on stage together. Definitive and humbling.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Bellino
🎬 ‘Airplane!’ premiered in theaters 44 years ago, July 2, 1980
Someone just changed my biggest group chat's photo to a coconut. It's happening.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Bellino
Honestly still in shock that the most crooked American President in history said "I need immunity" and the GOP Supreme Court said "well, it's nowhere in the constitution, but sure, why not? Whats the worst that could happen?"
Reposted byAvatar Tom Bellino
In the world where Biden bowed out in June 2023, and VP Harris won a contested primary, how's the party doing rn? Better? Worse? I tend to think better. Rs still running against the admin but the principal is able to do lots of public events/interviews and defend the record/attack Trump.
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rolling out this gem again
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Just found a way to make Texas better.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Bellino
abolish the senate, add several hundred more house members, and pack the supreme court with dozens of justices so it doesn’t matter when one of them dies or retires
Reposted byAvatar Tom Bellino
Living under authoritarian regimes is both relatively boring and normal AND incredibly corrosive to the human soul. These things can absolutely co-exist. This is why everyone needs to resist authoritarians, even people who privately assume they’ll be just fine.
The damage this causes across generations (even if the regime is short lived!) is so hard to grasp if you haven’t lived with it. It touches every aspect of life. It makes trust impossible, and without some level of trust and a belief in the possibility of justice, *nothing in society works.*
I really want Biden to say “I am hereby appointing six new Supreme Court justices to repeal the unprecedented and tyrannical powers shockingly bestowed upon me today.“