
Truth Social has the same revenue as a (1) moderately successful McDonald's franchise, and it's valued at $6 billion somehow.
"He's driven every business he's ever run into the ground and left investors holding the bag while he gets off scot-free, but I'm sure THIS time will be different!" - Truth Social investors
Those losses!! $39M in interest expenses? Am I reading that right? Who lent that money? Overall this is going to be kind of amazing to watch, like how it's engaging to watch people playing those life-sized jenga games
Combine that with the R&D expenses, I mean, what are they R'ing or D'ing, here? overall looks like a good plan to extract value from shareholders through overpriced consultant contracts and high-interest loans. It all falls apart in five years but the consultants and lenders were already paid
Cribbing microblogging software takes developers and most of them want salaries not stock options.
They just re-skinned an old, unsafe branch of Mastedon.
I have a feeling the DOJ has been already looking into all this. If Biden is reelected I'd be shocked if no one went to jail over all this. It feels very shady, even for what it is.
The "value" in my view is mostly in the meme and perceived political clout. It's fair to attribute a meme "value" in the sense that people pay for this (like they'd pay for a live-action Pokemon moviefilm in 3D), BUT in this case it really ain't funny.
The main "value" the TFG meme would have that would hold on, is ironically from post-civil war 2 trophies like neoconfederate banknotes with his face on them, which kids loot out of wrecked gear, as happened in the UK back during WWII.
I'm pretty sure they're researching new forms of creative bookkeeping.
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I bet the interest has to do with the change in value of derivative liabilities at end of last year. I.e. calling loans profits because they aren't bound by GAAP yet.
No, a successful McDonald's franchise also turns a profit 🤣 It's extremely obvious that Truth Social is just a way for billionaires and oligarchs to funnel money to Trump's campaign, circumventing any disclosure or campaign finance laws
They collectively stand to gain far more than a couple billion dollars if Trump blocks the TikTok ban, ends Ukraine aid, lowers corporate taxes, etc. So in that sense it is rational It's just rational corruption
The stock market is a con game.
But: a lot more losses. Number big even if in parentheses. That’s how these people think who pay themselves $50,000,000 bonuses for thinking it.
You have to be pretty rich to lose tons and tons of money, and there has to be lots of value to be able to get way into debt, right?
47% of the US voting population, strategically distributed, is about to demonstrate in November they are stupid enough to agree with that statement.
Bankruptcy is just a great way to shed all your debt. I am very smart.
I would say stupid AND bigoted enough to willingly ignore his blatant crimes and fluid morals. They know he will sell out the country the second he is in office. They just don’t care because he is the candidate most willing to murder the same non-white people they want to murder.
Do they explain the massive change in interest charges from one year to the next?
I've downloaded the 8K and I'm going to take a look at it today. If I find anything that even attempts to do that I'll come back here.
The 8K is full of nonsense, as you'd expect. My big question is: why did they use the SPAC method to go public? I mean, I know why in actuality, but what possible justification could there be that someone could say with a straight face?
Why in actuality: it's a low-effort method that's beloved by shady people who don't mind being beholden to a bunch of pre-existing shareholders. Otherwise known as: a perfect description of Donald Trump, who knows he's already beholden to the Russians.
My favorite part of the 8-K was where they said they might not ever record or release info on daily users and impressions and advertising.
Also, Q4 revenue was down 33% from a year prior, $1.13M to $0.75M. Paying 1000x revenue for a negative-growth company is quite the investment. (To get Q4 you have to subtract Q1-Q3 from FY.)
Sorry, DJT Q4 revenue was actually down 39% YoY, $1.23M to $0.75M. ($1.47M-$0.24M=$1.23M and $4.13M-$3.38M=$0.75M)
Markets can remain irrational longer than people can remain liquid
Tiny brain: Truth Social is overvalued Big brain: There is an unsustainable disconnect between a firm's profits and assets and its valuation Galaxy brain: McDonald's is undervalued; BUY NOW
I'm only investing in McDonald's if they can make it so their ice cream machines are always working
This ice cream machine needs more blockchain
With your investment they can finally afford crucial upgrades that will significantly reduce maintenance needs! They won't do that with the money, but they could.
$9.8m for R&D and $39m interest expense!? Good lord…even if you didn’t know the background here, this would be throwing red flags like crazy.
Just two totally normal amounts of money with only $4m in total revenue
Grown men with tears in their eyes said to me “Sir, is that really your consolidated statement of operations?”
A college professor he paid with big stacks of cash told him it was the most beautiful financial statements he has ever seen.
Hi, IRS...I'd like to report some obvious money laundering
bUt mArKEts aRe RaTIoNaL! -J.M. Keynes, on Xitter
WTF with $40M In interest expenses? Two years in a row of R&D and operating expenses being nearly $20M and it's taking in less than $4M in actual revenue? No one would buy this turkey if they weren't looking to curry favor with TFG. Pre-elon Twitter at least about broke even.
I don't recall what the fundamentals of tech startups were in the 90s. Or now, really -- but recall also that a lot of those failed miserably and returned zero -- it was just that VC tolerated that hoping for so.e that would become things like apple and Google, or get bought by one of those.
Recommebding TS as an actual monetary investment should get you sued for breach of fiduciary duty.
Didn't tRump get rid of that law?
I said "should," although I admit securities and financial fiduciary relationships are not the area of law in which I practice.
Does this make the IPO a little fraudy?
New York has this thing called the Martin Act where the AG can go after offerors of securities for civil and criminal penalties, and these stocks trade on the NASDAQ, located in Manhattan, so...