Toronto Will

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Toronto Will

Hobbies: video game enthusiast, Trekkie, cat lover, NE Patriots fan.
Professionally: lawyer.
Reposted byAvatar Toronto Will
“I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity” > This isn't a recipe for disaster, it's a cookbook for someone looking to prepare a twelve course fucking catastrophe. Today’s must-read
I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again —
Avatar Thought you might be interested in this -- reddit has started feeding me posts from r/windows and r/windows11, and it is fascinating how overwhelmingly hated Microsoft's new "AI" features are, even among what you'd expect is a pro-Microsoft audience.
Reposted byAvatar Toronto Will
Nowadays I use instead of Rotten Tomatoes to decide whether to watch a movie I haven't seen before, and this spectacular tableau of reviews from, and shows why it's so much better. I NEED to see this movie.
Reposted byAvatar Toronto Will
there are so many AI use cases!! * spam * bias laundering * replacing employees with a machine that can't do the job * abrogation of responsibility for failure to the machine * spam
Reposted byAvatar Toronto Will
One thing that's cool about Meta is how they are incapable of moderating blatant medical misinformation, endless scams, and the literal planning of insurrections and pogroms, but they have real-time monitoring and censoring of Marisa Kabas and the Kansas Reflector. 👍👍👍
Annnd now Threads has blocked me from posting anything at all.
I've grown to enjoy Reddit for the subs that I choose to participate in, but their home page feed (FYP, sorta) STINKS. For one thing it's really awful at surfacing the posts that are actually new/hot within my subs, but more annoying is how often it injects terrible suggestions from unfollowed subs.
Reposted byAvatar Toronto Will
me opening tiktok
Reposted byAvatar Toronto Will
Oh shit oh fuck
Since the news of the day is Microsoft's "masterstroke" absorbing OpenAI and its fired-for-mysterious-reasons CEO, I'd like to go on record that I think this is all very dumb.
Reposted byAvatar Toronto Will
i swear these teachers hate me
Reposted byAvatar Toronto Will
The Earth just endured its hottest 12 months in the modern era, and probably the hottest in 125,000 years, according to an analysis published Thursday.
I was in Boston when 9/11 happened. I remember the anger, the urge to punch back and reassert dominance. I remember watching "Operation Shock & Awe" unfold live on CNN with pride, and never giving any thought to lives ruined by each bright flash of light. It solved nothing. It made things worse.
Hello Bluesky! I'm immediately amazed with how lively it is here, despite the limits of being invite-only. It succeeds at replicating the "good" Twitter experience of old, much better than Mastodon (pleasant but dorky and desolate) or Threads (a flood of inane engagement bait).
End of feed.