
"I'm lonely and women don't want to spend time around me" Do you? A) Become obsessed with celebrities that women hate as your guide to getting women? B)Make friends with some women and learn what they like and think? So many pick A and become so bitter B is impossible
it really is that simple.
the secret to male loneliness is for men who are lonely to become more pleasant to be around. i hope this helps anyone who is still searching for the answer.
When I was a young man I was given quite possibly the most impactful statement I think I've ever gotten about manhood. One of my coworkers said "a true alpha brings everyone up with him. An alpha doesn't need to say he's an alpha everyone already knows it because everyone already loves him for it."
Yep. It's telling, too, that so many self-proclaimed alpha males build their entire personality around another man - Peterson, Trump, and Andrew Tate seem to be the most popular ones - and that's the definition of beta male This guy, for example, is beyond beta
wait are we using alpha/beta like theyre real labels that mean something suddenly? or are we taking the piss? i'm lost here.
Alpha and beta are entirely made up, but if you judge conservatives by the standards they hold for themselves, that's what you find
yes but the response you received from op was not
Oh I didn't look which message you responded to. I just saw a notification to something I'd just posted and responded. My bad.
Such a great point. "Alpha and beta" being taken from wolf family studies done 40 years ago. Ironic that the same men see it as Alpha to eradicate the same creatures that they say they want to emulate.
Studies on wolves in captivity not reflected in the wild, at that
Terrified, isolated, out of their native environment, not properly socialized wolves too.
So the wolves most likely to be driven from their family have the risk-taker inducing brainworms. Doesn't mean they survive. Many who leave their family don't get to be pack leader, they get shot by Montana ranchers. Follows if the risk taking effect in wolves is true.
im sure he's a piece of shit on his own, but why is he a beta because of the dress she's wearing?
Alpha males are supposed to be leaders, the top dogs, but this guy made his own marriage about another man he's never met.
is this like, a known guy or something? because I cant think of a single man who has ever picked his fiancee's wedding dress lol. maybe shes really into Trump too
then he let his wife make their marriage about another man, which is even more beta Again, according to their logic. I couldn't care less if someone wants to be trump's cuck
Today I would use "them" but it's uplifting nonetheless.
True. This took place in 2009 though so it was like right at the start of the public conversations about gender and the conversation was specifically about the new up in coming trend of alpha males and how toxic they were back then.
Truer words were never spoken.
It was weird too. I live in Texas so this dude legit sounded like Sling blade and looked a bit like Sam Elliot specifically from Jurassic Park in the way his face looked and the way he dressed. Kinda like he was a genre flipped cowboy.
One of those, doesn't talk much, but when he listen, type people?
Yeah pretty much everything I remember him say had a profound impact on who I am as a person now.
Patriarchy is a prison for everyone. Are these rage-filled incel racists happy? Fuck no, they just think they’re not doing the patriarchy hard enough. Treating women like shit and then saying “well maybe if I treat them even more like shit, they’ll like me.” Doubling down on maladaptive behaviors.
OFT: Operator Finger Trouble … soz
Some substance abuse ,too
Oh yes. I wrote a few years ago about incels & co
It feels like an epidemic. There would be no trump without them.
He's the proto-incel so to speak, permanently feeling offended by other human existence
I'm gen X so I'm officially "old" but have any of you dumb fuckheads tried.... TALKING TO EACH OTHER? ... Call me crazy but "online" is not real, never has been.. even google searches are fucked now.
Well and also the thing about “high value females.” 😑
If you tell me you listen to either of these two, then I want nothing to do with you. It's like the guy who was trying to date me, a trans woman, and sent me pics of his home with trumpy flags hung up all over the place. I was like, "Really, my dude?"
The "you reap what you sow" -ish-ness of it all seems pretty obvious, but it's one way to steadily grow your loyal army of hate-filled incels I guess?
The Internet has a home for the infinite loser. They created an insulated bubble coupled with the kind of camaraderie you'd expect from a bunch of assholes agreeing on something stupid. It's not shocking people with no shame provide the path to these people's downfall for Internet clout and profit.
It's the ol' Lloyd Dobbler "if you guys know so much about women, how come you're here at like the Gas 'n' Sip on a Saturday night completely alone drinking beers with no women anywhere?"
If there is no universal acceptance of everyone, I'm not interested.
Jordan Peterson has became crazy as a shit house rat. Says women shouldn't wear makeup to work, you know those jezebels. Tate is a violent abuser, oh great. How about get some game and personality and stop the pity party.
i lost two of my close life long friends to these assholes. I've known them since we were small children and now 30 years later they have gone full red pill. over the course of two years you could actually watch them change more and more as they listened to this toxic waste.