Trish Flavored Dish

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Trish Flavored Dish

🏳️‍⚧️ (She/her), musician, gamer, married, coder, ADD survivor (like, every day), enjoyer of sci-fi/fantasy/comics.
I've had white trans women in my mentions today who said black journalists are "trying to claim racism" and "good riddance to that ashy propagandist" about Bouie leaving White trans women seeing BIPOC folks go "this is racist" and responding "you don't get it you're not trans" is The Problem
How about a Sharknado spin off/sequel…
Thank you so much to everyone who helped. I spoke with my landlord today and the amount we were able to get to him thanks to you is enough to get us back in his good graces. I honestly cannot thank you enough. ❤️
I’ve tried everything i could to keep me out of this position again, but everything I’ve tried has failed, and our landlord has given us to the end of the month to get back rent taken care of or we’re out. Liz’ new job is enough to pay bills month-to-month, but not to get the back rent in time.
The kids protesting the transphobic and murderous policies of NHS England are still there! Please contribute to their crowdfunder…
an auspicious little thing in my saved photos that happened to pop up and i think is very appropriate to post on this last day of pride. love you, folks. miss you, mira ❤️
What is going on in here? I’ve had half a dozen notifications on my phone of new follows, and then I come in here and under the bell there’s nothing.
Remember when a group of crypto bros bought a copy of 'Jodorowsky's Dune' for $3 million (around 100x more than it was worth) thinking they could turn it into NFTs and an animated series because they didn't understand what copyright is?
The Saga of the 'Dune' Crypto Bros And Their Very Pricey Mistake Is At Its In a dismal crypto climate, the group is looking to sell its 'Dune' bible and cash out its treasury. “Really wish this worked out better," the group co-founder said.
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
In my defense, I didn't realize I made a siscon joke, damn you bluesky
When you lick it just right
I usually have 2! I thought I had a back up but I didn't. The balanced has been restored now though😊
it’s that time again
dick from a girl with a time machine
dick from a girl who's setting up a joke that will pay off in the future
Anyone who says the Eurovision Song Contest isn’t political has never been in an Irish household over the last 40 years when the United Kingdom has been given Nul Points.
I am never gonna let you all forget that I am a canonical character in 2000 AD magazine, and I've met (and examined) Judge Dredd.
Thank you. I just want one day when my community is not on the news like we’re people to be feared.
Six year timeline for TDoV
Seven year timeline for TDOV
But that's kind of my point. Would they think it was GOD's will if it happened to them? Contempt is easier when combined with exceptionalism and lack of empathy.
Guardian’s snooping round doing a piece on diy hrt Do not engage. Do not give em shit
Being autistic isn't hard. All you have to do is remember the 3 things that make NTs most mad: - Misunderstandings - Any effort on your part to prevent a misunderstanding - Any attempt after the fact to clear up a misunderstanding So long as you avoid those, functioning in NT society is easy!
I still have a few days before getting paid, but two bills due before then! Please buy a commission if you can!
Hi everyone! It's TDoV and I'm still trying to get some commissions! New job starts this week but that's still two weeks away from my first pay, and a lot of that will go to rent. So I'm trying to get cash for expenses and my car payment! Or just drop a tip!
Trans fems should give eachother compliments cause it’s super hard to conform to womanhood and be trans at the same time. Little things that people take for granted like personal care and wearing a cute outfit should be celebrated for the accomplishment it is in the face of a massive challenge
This might just rate as the worst thing on the internet, ever. 🤮
yep, still #hungry
I used to be a tech enthusiast. I am becoming a tech dethusiast. I don’t want any more tech to buy. I don’t want smart appliances. I don’t want smart pants. I don’t want smart dumbbells. I just want things that I can buy and that work for 20 years.
The question of the "unstoppable force and immovable object" seems to me a metaphor for two neurodivergents trying to live a life together under one roof.
Nex should still be alive there is a mountain of culpability with the state, and the school, and the police responding to the incident a day before but none of that matters. there will be no justice for them fuck this horrible fucked up world
a brief aside about “the move” (1/2)