
Your regular reminder that I personally loathe Noam Chomsky for the reprehensible things he said in apologia for the Khmer Rouge - and has never really taken back. He was no friend to the Cambodian people. (Not to mention his stance on Ukraine).
Makes me sad that folks on the left like him, ngl.
It does indicate someone who perhaps has not done nearly as much research as they like to think they have
It's a bit funny because how quick the left usually is to cut people loose for failing purity tests, but there's always the few who manage to get into the state of grace where the test must be wrong.
Tbh the left is pretty fucking awful at enforcing the “supporting Russia/genocides committed by vaguely leftist seeming countries” purity test nowadays
If your leftism isn't fundamentally centered on the idea of human dignity and freedom as universal and immutable values of everyone, frankly, what is the fucking point of your philosophy.
I have had leftists screaming at me about Gaza who seem to have not one care about what Putin is doing in Ukraine.
Yeah, it’s maddening. The Ukraine people who don’t give a shit about Gaza are also maddening, though there seem to be less of them here.
But far as I can tell most of the Ukrainians and pro Ukraine people I know are pretty horrified by the Gaza situation too
Zelenski himself is pro Israel though, which I find baffling.
He's Jewish from a country that has pretty bad antisemitism in his (recent) lifetime. He's fighting a war against a country that has alliances with Iran, including munitions used to target civilians. He's also been vocal about need for humanitarian aid in Gaza and respect for international law.
A lot of tankie can't reconcile those contradictions.
*tankies *🤦 Is there a collective noun for tankies? A commune? A Soviet?
okay I scared the cats with how loudly I laughed