
Your regular reminder that I personally loathe Noam Chomsky for the reprehensible things he said in apologia for the Khmer Rouge - and has never really taken back. He was no friend to the Cambodian people. (Not to mention his stance on Ukraine).
Makes me sad that folks on the left like him, ngl.
It does indicate someone who perhaps has not done nearly as much research as they like to think they have
It's a bit funny because how quick the left usually is to cut people loose for failing purity tests, but there's always the few who manage to get into the state of grace where the test must be wrong.
Tbh the left is pretty fucking awful at enforcing the “supporting Russia/genocides committed by vaguely leftist seeming countries” purity test nowadays
If your leftism isn't fundamentally centered on the idea of human dignity and freedom as universal and immutable values of everyone, frankly, what is the fucking point of your philosophy.
I have had leftists screaming at me about Gaza who seem to have not one care about what Putin is doing in Ukraine.
Yeah, it’s maddening. The Ukraine people who don’t give a shit about Gaza are also maddening, though there seem to be less of them here.
But far as I can tell most of the Ukrainians and pro Ukraine people I know are pretty horrified by the Gaza situation too
Not very common on here but very pervasive in Washington DC including up to the highest office
The ones who blow my mind are pro Ukraine but also pro leveling hospitals in Gaza. There’s more than a few on here and they never really go into the morals of it
Those Ukraine people don't include the president. Ukraine officially recognizes the Palestinian state. Which, of course, would get the Ukrainian president thrown out of Columbia or NYU, if he proclaimed it.
Well, even if they don't do that some accuse the UN and red cross of kidnapping people into Russia. This is because post cold war Ukrainians are unaware Russians have no qualms impersonating noncombatants. In 1956 they used ambulances to transport soldiers and kidnap people
The worst are the ones who think we should just leave Ukraine to its fate for Putin to do with as he pleases because they're "pacifists".
Ugh my union is rife with that and I genuinely can't tell whether the SWP is a Russian op or British Trotskyism is just Like That.
You should’ve seen what the same people said about Syrians.
Putin is now in North Korea and there is a Russian fleet in Cuba! What you bet they " recruiting" for replacement troops for the war in Ukraine?
i feel like part of that is that we’re arming and funding the “bad guys”, which is easier to be against than being for arming and funding the “good guys” in ukraine, where it can seem like american imperialist sticking our nose where it doesn’t belong. not that they’re right! but they are different.
When Russia invaded Ukraine, the western countries immediately imposed sanctions and gave military aid to Ukraine. When Israel invaded Gaza, the western countries increased military aid to Israel. That’s the difference.
That’s not even a leftist premise as such, it’s the fundamental principle of liberalism, in all its variants. So it’s not surprising it’s shared by left-liberalism but not by illiberal kinds of leftism.
A few weeks ago I had a pretty active leftist on here tell me that the ruling militia regime in Angola (responsible for lowering that country’s life expectancy to 40 and recruiting 6,000 child soldiers) the “good guys” in the Angolan Civil War just because they call themselves “communist.”
Christopher Hitchens had a line about at some point having to choose between the anti-totalitarian and the anti-imperialist left, which is obviously a false dichotomy, and yet,
Something something broken clock something something
Goes to show should have spent less condescending to women and more time on Poli sci.
Was thinking: this was true in the 60s too. North Vietnam was not one to cheer for, and Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh had been kicked upstairs to figurehead status, so they really were Le Duan fanbois.
As with most of the Cold War conflicts, both sides were run by strongmen who weren’t shy about committing atrocities
The people I have come to feel really sorry for were the people in the traditional hats in the rice paddies. Like most Gazans, not just no good choices, but no choice at all.
Generally, it's simply hating on The Bad Guys, the one entity that is the fount of evil geopolitics, opposed by The Good Guys. It's inverse American exceptionalism, believing that the US is uniquely bad rather than uniquely good. (Not original to me)
I think one of Orwell's great observations is that negative nationalism (Country X is unipolar bad) is still just nationalism, with the same basic blindspots
But nuance and complexity and seeing many sides of an issue is HARRRRDDDDD.
economic benefit and self-satisfaction.
Manufactured Consent bought him far more grace and consideration than he warranted.
He was one of those guys who seemed to have a really well established leftist persona but never managed to put out anything but the most bland leftist analysis.
this, plus: "hurting people is always wrong and violence should be the very, very, VERY last resort" is such an easy, understandable, self-evident and obviously good principle. and yet.
This was true in Russia after 1917 too
A year or two ago, Beau of the Fifth Column pointed out that "leftism" covers a wide range that includes the sort of Communism Stalin practiced. I'm not polysci major but when ideology drives, basic compassion is often sacrificed to dogma.
Moral luck and/or hating your parents
the highs of self-righteous contrarianism
And yet traditionally that hasn't really been a requirement for leftism. There are still old school authoritarian communists who really are gleeful about the idea of oppressing their enemies.