
Does no one remember the pandemic?
For context, Yglesias has written detailed threads and articles on his blog about how devastating Trump's proposed economic platform would be to the economy, inflation, and the deficit. This is the response from an NYT economics reporter.
Yes I know it didn't end (when people said it did) I'm too tired to argue about it.
The fact that basically no one who argues about this on social media is willing to define when the “end” of a pandemic is makes it basically a pointless argument anyways.
They literally do not! They think of it as a six week long nightmarish period that they cannot quite recall until pressed. (And they will get super mad if you press them.)
I remember we had a small text group that could cover whether 3 different Targets had toilet paper.
As far as I can tell, I'm the only person who remembers we had a whole trade war with China.
Talking about the pandemic isn't very zinger-y. We only want stories that are zinger-y, not true and important.
And of course Trump improved the economy. 🤦‍♀️