UnconditionalProng Returns!

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UnconditionalProng Returns!


Go to Blue Sky, Twitter X Social is deader than dinosaurs.
It's why I don't watch the pundits I did a few years ago. The left pundits have continued to become more doomer by the day. It's not mentally good and not what is needed nor wanted right now.
Also, would this cause a rally round the flag effect for Trump? He certainly won't be at Bush levels after 9/11. At best, it would be like it was around May 2020.
The shooter was a registered Republican who before he was old enough to vote made a small donation to a more left organization. The shirt has evidence there was a good chance he was a gun nut too.
And this is why those left of Trump should not give up in November. It can work.
When I was a libertarian chud, I saw Alex Jones for about a year around 2009. His hatred for Obama was wild. He used the birther stuff early on and frequently called him Barry Soetoro. Thank goodness I put an end to watching his lunacy quick!
Remember 2022 when it was a repeat of 2010's red tsunami? Wait? That didn't happen?
Yeah, and Trump lost. We can do it again. The doomerism for some on the left is crazy. Cornel is not going to win, Jill is not going to win, and Bernie is not running a last second campaign. Play with the hand you are dealt.
With all the hard anti-Dem stuff the left is doing right now, you would swear they were MAGA or tankies. More "Old man bad" than "orange man bad" right now.
I agree. I used the "Mad as hell" bit from the movie Network yesterday as a way to rile up. Lefties blaming the Dems more than Republicans is what the right wants because it promotes infighting and makes them look more united.
Actual leftists are a small pond. We have to work with Dems. Besides, the right lumps both groups into one anyways. When Aaron Lewis was screaming WTF at his TV, he was talking about both Bernie and Biden. They tend to call them all libs.
An active civil war would be bad for everyone outside of maybe Xi as it would make China the global superpower pretty quickly.
Better the right fire the first shot than the left. Let Texas or Florida use legislation to leave the Union. If it was Cali, good chance Trump would threaten nukes.
Because Jill Stein or Cornel will stop fascism?
The driver of that car is probably akin to the character that uses slurs in the song too.
That is uglier than a taxi cab yellow Aztek.
2024 didn't seem so bad with the convicton, but the Court, debate, and this have proved it all went to hell in a handbasket.
And yes, this includes others left of Trump. The infighting and giving up is exactly what the Trumpists want.
And everyone left of Trump sticks their head in the sand with no solution. Just moping. The reaction to all this is exactly what they want.
The nihilism is rough. I remember Sarah Z's Doomer video when the pandemic started. The one line that struck me is that the right would love nothing more than to have their opponents give up.
Honestly, I don't care that this is flagged. Getting the message across is what counts.
It's time to make the #GOP as unpopular as it was in the 1930's. #votebluenomatterwho #biden2024
A certain song Prince wrote is living rent free right now.
Dore legit thought the moon would go into lake Michigan before Orange Man changed the Court. Dore was very, very wrong.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but other nations are going the same way. Is there a nation not falling to the far right right now?
I just wish Biden would be our Lincoln. Sadly, he does not appear to have that interest.
Taney's actions did cause Civil War I. Roberts is out to continue the tradition Taney set.
SCOTUS tried this in the 1850's. Taney and co. lost. I just hope a bunch of people don't die this time to win.
Also, it just makes the right stronger by giving them more ammo. Get mad, but not that way.