understatesmen.bsky.social follows

the count of monte posters

you don't have to be probated for 100,000 hours to post here, but
Kristin 🍉
Kristin 🍉
🏳️‍🌈 fantasy writer, SFWA member, freelanceJP-EN translator(THE KIDS WE WERE, VOICE OF CARDS, TRIANGLE STRATEGY etc), manga editor, cat lover, immigrant, introverted but willing to be mutually feral about Baldur’s Gate 3
Aubrey Wood - BANG BANG BODHISATTVA paperback and audio out now!
Aubrey Wood - BANG BANG BODHISATTVA paperback and audio out now!
I write books & bad skeets. Biracial, butch & foul mouthed. She. Queer cyberpunk debut and Lambda finalist BANG BANG BODHISATTVA out now from Solaris!
theatremaker (technically?). comms for a certain students association. i also went to 16 mojos once. very into trains. eph__em__era elsewhere. wellington person. they/them
Joyce (Wolf) Chng/Ch'ng 🐺
Joyce (Wolf) Chng/Ch'ng 🐺
Werewolves. Mice. Strange Horizons Articles Senior Ed. Skiffy & Fanty. Cold Open Stories Originals ed. KidlitSEA. IGDN Diversity Coordinator. SEA (Southeast Asian) SFF. FIRE HEART (2024) (She/They/Qar). Giant Oarfish (imprint, 2025)
Illustrations / Character Designs / Comic Books / Partnered Twitch Streamer

YOU MUST TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF IF YOU WANT TO VANQUISH YOUR ENEMIES. I WILL HELP. (by @nora.zone, icon by Delapouite at https://game-icons.net)
Celebrating ♀'s art & creativity, curated by autist @tidbit.bsky.social & art nerd @brainchain.bsky.social. Images © to respective owners. WA2 actually welcomes all followers, art from diverse communities/cultures, even 🏳️‍⚧️

Pfp cred @pianta.bsky.social
1/200 Media
1/200 Media
Independent media and politics from Aotearoa



Mia Moore
Mia Moore
Filmmaker 🔸️ Comedian 🔸️ Top 6% OnlyFans
Rose Schmits
Rose Schmits
Trans kiln witch™

The technician from that pottery tv show

she/her 🏳️‍⚧️

November Kelly
November Kelly
Kill James Bond!
Kill James Bond!
@AliceAvizandum, @TheAbigailThorn and @DevonOnEarth seek to kill the James Bond in our heads

♿Smollestbunny/hiding from plagues (abandon labour party NZ)
♿Smollestbunny/hiding from plagues (abandon labour party NZ)
Iranian commie in Wellington Aotearoa NZ
Disabled & poor
#maskup the pandemic never ended
Permanently unwell

Consider supporting my existence and survival under this capitalist hellscape: https://ko-fi.com/systemerror
Didi is not a dude🏳️‍⚧️
Didi is not a dude🏳️‍⚧️
formerly didic on twitter. Publisher, Nova Press (on hiatus). Writer. Editor. Translator. Blogger. Speaker. Geek. Asexual. Enby. Tired. they/them. Science fiction and fantasy person.
E.D.E. Bell
E.D.E. Bell
Fantasy author. Editor @atthisarts. Vegan. Mama. Queer. Mentally disabled. Blue Ajah. Hasty Ent. Quests in heal spec. Shkode Kwe. Aήττητη. she/her or e/em. 🧄. Tweets @edebellauthor, Toots @[email protected] and irl.
august ⛓️🍬🍒
august ⛓️🍬🍒
scapegracers is my fault
Emily Andras
Emily Andras
Writer of scripts. Attempter some quips. Eater your chips.

Jane A
Jane A
writer & editor ~ wellington, nz ~ she/her
Alasdair Stuart
Alasdair Stuart
Award-winning voice actor. Narrative designer. Pop culture analyst. Podcaster. Game designer. ‘Fantastic Frontal Everything'-Matt Wallace. Unlawfully tall. Bringing genre into ‘SUCH disrepute’ since 1976.
𝕲𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖛𝖆 𝕲𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖑
𝕲𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖛𝖆 𝕲𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖑
she/her 🏳️‍🌈 🇮🇹 🍉
◆ 🔞NSFW🔞
◆ Goth Baroque Erotica
◆ Links: linktr.ee/Godiva_Ghoul
Snow 🏳️‍⚧️
Snow 🏳️‍⚧️
Learning Longsword (German). Player of Pathfinder 2e. Painter of minis. Maker of chainmail. Printer of 3D items. Trans. Lesbian. Kiwi.
C. J. Lavigne
C. J. Lavigne
Canadian SFF writer. Author of IN VERITAS. THE DROWNED MAN'S DAUGHTER coming fall 2025. Short stories in On Spec, Fusion Fragment, Daily Science Fiction, Augur, PodCastle, and other fine publications. I like coffee and cats. www.cjlavigne.com
Jay Hulme
Jay Hulme
Poet. Speaker. Educator. Performer. Adult, YA, and Children's poetry. Occasionally picture books. Lots of tweets about churches. Unapologetically trans (he/him)
Alex Acks
Alex Acks
aka Alex Wells, certified gentlethem. Author, geologist, "asshole geographer", cyclist, cat dad. Union strong and queer as hell. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈✊Currently writing Thor and Loki for Marvel Move. (they/them) https://katsudon.net/
Mara Wilson
Mara Wilson
Writer, actor, audiobook narrator, notorious tryhard
Assiduously Julie
Assiduously Julie
Pākehā. Officially verified as 'most definitely not an asshole' by Paula Penfold. She/her.
Buy a t-shirt! https://protest.digitees.co.nz/
Knowledge Orders before Modernity
Knowledge Orders before Modernity
A Leverhulme Doctoral Scholarships Programme, a partnership between King's College London and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, University of Kent. Directors: Prof. Julia Crick and Dr David Rundle.
Website: https://www.komldsp.org.uk/
Xiran Jay Zhao
Xiran Jay Zhao
#1 New-York-Times-Bestselling & Hugo-Award-disqualified author of IRON WIDOW and ZACHARY YING AND THE DRAGON EMPEROR (They/Them)
service provider 🍉
service provider 🍉
"oh yeah I think I remember him from twitter"

He/they | Bi/Pan | Pākehā

Not a safe space for "economists"
Cheryl Morgan
Cheryl Morgan
Writer, editor, publisher. Science fiction and fantasy, also queer history. Welsh. May rant about rugby.
Marguerite Kenner
Marguerite Kenner
Dangerously Polite; Deadly Serious | Escape Artists Foundation publisher/Pres/CEO | Lawyer (views mine, not advice) | All things podcast | She/Her
K. Tempest Bradford
K. Tempest Bradford
The (reluctantly) official BlueSky account of award-winning author (Ruby Finley vs. the Interstellar Invasion), editor, teacher (@writingtheother.com), and freelance adventuress K. Tempest Bradford (she/her).
Adri Joy
Adri Joy
(She/her) Co-editor and critic at Hugo and Ignyte winning SFF fanzine NERDS OF A FEATHER, FLOCK TOGETHER. Dog person, ocean enjoyer, I like being elsewhere.
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association
SFWA promotes, advances, and supports science fiction and fantasy storytelling by educating, promoting, and empowering its creators and the larger community.
Official Bluesky account (check domain👆)

Follow for updates and announcements
Elizabeth Knox
Elizabeth Knox
Author, Aotearoa. Exchanging flaming sword for walking stick. Less damage, more hits.
Muscle Mommy in Training
Muscle Mommy in Training
rambunctious sword lady and overall rascal
Lesbian Death Bed: The Bed that Eats Pussy
Lesbian Death Bed: The Bed that Eats Pussy
Midnight Society founder. Genderfluid transvestite goblin 🏳️‍⚧️👺 He/Him, She/Her. Three (3) x Hugo Nominee. Reppd by John Baker & @literaryfey http://www.bitterkarella.com
Eve Harms
Eve Harms
Horror writer, author of TRANSMUTED. Also making zines, apps and whatever else I feel like on @thatclowngoddess.bsky.social . Welcome to the freak show 🤡🪬 (she/her)

"Swear to god you're like a Fox Fire book set in hell." - Ursula Vernon
"You puckish motherfucker." - Sarah Day
Trans and queer anarchist sheep farmer. Navy veteran attempting to redeem himself.
Kameron Hurley
Kameron Hurley
Amateur gardener. Professional ad copywriter. Award-winning novelist | kameronhurley.com
Camestros Felapton
Camestros Felapton
Two-time Hugo Award Finalist
Author of Debarkle: a history of the Sad Puppies https://camestrosfelapton.wordpress.com/debarkle/
And The Hugosauriad: an analysis of the Hugo Award via dinosaurs https://camestrosfelapton.wordpress.com/hugosauriad/
Erin Biba
Erin Biba
Freelance Science Journalist. Fact Checker.
National Geographic, BBC, Scientific American, NBC News, PopSci, WIRED, and others.

I mostly post about Jewish stuff, disability, social justice, and Star Trek.

Recovering forum poster, politics doomer, basketball nerd. I write code for a living. He/him.

Deputy Chair of the Ankh-Morpork Posters’ Guild

PFP by @atlastalos.bsky.social

discord: xel42 (mutuals only)