Crow, in Autumn Clad

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Crow, in Autumn Clad unlimitedblack
warning: very nerdy content.
He/him/that damn crow. Narrative Designer.

I remain a creature of hope.
BEHOLD a smol bun to brighten thy darkened day
Your feed is now blessed by the cutest bunny on the planet
the brain scorpions are really good at this particular tactic and it sucks. I feel pretty confident that the absence of you would be felt, powerfully, by a lot of people and also Mooney.
Explain your WIPs in one short sentence badly - Four disastrous queers duel an ex-girlfriend for the Codpiece of the Gods. The Godpiece. - Stardew Valley but everyone is a dead JRPG protagonist with emotional damage - two girls think about kissing each other a bunch, also war with darkness
Explain your WIPs in one short sentence badly - Follow a stranger home - Playing cards do everything - Bring your dope castle with you
holdin out for that scheduled maintenance
what I wouldn't give for an opportunity to turn it off/turn it on again vis a vis the present simulation like there's just a bunch of rogue processes setting off kernel panic and we gotta just power cycle this rig bunny
Me: Wee I'm cooking~ My brain: When someone has a penis in them, they are a dick dock Me: WHAT THE FUCK, BRAIN
The US has been kinda having a DAY for the last 5-6 hours, I imagine that might have something to do with it
Marcus Aurelius: "Enough politics. Let us pretend that you are a loving daughter, and I am a good father." Lucilla: "... this is a pleasant fiction." -- Ridley Scott's "Gladiator" (2000)
... man we really need to invest in the postal service
Even though I've just said "shut up about Biden having dementia" - this is the argument, really, for Biden dropping out. The fundamental biases of the race - and, more importantly, the electorate - don't seem likely to change, and right now Biden is slightly losing the election.
Biden has to run the Olympics every fucking day. Trump merely has to not pull out his dick in public.
Look: as someone who's had multiple elder generation family members succumb to dementia, Biden doesn't look like someone with dementia *at all* and it pisses me off when people dismissively call him senile. People who know, know. He's old and he's lost a step, but demented? No, obviously not.
Do one of these stupid press conference 3x a week until people are used to this just being how Biden is. The bar is so low that him just getting through one of these without shitting his pants is a win for the campaign.
A/C dude today at 2pm: "dude'll be there at 3!" At 3PM, me: >_> <_< At 3:05PM, that dude: "I'M HERE, I GOT THE THING" *ONE HOUR LATER* That Dude: "okay that should work" Me: "yeah I'm still gonna stay at that hotel tonight, I ain't takin chances" That Dude: "fair"
A/C dude yesterday: "we'll let you know when part comes in, tech'll be there 11-3 to install it" Me: "COOL" Today, at 11am... Me: "haven't heard anything, I should call" A/C dude today at 12pm: "oh yeah part came in, tech'll be there 12-4 to install it, it's deffo happening" Me:
A/C dude yesterday: "we'll let you know when part comes in, tech'll be there 11-3 to install it" Me: "COOL" Today, at 11am... Me: "haven't heard anything, I should call" A/C dude today at 12pm: "oh yeah part came in, tech'll be there 12-4 to install it, it's deffo happening" Me:
ahh snap... that's the opposite of the expertise I'd need... No worries though, was a shot in the dark. ^_^
say do you have any experience with the interaction between demand management devices and A/C systems? I've got a theory but I don't have the electrical knowledge to know if it's feasible or not.
The cultural influence of King Arthur, Merlin, the Knights of the Round Table, as well as other folklore of chivalry and/or the Crusades (and material like Robin Hood) likely play a part in why those trappings are so common for fantasy.
... sweet sisters of mercy, the children... ... they'll burn the world thinking they're learning truth, but it's all lies, all of it...
Well this is grim
What's hilarious is that the whole basis for the alpha male/beta male hierarchy turned out to be a flawed experiment and had no basis in demonstrable fact.
hotfix male. release candidate male. shovelware male
Agile Male. Scrum Male. Skateboard Male. Full Stack Male. Consultant Male. Freelance Male.
Glad you were able to get resolved quickly! We're on Day 8 of waiting for a part to come in and have moved into a hotel because it's 110F or more outside
*shudders* okay yeah I think seeing that story on Twitter is giving me a REAL compelling reason to log out of that site and never log in again i want to UNKNOW that story like it's hard to articulate the psychic damage
Alternatively: they realize this, and they continue running it anyway because it perpetuates the "the horse race is close actually" narrative that the 24hr news cycle needs in order to thrive. Because mass media NEEDS the race to be competitive in order to get ratings.
ive been consulting with indies for nearly 12 months now and in that time ive found one constant: nobody knows how to present or market their own game, and by the time they try to get help, it's usually already way too late