
I think the freakout has been absurd and overblown and far more damaging than the debate itself, which would have been survivable if everyone had been willing to circle the wagons and push back on it I am, from a purely pragmatic standpoint, extremely concerned that the damage cannot be overcome
Breaking news: President Biden and his senior team said they accepted the grim ultimatum they’ve been hearing from almost all quarters of the Democratic Party — to demonstrate his fitness for office or face a significant effort to force him to step aside.
Biden and aides concede he needs to quickly demonstrate his fitness for Critics have been shaken by his relative inaction to directly address the panic ignited by his halting debate performance last Thursday.
I may well be wrong about this - it's still the beginning of July, and a number of people I respect have a different view of the situation but at this point the only thing that matters to me is beating Trump in November and I don't think Biden can do that without full support from his party
tbh i think it just requires biden doing an interview, spouting off some of his malarkey talk, and making a few disparaging jokes about the nyt and it'll be fine
I hope you're right, I really do, and I guess we'll see how this weekend's interviews go but I am not convinced, not with the depth of worry across the party I would be absolutely delighted to eat shit here
i mean, legitimately, if he flubs an interview with stephanopolous it would be disasterous. but i doubt it'll happen.
if he can nail that and we can get a round of "Dems feel reassured by Biden's performance, donors back on board, etc" stories that would be ideal
honestly? i think he'll do fine. i don't know if it will be enough for the panic frenzy, though.
it honestly rules that everyone left of center right in this country just guzzles right wing talking points and regurgitates them on demand in addition to the total and complete inability to not frame everything as they have been framed by the right wing extended cinematic universe media ecosystem
seeing leftists pivot and gleefully regurgitate the whispers reported in the nyt, an infamously sincere and progressive media outlet, while replaying audio clips of biden giving completely coherent & sound responses from the debate and acting as if he just spoke gibberish while half asleep.
straight up, this is a hilariously bad moral panic lol
>expecting left of center americans to show a little backbone
GLHM got it right yesterday, not enough punks
Everyone knows that everyone left of center has anxiety disorder (mine, for example, is diagnosed!)
It is just fucking astounding and my expectations were real low
Moral panic is (respectfully) the wrong word because it’s still really fucking obvious where the morality lies. It’s a strategic shit show but the morality is fucking clear as day
“Should I vote for the guy with some senior moments, or the proud full of shit fascist”. I don’t mean to say anyone said anything bad, just a tad clumsy, but the whole morality question is about how we - if possible - talk to people who answer this question wrong
as someone who did way too much goddamn debate, i probably rank it close to the bottom of any measurement possible of indicating the executive competency of someone who is to hold the keys to the nuclear football. that's really all i am saying and re: the response to the media spectacle of "debate"
biden couldn't beat the spread at a CX with a judge who just goes for unanswered args, what else is new. doesn't mean *shit*
and the painful thing is that trump is doing what a shitty debater would do when given a lay audience he can't read. just bullshit! just speak really fast, really loud, never concede, and keep bullshitting everything you say! a prime example of /why/ public debate is often a terrible medium!
If I read you right, I think you’re correct, being able to perform in a pageant doesn’t really indicate whether he can perform the job. And he has a really good track record on a number of issues. Not the guy I’d prefer, but the one I’ve got. I’m saying that he’s by far the more moral candidate
oh yeah, i think i misread you if anything lol
I absolutely agree, showmanship does not indicate skill on the job
before anyone even tries to frame this as me punching left, i am giving an extremely sincere summary of one of the handful of podcasts I listen to, a podcast that is hosted by individuals I would describe, no less, as fairly erudite socialists who are pretty dedicated activists lol.
i'm just saying that your relative perspective for everything really might be as easily influenced as, idk, hanging out with the sort of crowd that ends up at new yorker parties and festivities along the beltway (and similarly online, in group chats) lol
I wonder if I'm thinking of the same podcast. Incidentally, I've had to cut back on left podcasts. The amount of right wing talking points they spit up has increased far too much.
Either way the whole punching left concept thing is very dumb imo. Arbitrary, too.
Things that would make me chainsmoke entire packs at a time because holy hell I thought everyone was quitting reading the NYT!
like we all had a lot of fun just a couple of months ago with the article about how AG's feelings were hurt because biden doesn't respect him, and yet,,,,
I’m 100% a believer that this kerfluffle is over the most fuckshit of reasons because knowing politics, That Tracks, but it’s still absolutely pathetic
The rigorous analytical chops we all brought to bear on whether that dress was blue or gold coming out for a reprise in Act Two... "Did you hear 'Yanny' or 'Laurel'? Think hard because the fate of the republic is riding on this."
yeah but when they’re saying mean things about Joe Brandon, they’re reliable and important
“Gleefully”? “Regurgitate? Dude we were saying this would but them in the ass two years ago lol. Gtfo with your left blaming bullshit.
literally the next reply you big nerd
before anyone even tries to frame this as me punching left, i am giving an extremely sincere summary of one of the handful of podcasts I listen to, a podcast that is hosted by individuals I would describe, no less, as fairly erudite socialists who are pretty dedicated activists lol.
i also said everyone left of center right, the problem is everyone lapping up whatever the current right wing talking point/framing is lol
No, the problem is the democrats are fucking unsalvageable
It’s equally as beianwormed lol, in red the whole thing; you people are unreachable haha