
I think the freakout has been absurd and overblown and far more damaging than the debate itself, which would have been survivable if everyone had been willing to circle the wagons and push back on it I am, from a purely pragmatic standpoint, extremely concerned that the damage cannot be overcome
Breaking news: President Biden and his senior team said they accepted the grim ultimatum they’ve been hearing from almost all quarters of the Democratic Party — to demonstrate his fitness for office or face a significant effort to force him to step aside.
Biden and aides concede he needs to quickly demonstrate his fitness for Critics have been shaken by his relative inaction to directly address the panic ignited by his halting debate performance last Thursday.
I may well be wrong about this - it's still the beginning of July, and a number of people I respect have a different view of the situation but at this point the only thing that matters to me is beating Trump in November and I don't think Biden can do that without full support from his party
the Times and the rest of the media ratfuck are one thing, but it's beyond obvious at this point that the calls are coming from inside the house, and the Biden folks have failed to contain the party-level freakout either that needs to be fixed, and very soon, or you tag in Kamala
I'm convinced that if you "Tag in" Kamala she gets max one positive news cycle & then they tear into her, whining how much better a different candidate would be, meaning you lose incumbency and gain nothing. Given that they're already ragging on her, one positive cycle seems like wishful thinking.
Like, why wouldn't they? You handed them a scalp on a silver platter after less than a week.
This is where I keep landing. I'm not really in either camp, I genuinely don't know what's best, but I do feel like a lot of people are underselling that Dems' caving to pressure is itself a story, and one the media will be only too happy to focus on.
Setting aside ultra-cynical: "they're doing this for clicks because print media is dying" It seems that the pundits are having a panicked meltdown. So many dismiss Kamala & envision a fantasy do over primary is evidence against rational thinking. Why would the rest of their thoughts be different?
If there’s one story the newspapers would *never* do, it’s “Dems in disarray”
absolutely could be! the options here are all bad and I think those of us trying to predict it are flying more blind than usual
I dunno, I think if Thomas fucking Friedman tells you to do something, then that's a pretty clear hint that the opposite course of action is the one to take.
So unfair, he didn't even wait One Full Friedman Unit before deciding Joe Biden needed to step down.
You gain tons of a negative articles that are dog whistles about her sex and race!
I just have a huge hurdle to jump accepting the idea that Kamala Harris would jump in full bore with nitro engaged for, well, anything.
There is no planet in which replacing Biden solves Democrats' media problem. It will just result in more cycles wasted on "Dems in disarray" instead of Trump's fitness for office. It's Hillary's fucking emails all over again.
Democrats: We'll do whatever it takes to defeat fascism, except sound uncool on cable news. Harden up and sell the old guy, you useless dipshits.
Oh no, old ass Biden might hand the white house to a couple technocrat chief of staff types who think climate change exists and health care should be legal? And? And?
I think they have a few days left to prove Biden’s brain still works and they won’t be able to do it to anyone’s satisfaction in the party.
Even if they 'prove' that he is fit, he can't have one more bad day and, well, he's going to have more bad days because that's just how getting old works. When you pile on stress the chances are you get more and more bad days.
Sure sounds like he shouldn't be running for President then, imo
It’s an over reaction in the making since last year. Dude is old, yes, but he knows the gig. I’ll shut up now.
If I’m on the team, we pitch a plan to comfort the party *by* handing off to Kamala, but keep it locked down by doing a press blitz to demonstrate competence. Get all the major players to say, “We trust Joe’s judgment” and make the convention the big switch. But that’s just me.
I’d do it 2 days post-GOP convention, steal their thunder, and then have a coordinated month-long roll-out, culminating in the convention. Take the lead, never look back.
A major problem being that if they tag in Kamala, the chance they lose goes up significantly. Despite being upset Biden is running when evidence of age-related impairment is obvious every time he’s on camera, I don’t think there’s anyone else that will build a coalition as well.
But that would create new problems. Will Kamala be supported in a unified way? I’ll believe it when I see it, but even to see how some have passed right over her…does not bode well. Democrats have to decide now if the want to beat Trump. Biden can do it, but can the Dems?
This is the real thing. I thought by now they would’ve figured out some kind of containment strategy and put it into place but they clearly haven’t - which means there isn’t one. And that can only be because it is as bad or worse than it seems. Or not! But silence is not a strategy.
Yup, and it absolutely needs to be VP Harris
I think the party level freak out is because they all believed what the Biden ppl were saying about his ability in private. The debate completely shattered that story. The Biden campaign can't contain it bc it's true and it's public now.
That’s the real hell of it, there’s no way to tag another candidate in that easily. For obvious reasons a candidate can’t transfer pledged delegates to someone else, only release them to be unpledged. At that point it’s a free-for-all at the convention.
tbh i think it just requires biden doing an interview, spouting off some of his malarkey talk, and making a few disparaging jokes about the nyt and it'll be fine
I hope you're right, I really do, and I guess we'll see how this weekend's interviews go but I am not convinced, not with the depth of worry across the party I would be absolutely delighted to eat shit here
i mean, legitimately, if he flubs an interview with stephanopolous it would be disasterous. but i doubt it'll happen.
the flubbing, i mean. not the interview. he's obviously doing the interview
I think seriously underestimating how poorly this can go considering what we saw during the debate. I don’t think there was any way to convince anyone but the most committed partisans that there’s no reason to worry even if everyone decided they’d just push that line. He was obviously struggling.
Hopefully he bounces back, I really hope he does, but there was no way to deny what everyone could see and hear without sounding totally disingenuous. Again, hopefully he comes out strong the rest of the way.
i mean if he fucks it up, its probably curtains
Yeah, “clap harder” isn’t a solution. Campaign needs to stop fucking up.
if he can nail that and we can get a round of "Dems feel reassured by Biden's performance, donors back on board, etc" stories that would be ideal
honestly? i think he'll do fine. i don't know if it will be enough for the panic frenzy, though.
Legit think a lot of people have already made their minds up and will not accept any showing of strength from him
I think it would be enough, but what are all the folks who've explicitly gone on record as saying they want him to go going to do if that happens? Explicitly recanting will just make them look like completely useless cretins.
Considering the majority of the panic seems to be from folks who've been complaining since the primary, I don't think anything will shut them up.
The interview was kept to 15 minutes. Not great.
media friggin loves interviews and formal press conferences. if he's capable of doing a few good ones, hopefully something else will take over the news cycle
Wasn’t there a lower key version of this leading into the State of the Union
"Dems feel reassured by biden's performance, donors back on board, why this is bad for old man biden, and why he should still drop out" -NYT
And he can’t just be passable, IMO. He needs to sharply redirect every question about his age to the threat of Trump. It can’t look defensive.