Canary in the Coal Mine

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Canary in the Coal Mine

Reply gal (mostly) who is still psyched to be here. Tom Cotton wanted to send troops into my neighborhood in 2020. After this +growing up rural, I have very strong feelings about our failed government, media, legal system, and rising fascism from the right
Remind me again, which policies did Hillary Clinton sign and/or which men do we treat as a single unit with their wives to the point that anything their wives do, we de facto treat them the same way? Beyond that my district sent the head of the progressive caucus to DC so you can stop the lecture
I’m just not a leftist sucker who thinks my real enemy are the people slightly to the right of me vs. the people all the way to the right of me, who I used to live among, who controlled me with violence which is all that waits all of us as we bicker and relitigate ancient history.
It seems unlikely. I’ve never believed the party of racism and sexism would ever put a woman or POC in that #2 spot. They started all of this Biden’s-so-old-oh-noes-Harris stuff, they are clear eyed about Trump’s fitness and that *his* VP will likely become president. My $ is on Jr.
Which is fascinating, since that’s blaming her for both a) her husband’s behavior, and b) for a Republican trade deal that was signed under the whole operating principle we used to have of not throwing something out from a prior administration for stability. Both of which are super weird.
Totally! They are a batch of sociopaths who invented the term “virtue signaling” because they can’t conceive of any virtue that is’t false and/or being cynically deployed in bad faith to manipulate others.
Yes! It helps to also make sure that people understand that “porn” to these folks is Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Magazine and not whatever first popped to mind.
You’d think, but the whole idea of armed self-defense only ever seems to work out for (white, straight) men. Spend some time looking at reporting about how often women get sent to jail for killing clearly abusive husbands. It’s a lot. Gotta discourage the rest of us from getting ideas you see.
While this individual person may not be this way, Whitmer is to Harris what Warren was to Clinton in 2016. The “I’m not sexist, I’d vote for a woman, just not *that* woman” candidate and it’s gross. Whitmer, like Warren in 2020 would immediately become the “not that woman” the moment she seeks power
This is “But her emails” all over - it’s the exact same playbook of normalizing the abnormal shitshow of a confederate circus while dragging down and relentlessly shanking the “normal” side then calling the result balance. We just notice it more when it’s run against a white guy than *any* minority.
Nope, because I’m not a dumbass who learns politics and history from memes about 10 seconds in a 30 minute interview. All I see is the same shit I’ve been seeing, people rushing to shank him over and over without being honest about why, in some magical belief they’ll get a progressive.
Ah yes, the WW2 Nazis and Imperial Japanese, famous for canceling people on social media. Their excuses aren’t even good anymore, they are so deep into the “lying badly as pure power play” to watch us take it at face value and collapse inwards analyzing, evaluating, and responding.
They don’t think the threat is real and aren’t capable of ceding authority. None of these dudes stop to think about how their implicit demand is for all of us to STFU until we die, because our deaths are the only warning they care to hear. Or how suspect it is they can’t trust minorities before that
The discourse around biden needing more sleep is fully insane. Does no one remember "Executive Time," the thing Trump spent the majority(!) of his schedule on where he would just watch TV and tweet? Dude was categorically unable to fulfill any of the demands of the office and the press barely cared
Lololol he did his typical “coffee boy” routine combined with the vapid PR vagueness of “don’t like some” that encourages the reader to go “of course he means what I believe”. Not that anyone will correct them. He’s not distancing shit, he’s lying and you guys are playing owned media. Again.
The last week felt much like the other two events that most advanced American fascism—that being the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the Trump election. There's a pervasive and inescapable feeling of dread and despair around, because, as fascists see it, there is supposed to be.
I’m still just so sorry I fell for the kayfabe in the early days of 2016 and 2017 and actually subscribed to these papers, thus helping to cement the idea for them that Trump was great for their numbers. I actually believed they were fighting all this (lol) - I will never subscribe again.
Lolol no they didn’t, are you kidding me? The confederacy has been just as mad at the fact that they didn’t go further right as we have our politicians not going further left. Shows me you don’t actually listen to circles where they talk openly to each other, or understand why they love Trump.
It’s amazing to me how we can watch the republicans win for decades, and be such shitty combatants that we keep shanking our own side rather than learn winning tactics.
This is the problem with massive generational wealth. Family values tend to persist over time, and the same family owns it now as did during the “yay Hitler, we love you!” NYT era.
I grew up in an evangelical area in the 70s and 80s so I’m super familiar with the tactics and the beliefs of the right. They don’t do this whole purity shit in a general that we do. They see the left as the enemy, they vote against us, period. They don’t give a shit about “oh I’m not excited”
You think MAGA was psyched about pulling the lever for people like Bush or Romney? No. But they hate us with the passion of a million suns and know that we are more a threat to their movement than people a bit more to the left than they are, but firmly on the right. We’ve never met that threat.
Withholding votes in the general has only ever made them chase the voters who reliably vote: conservatives. My district sent the head of the progressive caucus to DC, we did it the same way republicans do. Vote as far left as you can in a primary and then against republicans in the general.
Yes, thank you for being brave enough to point this out. We all need to keep pointing it out. This is the danger, they are painting people into a corner in which there will be only two options, violence or acquiescence. Just because we’ve chosen the latter since the 60s doesn’t mean we always will.
The entire time the 20% or whatever it is of unqualified legacy or donor kids just skate on by, as everyone argues over the one spot that might have gone to an exceptional minority candidate instead.
Yup, first judge to let someone out that a president put in finds themselves in jail or worse and that ends any other judge’s desire to cross him. These guys have never been the targets of “binds, but does not protect” to have the imagination to know what comes next. They shouldn’t be who we go to.
I will vote for Biden, Harris, or a ham sandwich (D) if that’s what’s on the ticket this year, but I know I would be *excited* to vote for a Harris ticket if combined with a strong, bold vision to combat project 2025. Would be interesting to see polling on something like that.
One million percent agree. I have to control a huge amount of rage any time I see people blame her campaign for being bad. That was a group of people facing what we now fully know was illegal campaign manipulation & foreign cyberattacks - by themselves - as most major US institutions piled on.