vartan (oopsallplants)

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vartan (oopsallplants)

Certified to not have donkey brains. Do you have such a certificate? Houseplant lover•software eng•black lives matter•trans rights are human rights
increasingly clear that the epistemic vacuum left by gutting the journalism business is rn largely filled by overprivileged dunces wishcasting a reality that confirms their priors
When I was 14 I had to ban ex-Megadeth guitarist Jeff Young from my forum because he wouldn't stop calling everyone a "douche canoe" and destroying the vibes.
You can tell who did and who did not moderate IRC/phpBB/whatever back in the day, because all of us who did learned the true shape of online group culture: your culture is the shittiest person you don't ban
always thinking about her
I'm pretty sure a stint on the contraption would fix my back
Design review out of context: "That is a really hot load"
computer scientists: we have invented a virtual dumbass who is constantly wrong tech CEOs: let's add it to every product
If your website truncates longer articles with a "story continues" link, I hate you. Show the whole article, you fucking coward.
what's your favorite tattoo? it’s this thigh wrap for me.
what's your favorite tattoo? i love my thigh tattoos sm sm sm, can't wait to get them some company
One of our cats and our dog hate it when I play the organ at a reasonable volume. Nimbus meows at me and Taz whines :(
It's "No meeting week" at the office again, and my calendar is still full
look how they massacred my boy
They really made "black hole cherry" candy that turns your poops black
The neat thing about working on an app with so many users is being able to measure millenia of users' time saved from performance improvements last year.
Shoutout to when the Austin police tried to make it seem like everyone loved them and Nathan from Nathan for you went the extra mile and recreated it
NYC mayor Eric Adams, defending NYPD's response to pro-Palestinian protests in Bay Ridge, Brookyn, asks why nobody sends the NYPD thank-you notes for all the good they do
Yesterday I got blocked in a freeway exit because a driverless Waymo stopped in the middle of a busy 5 way intersection, blocking some lanes. Who do I honk at? Fuck these things.
Our group of phantom thieves is known as the goon squad
I’m playing Persona 5 Royal for the first time and loving every minute of it. Except it makes me anxious that all of their secret communications are over text/chat app.
It will always baffle me how we as a society have just let scammers ruin so many parts of our daily lives. We cannot take phone calls anymore, emails and texts are flooded with scams, and social media directs you to scam sites for everything from forever stamps to kids toys.
I FOIA'd the FTC for consumer complaints about Little Tikes and there are a huge number of fake toy websites advertising on Facebook and Google that will take your money and won't send anything.
'I Really Hope No Other Parent Has Disappointed Kids Like Mine': Fake Websites for Little Tikes Swindle The sites look very official, but they just steal your money and don't deliver any toys.
Used to be you could stir-fry rice and it would go all over the stove because the sides of the pan were too shallow. Can't anymore. Because of wok.
I'm playing Fallout 4 on survival mode for the first time, and this experience has upgraded the game to my favorite of the Fallout series. It's an incredibly immersive way to play.
Spring is springing in my backyard
I love have 4 hours of meetings smeared throughout the day so I never get more than 30 minutes of time to context switch think deeply about my work.
smoking weed to erase the pain that javascript has cause me
Also accurate for software engineering.
also, tell me the rules before I even type it out!!
How about you tell me my password doesn't meet your arcane requirements when I enter it, instead of letting me fill out the entire page and hitting submit.
It costs like $20 to get one that you can install between the toilet and the seat. The only downside is the disappointment when you have to poop anywhere else.
apropos of nothing it's wild to me that any time i extoll the virtues of owning a bidet, invariably there's at least one person who is very insistent that they WANT to have a dirty ass like a peasant from a medieval ages and is appalled that i would even SUGGEST they wash themselves better. grow up!