Vicki Meagher

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Vicki Meagher

Playwright in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

To see a video version of my play CAT'S PAJAMAS on Xerb TV, go to


Ideology: to the right of left-of-center
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I really don’t think most people realize just how hard the boot will come down if Trump and the Republicans win the election. Most people have never experienced the totalitarian surveillance state with the power to reach into their homes and minds at will they are telling us is their plan.
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The correct response to Chevron being overturned is for every single environmental group to start filing millions of lawsuits, right now, today, arguing that various regulatory decisions didn't go far enough. Absolutely flood the zone.
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i'm sorry, this is an area where i am just completely unwilling to compromise. i think speeding and reckless driving are profoundly antisocial acts that are DEMONSTRABLY PROVEN to result in TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DEATHS every year in car and pedestrian crashes. this seems bad to me.
if you don't like the idea of a traffic camera snapping a photo of your car for speeding there is a very easy solution
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I love how when we first got the internet, Wikipedia was an "unreliable source" and now it's one of the last remaining websites that's actually fact checked
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It will always baffle me how we as a society have just let scammers ruin so many parts of our daily lives. We cannot take phone calls anymore, emails and texts are flooded with scams, and social media directs you to scam sites for everything from forever stamps to kids toys.
I FOIA'd the FTC for consumer complaints about Little Tikes and there are a huge number of fake toy websites advertising on Facebook and Google that will take your money and won't send anything.
'I Really Hope No Other Parent Has Disappointed Kids Like Mine': Fake Websites for Little Tikes Swindle The sites look very official, but they just steal your money and don't deliver any toys.
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This is a serious problem in the federal courts and in multiple state supreme courts: right-wing justices will disregard the law entirely to get the result they want. That's what happened in Arizona: they erased a 2022 abortion ban at 15 weeks so they could use a total ban from 1864.
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the private equity acquisition process where they take out huge loans to buy a company, put those loans on the company’s balance sheet and liquidate the company to pay them off (while looting the assets) should be made illegal it is a purely destructive process and it’s absurd that we allow it
Just got a news alert saying Joann Fabrics is going into bankruptcy due to decreasing demand. Article fails to say that it was purchased by a private equity firm a while ago and recently went public and is carrying $2.4 billion in debt. Private equity strikes again.
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Really looking forward to the day when women are accused of murder for menstruating, which seems right around the corner.
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I always appreciate’s columns but I’m particularly grateful for today’s which says with lucidity and grace something I’ve been trying to say much less successfully for years.
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I'm not a Luddite or technophobe. I just know that after 466 years the thing on the left can be read fine. The thing top-right is 15 years old & uses tech that already no longer comes standard on computers. And the 30-yr-old thing bottom-right needs specialized antique hardware & software to read.
Nikki Haley could have finessed her answer by saying: "The Civil War occurred because the states where slavery was legal wanted to continue slavery in the US territories that were not yet states, and the states where slavery was not legal didn't want slavery to be legal in the territories."
Yep! The second sentence is so true.
The end of low interest rates is showing us what the tech companies really built over the past 15 years and it’s nothing like what their PR hacks once promised. Everything is more expensive, more invasive, and far less innovative or improved than they led us to believe.
Amazon Prime Video will start showing ads on January Get ready for ads — or pony up an extra $2.99 each month.
Christmas is difficult for some people. 🙄
This is both schtick and evidence of a diseased mind.
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Porch pirates stole my medication so now I have to convince my insurance to give me more. In the spirit of the season, and I say this from the depths of my heart, I truly hope the thief has moderate to severe depression that gradually improves after 4 to 6 weeks of daily usage
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Why did Ds raise taxes on the rich under Obama & fund IRS enforcement on the rich to the tune of $80 billion under Biden? Listen, I don't think Democratic Party is the greatest vehicle for my ideological interests but I need people to reconcile their assertions about reality with, well, reality.
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This ratio is out of whack because people who need a place to live are being outcompeted by hedge funds, pension funds, investors and money launderers. We need to turn homes back into places that actual people buy to live in.
The ratio of housing costs to incomes has soared. You're not going to "convince" people that the economy is great when housing -- rent, mortgages -- have gotten so much more expensive. Keep trying, I guess.
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I find myself thinking a lot about this passage from Benjamin Carter Hett's book Death of Democracy. "Alongside the viciousness of politics...was an incongruous innocence: few people could imagine the worst possibilities...How could a German government systematically brutalize its own people?"
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a note to Washington Post readers: On Dec. 7, we ask you to respect our walkout by not crossing the picket line: For 24 hours, please do not engage with any Post content. That includes our print + online news stories, podcasts, videos, games and recipes.
A letter to our
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I've done fact-checking during several conflicts. Never have I seen one where so much disinformation is posted with the direct intent of dehumanising real victims of war on both sides. Dead or injured women and children, civilians, hostages, prisoners; no-one is being spared.
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Not a particularly developed thought, but seems to me the past few years have seen a severe (global) breakdown of empathy generally, but also a sense that empathy is hopelessly naïve. That the primary focus in response to events is to find someone to blame, rather than someone to help.
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Sports Illustrated appears to have published affiliate articles under the bylines of fake writers, complete with made-up bios and AI-generated headshots. After we asked The Arena Group about it, the bylines were deleted entirely. For
Sports Illustrated Published Articles by Fake, AI-Generated Sports Illustrated was publishing articles under seemingly fake bylines. We asked their owner about it — and they deleted everything.
End of feed.