Victor Ha

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Victor Ha

Angel investor; hands-on trying to reduce carbon pollution in my town that can be copied by other municipalities. Studied Weimar Republic a long time ago and now doing all I can to prevent dictatorship and the associated damaging of everyone else.
If you look up Project 2025 they are planning for the dictator to be able to fire up to 50,000 Federal employees if they don’t submit to MAGA. This means gutting the expertise and pathways for the entire Federal government. America will be broken to pieces.
When you appoint people who have fewer brains than the leader but sadistic loyalty you get…full on Nazi rule. That’s what people don’t understand about Trump. He can’t organize+he’s a coward but he’ll hire lackeys willing to destroy anything, everything & anyone if he points vaguely at those things.
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March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
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Imposing extreme fundamentalist notions of morality on everyone regardless of their faiths] "conservative lawmakers and commentators...advocating...ending no-fault divorce...that exist in all...US states"
Conservative US lawmakers are pushing for an end to no-fault Republicans in Louisiana, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Texas have discussed eliminating or restricting such cases
Reposted byAvatar Victor Ha
Is Donald Trump okay?
This is what dictators do: they cause civil unrest, then they set the military on the civilians. Then thousands of civil leaders disappear. Read about any dictatorship in history or now and vote for Biden and democracy. It’s the only escape for America.
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Reposted byAvatar Victor Ha
And this is important because Americans seem to feel things will somehow come right re TFG dictatorship or climate catastrophe issues but this is a spoiled generation that does not know how bad and relentlessly appalling life will get
Agreed, Trump is a felon. But if you are African American, or Syrian or Afghan or Sudanese, or Uighur justice has never come and will never ever come for millions. That’s not to say we should not fight for it but it simply does not come naturally. Not at all. Americans are grossly naive.
Trump makes sweeping promises to donors on audacious fundraising tour Utter corruption. Little do these idiots proferring money understand that by helping a man break all the laws their own assets are no longer protected if the kleptopresident wants them.
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None of this stuff really matters for climate change. The big items for us as individuals are: - how much & how clean we drive & travel - how much & how clean we heat & cool our homes (and we should heat and cool as much as we need to be safe) - the carbon intensity of what we eat - do we vote
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Avatar I always read JB. He is spot on but he also needs to say we must fight like hell every day to make this climate-denying,lying, corrupt incarnation of that party go away.
Opinion | When ‘Stop the Steal’ Becomes Your With or without Trump, the Republican threat to democracy remains.
Have any billionaires watched the TFG trial in New York and thought to themselves ‘Yes, this is exactly the guy to negotiate with China or Russia or our trading partners and Allies for the best terms for America? ‘ What a buffoon show.
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These are the stakes: The planet. “It would become an all-out assault on any possible progress on climate change,” said Pete Maysmith, the senior vice president of campaigns at the League of Conservation Voters, an environmental group.
Five Major Climate Policies Trump Would Probably Reverse if He has called for increased oil production and said that electric vehicles will result in an ‘assassination’ of jobs.
Well worth reading.Hitler a lousy negotiator, a loser in elections and lost more seats through1933 but when he stopped sounding 100%unreasonable they gave him Reichskanzler position. He then had several dozen political ‘friends’ murdered: Night of the Long Knives. Dictators keep no promises.
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If Biden loses, environmentalists will stand to lose all the gains from this administration and then some. If you consider yourself an environmentalist and/or care about climate change, you should not only vote for Biden but convince all friends and family to do the same. The stakes are very high.
These are the stakes: The planet. “It would become an all-out assault on any possible progress on climate change,” said Pete Maysmith, the senior vice president of campaigns at the League of Conservation Voters, an environmental group.
Five Major Climate Policies Trump Would Probably Reverse if He has called for increased oil production and said that electric vehicles will result in an ‘assassination’ of jobs.
Reposted byAvatar Victor Ha
1) Emissions standards for power plants 2) Tailpipe emissions standards for vehicles 3) The Inflation Reduction Act $369 billion in investments in clean energy 4) Restrictions on oil and gas drilling 5) US participation in global agreements like the Paris Agreement. All are at risk if Trumps wins
Reposted byAvatar Victor Ha
The RNC's senior counsel for election integrity has been indicted in Arizona on nine felony charges – including conspiracy, fraud and forgery – related to her effort to subvert the 2020 election. For the GOP, experience in criminal election subversion is now a job qualification.
Avatar The Supreme Court is a laughing stock. Despite deaths of Capitol officers, vandalism of the building, erection of a scaffold outside, stealing Congressional office contents both L and R are being idiotic in parsing words regarding obstructing proceedings
Trump exactly the same vein as Napoleon here: ‘If you wish to be a success in the world, promise everything, deliver nothing’.