Victor Stevko

Victor Stevko

Cooking, computers, biochemistry, skiing, hiking
Reposted by Victor Stevko
Rosy maple moths are the absolute cutest and it’s not even close
Reposted by Victor Stevko
Little announcement about a B&N sale this week - From 7/10-7/17 B&N Members get 25% off preorders (code PREORDER25) This includes my upcoming book SHARK GIRL! 🦈 Pre-orders are always helpful for a new book so here's a big loud graphic I made! TY v much! <3
Reposted by Victor Stevko
NYT: Joe should quit, he stutters Philly Inquirer: Trump is a fucking criminal what the fuck are we doing here
God Bless Paul Davies and the @PhillyInquirer: "The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump...There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be."
To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.
Reposted by Victor Stevko
Trump's actually 25/75 in Presidential elections; when he bragged about winning the Presidency "on my first try" he was ignoring his unsuccessful runs in 2000 and 2012.
No one expects or assumes Republicans will withdraw their bad yet party-defining candidate, who is 50/50 in presidential elections, which is why there's no ink being expended on it. The existential threat party doesn't mind running the existential threat. The live question is about what stops him.
I'm here for this new version of Angry Birds.
I can't tell if he's throwing gang signs or if someone yelled, “Drop the Vallasic and put your feathers up!“
Reposted by Victor Stevko
UPDATE: NY Governor Kathy Hochul said on CNN last night that she is considering a ban on masks. This is absolutely shameful! New York has suffered so much from COVID, and COVID is not over. We should be normalizing and depoliticizing masks, not banning them.
Reposted by Victor Stevko
NEWS: After sustained attacks from House Republicans, the Stanford Internet Observatory is being dismantled. A huge blow to academic freedom and our ability to understand platforms and influence operations
Reposted by Victor Stevko
Reposted by Victor Stevko
Reposted by Victor Stevko
WJR broadcast building, Riverview, MI 1934, Cyril Edward Schley architect
Reposted by Victor Stevko
Reposted by Victor Stevko
this. this is really important to remember.
its funny how easy it is to assume like 'oh this person hates me thats why they stopped replying to me' when the reality is so often actually no they just had a complete emotional breakdown and their life is falling apart
The good - we went alpine skiing over the weekend and it was warm enough that shorts were the right choice. The bad - pollens once we got back to sea level. The ugly - sunburned the backs of my knees and now jeans hurt when I sit.
Spring has come to the mountains of California- the first snowboarder with a boombox playing "Sweet Caroline" has arrived, trailed by dancing and singing skiers.
Reposted by Victor Stevko
Well, it took me almost five years, but there's a big ol' heme protein with the Fe clearly visible on the cover of Science.
Reposted by Victor Stevko
Katharine Hepburn between takes on the set of Sylvia Scarlett (1935)
Well, this year's tax software rejects my spouse's name, which it certainly accepted in prior years. Ironically I switched back to this software because of issues with their turbo competitor last year. Their web site addresses the issue by saying that's fine, or use a different name they can spell.
For anybody in the SF Bay area - the SF Silent Film Festival is going on through this weekend at the Palace of Fine Arts. Live accompaniment and really good films. Highly recommended.
Reposted by Victor Stevko
A reminder to all my Californians oregonians and washingtonians get box fans, air filters and all that other shit you need this month before any wildfires or heatwaves actually start
Reposted by Victor Stevko
I deliberately drove 4 hours to a place where the temperature, in April, is 3 degrees F. Am I the idiot? Counterpoint: any pollens here are buried under at least 2 meters of snow.
Reposted by Victor Stevko
The ACA turns 14 today. It’s the only reason I was able to get health insurance for many years of my life. While it isn’t perfect and didn’t go far enough, I think many of its loudest critics from the left these days don’t understand just how bad things were before it
End of feed.