
NYT: Joe should quit, he stutters Philly Inquirer: Trump is a fucking criminal what the fuck are we doing here
God Bless Paul Davies and the @PhillyInquirer: "The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump...There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be."
To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.
I'm waiting for the NYT headline, "The case for Mitt Rommney as the Democratic Nominee"
“How Liz Cheney Will Save the Democratic Party”
Here are 15 ways that Ron Desantis can become the hope for the classic Third Way Democrats
Someone in the NYT comments said this! Earnestly I think!
“Trump is a fucking criminal what the fuck are we doing here” This is how I feel ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Trump is a criminal! How have millions of Americans, including a large portion of the media and one of the two major political parties, decided that doesn’t matter???
The Times has some people who are all on board for this guy🤔🎭😩
fuck the NYT, but this meme is not accurate. They have labelled him unfit many times, and in the article in which they call for biden to drop out, they still say they would unanimously choose biden over trump.
The way I read the meme— and I could be wrong, of course— is that after Biden had that bad debate, the NYT called for him to drop out. But after Trump was convicted of 34 felonies, the NYT did NOT call for Trump to drop out. Why not? The NYT continues to show its true colors.
Many writers on the NYT op-ed board have labelled trump unfit for office, repeatedly, including after the felonies. They are obviously not going to "call for him to drop out" because that is something you say to a person who can still be reasoned with. It's not the same situation at all.
There are a LOT of good reasons to be mad/disappointed at the NYT; this is not one of them.
This is the insane pundit-brain nonsense that I don’t understand: ‘Trump can’t be reasoned with, therefore don’t bother calling for him to drop out?’ That’s incredibly stupid and I’ve read it too much recently. Now is the time to increase pressure and more, not less, should be calling on him to drop
Personally I'd like both of them to withdraw
It's this fucked up phenomenon where if a certain threshold of people like a thing, other people feel like they have to act like there must be some validity to it. It ends up reinforcing itself, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. It takes a huge amount of energy to fight it.
Yes! I keep waiting for Trump’s “The Emperor Has No Clothes” moment but it hasn’t happened yet.
There are too many people who have followed him this far, who have had countless stops where they could have gotten of the train but didn't. If they started questioning their own judgement now it might literally kill them. They have to keep believing.
I think that’s right. They can’t say, hey, I follow a rapist and a convicted felon whose spiritual advisor is a child molester. Because then, what would that say about them?
It's why no new scandal ever fazes them. They decided years ago to put their faith in this guy, because of how he makes them feel, and just tuned everything else out. Classic cult behavior, it's just the scale of it that's unusual.
I see it this way..DOMESTIC TERRORISTS PARTY...Their leader is PUBLIC ENEMY NO.1.... Criminal, Espionage, Insurrection!!!
Good to know that four years later our people still have this fucker's number
Philly voters to Trump
He also kills 30K+ Palestinian children, tbqf
Gritty does not tolerate fascists
The correct Philadelphian label for Trump is "jagoff."
That's a Pittsburgh term. We'd call him a fuckin' asshole.
There’s a reason sings Philly’s praises
Born and raised Philadelphian here
Thank you, Philly Enquirer. Fuck you, New York Times.
It's particularly strange since pretty much *everyone* in NYC, even conservatives, hates Trump, as I understand it (because he screwed over so many businesses for years by refusing to pay up, and generally just being a trashfire person), and yet the NYT is forever giving him a free pass.
Joe should have walloped Trump and that's the problem.
Trump being a lifelong conman and recent convict isn’t the problem?
Even more reason why Biden should have cleaned his plate.
Biden could have spit up on his shirt while shitting his pants and he still wouldn’t be a convict
Clinton once said, "Wrong and strong beats weak and right." I think he understood something unfortunate about America.
And if the Democrats don't pull their head out of their asses, trump is going to be president convict.
What role do republicans have in electing president convict?
That is *a* problem, not *the* problem. Regardless of how terrible Biden performed at the debate (an event which has no actual relevance to or bearing on one’s ability to govern), Trump is still a singular threat to the country and does not deserve leniency.
A bad debate performance changed the outcome of the 1960 election. And Biden has been ineffective at communicating the threat posed by Trump.
I said debates have no bearing on one’s ability to do the job, but to your point they’ve been much less meaningful to elections in the past 64 years. Hillary mopped the floor with Trump in every debate. And, again, Biden not communicating the threat well is *a* problem. Trump is far worse.
Biden was already struggling prior to the debate. Especially with the youth vote. His primary challenge is to motivate his base to the polls in the landscape that he will need overperformance. I just can't see him overcoming at this point.
This is so grounding and gratifying to read. It's terrible to have to recall all the ways Trump was a terrible president, but it's such a relief to see a news organization that's actually keeping track and willing to say it plain.
All the deities left are trying to convey this easy idea: don't elect the convicted crook