War Takes

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War Takes


Ranting, raving, shitposts, and analysis from the Left on national security, defense, foreign policy, international relations and more

Maintained by @komododad.bsky.social

Can also find me at https://wartakes.tumblr.com/

Avatar by @stedilnik.bsky.social
We'll see how long it takes the BBC to skulk back into post a new Tweet (if at all)
Just gonna leave this here as I try to step away from news and social media for the rest of the night and as we prepare to step into a new week on the ride that never ends:
A few counterpoints: A.) No, we will not stop talking about the high stakes of this election; because: B.) It *is* a struggle between democracy and authoritarianism and fascism and Saturday doesn't change that one iota; finally and most importantly: C.) Shut the fuck up, Jared.
Elon didn't like me calling fascists "freaks" on the bird site
There will be defeats, there will be victories, but the fight against the global far-right marches ever onward.
I think we could all use a bit of pick-me-up right about now, so seeing as it's July 3rd, why don't we once again reflect on one of the greatest white supremacist self-owns in military history:
Thinking back to how I was scolded by certain types of people in mentions for not thanking the White House for solving Gaza by delaying (not cancelling) the delivery of two kinds of bombs to Israel and then proceeding to do exactly nothing else on that front what so ever.
My years of war studies tell me declaring victory in one war when it's not actually over at all and then starting another, larger, worse war, always goes well. Unparalleled masterstroke.
US: For the love of God, don't invade Lebanon. It's such a bad fucking idea, dude. It's such a terrible fucking idea. Don't go to war with Hizballah, dude, it will go so fucking badly for literally everyone involved. Also the US: But naturally, of course, you have our support.
I've been thinking this for months now and the fact admin officials are saying it out in the open to press should drive home what a dangerous moment we're at in this crisis; the most dangerous since the fiasco with the Iranian embassy in Syria and Iran's retaliation for it.
The M2 Bradley when a military that's never read or watched The Pentagon Wars acquires it and is genuinely happy to have it:
Based on the last few days, this is my current understanding of Transatlantic Relations:
GOP-lead House's defense spending priorities for FY2025 essentially summed up as: -Fuck Ukraine, we fucking love Russia -Fuck Palestinians, we fucking love Israel (and also genocide) -Brown people scary (and also we should invade Mexico) -Climate change *still* not real - lol
Ah, so the Post is about to become all transphobia, all the time, now. Got it. Roger.
It is time, again.
There is a large graveyard filled with my enemies. i do not wish to add to it, but will given no choice. Those who pick fights with me do so at their own peril, but maybe this is their lucky day
There is a large graveyard filled with my enemies. i do not wish to add to it, but will given no choice. Those who pick fights with me do so at their own peril, but maybe this is their lucky day
Apparently this guy is the opposition's new candidate for Prime Minister in Armenia and I admittedly don't know a ton about Armenian politics outside what my Armenian friends and mutuals tell me but I feel like if a guy who dresses like this wants to run your government you should *probably* pass.
Like, on a more serious analytical note, you can tell this proposal is complete fantasy because the way Sunak frames it, it doesn't even really talk about how it would affect Britain's defense capabilities. It's purely about punishing the youth for being lazy and unpatriotic.
I'm going to go back to weekend vibing, but in regards to Britain, once more I find myself saying:
Watching people online reacting to Trump's campaign account posting literal Nazi shit: