
President Biden’s guiding principle for jumping into the 2020 presidential race was that he was the only person who could beat then-President Donald Trump. Now, if Biden is to jump out of the race, he will have to decide he is no longer that person.
How will this end? It’s all up to Biden, allies Polling, support and donations would have to further worsen — and then lawmakers would have to step in for Biden to exit, allies and advisers say.
Biden’s made it clear he's not dropping out. Stop this GOP propaganda. Focus on Trump being a felon, an adjudicated rapist, a convicted fraudster, and a twice-impeached president who let a million Americans die of COVID because his administration THREW AWAY the pandemic response plans left by Obama.
Holy crap when was the last time you wrote about Trump threatening military trials?
This is some kind of press mass hysteria, like during the build-up to the invasion in Iraq. All they could talk about then was WMD, and aluminum tubes, while we were all losing our minds pointing out things like the existence of the Office of Special Plans.
In two or so short years, the US press even managed to convince the majority of Americans that Saddam Hussein was at least partially responsible for 9/11. This was quite a feat, as nearly nobody believed that at first. Of course, it wasn’t true.
SCOTUS just gifted Biden the best reason to vote for him in November, which is on top of the abortion issue. The press is trying to get the Democrats to commit political suicide so they don't have to acknowledge reality.
enough already; there's other stuff to write about
TRUMP IS A CONVICTED CRIMINAL THAT NO DECENT PARTY WOULD HAVE AS A CANDIDATE - THAT is the story you should be writing, but noooo ! YOU ARE MORALLY BANKRUPT!! There is no reason for Biden to bow out and strategically at this time it would be foolish - just grow up & try to care about our democracy!
You should do your next piece on when WaPo jumped the shark. Because you guys have really lost it.
What in the everloving fuck is wrong with you? You broke watergate, for fuck’s sake. Do you need to talk to someone? Hizbollah fires 200 rockets at Israel to avenge killing of top commander
Hizbollah fires 200 rockets at Israel to avenge killing of top Israeli military retaliates with strikes in Lebanon as tension between the two sides escalates sharply
There seems to be an ongoing competition to be the new fascist newspaper of record.
This is the third article today. Are you ok? You trying to be more pro authoritarian than the NYT?
They even managed to out post the NYT today with negative Biden crap. WINNING.
Anybody check out those QR codes on the banners?
Yeah I really wonder if they are Dems
I have no idea but am very curious where those codes lead.
Here’s an idea for your next post.
At least the Philadelphia Inquirer, a REAL newspaper, had the guts to call for Donald Trump to leave the race. You right wing idiots can't imagine doing that.
Crack. Addicts. The WaPo is full on fascist. The Ministry of Propaganda. Pieces of Shit. Collaborators.
Have not read this article.. but seriously folks.. Joe Biden’s RECORD of the last 3.8 yrs IS ENOUGH.. so he had ONE BAD “debate” ..he is FULLY FIT AND READY TO GOVERN. Give the guy a break..
And Biden has decided. He's in. So STFU and move on to things that actually matter. Maybe start with equal coverage of the open threat of bloodshed made by Trump's ally.
is getting ratioed post after post an indication of something, wapo
This story is more tired than Trump was at his hush money trial. Pull your heads out of your asses and cover something that's actually relevant: the corrupt SCOTUS ruling elevating the president to autocrat status.
Send him to the Hague to a Tribunal for GENOCIDE. Oh, I forgot. You're the Nazis now...
Inside-the-Beltway elitist rubbish.
He's not going to. So why bother with the story? Such limited resources, and you're wasting time and work on this crap.
Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos, who happens to be a Trump donor.
He's the best suited to lose to trump.
Is this dude with the sign in the picture someone from the Washington Post? 😛
Write about how Trump would end our democracy
Good to know WaPo is complicit in the establishment of an authoritarian regime. We won't be kind to you.