
anyone who thinks harris is gonna get an easy walk from the nation’s newspapers and editorial boards if she were to become the nominee is absolutely lying to themselves
If the Biden Drop Out!s get their wish they’re going to regret it like three weeks later when they see how the media covers it
I'm fully supportive of her candidacy if it happens, but 1. if they do it, she should become president, too, & 2. that doesn't mean I'm going to pretend it's without difficulties
we are in week two of the freakout and there has not been a single, solitary leak from people near harris about her considering it, it’s a dead letter
You don’t rate the Clyburn comment at all?
“i’d support harris if biden isn’t there” is not what i would consider an endorsement of a plan
I broadly agree with you re the freak out but Clyburn isn’t the type to just say things like that off the cuff. Not when everyone is looking to him specifically for dirt. We’ll see, obviously.
looks like some context was removed in the quote
I posted separately in this thread. But here you go. Clyburn, are you ok with the party going around Harris?
this is an endorsement of her running in 2028, not an endorsement of her taking over in 2024
What this really seems like is "If you chicken little idiots think you're going to get a Newsowhitmepritzker out of this, I'm here to throw ice fucking cold water on that."
it is definitely an anti-endorsement of "Hey, how about Pete? How about Whitmer? How about Newsome?"
👍 for misspelling Newsom like most of his fans
I absolutely don’t think it’s an endorsement of her taking over. I was looking for space of him not declaring that moving away from Biden was unthinkable. He’s one of the most important people for Biden. He lets in light others could join. As I said, this was more focused on passing over her.