
anyone who thinks harris is gonna get an easy walk from the nation’s newspapers and editorial boards if she were to become the nominee is absolutely lying to themselves
If the Biden Drop Out!s get their wish they’re going to regret it like three weeks later when they see how the media covers it
I'm fully supportive of her candidacy if it happens, but 1. if they do it, she should become president, too, & 2. that doesn't mean I'm going to pretend it's without difficulties
we are in week two of the freakout and there has not been a single, solitary leak from people near harris about her considering it, it’s a dead letter
The whole thing is just asshole pundits who want to be fiction writers, preferably getting optioned for movie rights. I think a whole generation of political writers' brains were broken by Joe Klein and "Primary Colors".
I guess the other thing is how much she wants to do it at all.
Like, I assume she wants to be president, but she might see stepping in here as dangerous for (at best) her career and (at worst) her life.
Really, though, the most important thing is that they're actually being very disciplined in all of this. Like, the panic is among big donors and media shitheads, actual governing Dems are all but perfectly in step.
Mostly. I saw today some dumbass congressman in TX stepped out of line, called for him to step down or whatever. I think Biden should invite him to the Oval for a chat.
Lloyd Doggett, who’s 77, which is amusing to me
You don’t rate the Clyburn comment at all?
Asserting that you would support her is not a assertion that she's seeking the position.
“i’d support harris if biden isn’t there” is not what i would consider an endorsement of a plan
Still yet, all I see is a news cycle that's the worst since Biden left Afghanistan, if not since Her Emails, with absolutely nothing comparable ever hitting Trump, even when he was convicted. If I were Harris I'd be avoiding that maelstrom however I can.
I am surprised at Lloyd Doggett speaking up today, but it's an outlier.
I broadly agree with you re the freak out but Clyburn isn’t the type to just say things like that off the cuff. Not when everyone is looking to him specifically for dirt. We’ll see, obviously.
the full quote tells an extremely different story
That’s a different interview than the one folks are talking about today, but in today’s case too, the full quote tells a very different story!
I think people are overreading that Jim Clyburn quote
Are these not two different things? The clip I see is referring to an MSNBC quote from today (I presume) whereas this is a quote from a USA Today interview Friday.
looks like some context was removed in the quote
I posted separately in this thread. But here you go. Clyburn, are you ok with the party going around Harris?
Strong agreed. On further reflection the question is more how would you feel about going around Harris; rather than how would you feel about a decision by/for Biden to leave.
The one where he said he wants this to remain a Biden-Harris ticket?
i think it’s gotten excepted out of context a lot
Trump chasing Biden not just out of the race but out of the WH: now those are optics fascists won't exploit!