webecks.bsky.social follows

Dannagal G. Young
Dannagal G. Young
Professor of Communication and Political Science at the University of Delaware. Improv comedian. Author: “Irony and Outrage” (OUP 2020), “Wrong” (JHU 2023).

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/dgoldyoung/home
Dr. Johnathan Flowers, Blade Wielding Bisexual (Lordean arc)
Dr. Johnathan Flowers, Blade Wielding Bisexual (Lordean arc)
Martial artist, motorcyclist, pragmatist, comics philosopher, queer phenomenologist.

Assistant Professor @CSUN. Japanese philosophy, race, gender, disability, tech/AI. Inquiries: [email protected]

Rider of the mind shaitan. He/Him/His 🏳️‍🌈
Michael Rader
Michael Rader
chaotic good xennial blue team digital strategist. Love climate policy, sci-fi, games, rpgs, Michigan + DC. AKA indie game studio Theory of Games. Immunocompromised + antifascist

Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as understood.
Steve Huntsman
Steve Huntsman
Dad. Husband. American. Mathematician. Until recently was trying to relive the last days of Usenet before eternal September. Personal account.
Nicholas Grossman
Nicholas Grossman
International Relations prof at U. Illinois. Senior Editor
of Arc Digital. Author “Drones and Terrorism.” Politics, national security, and occasional nerdery.
The future producer of “Himbo Heist”
The future producer of “Himbo Heist”
No longer head lawyer for Bungie. Kinda retired. Have entered my super villain era. Ex-Chief Legal Officer of Pokémon. Produced Detective Pikachu. Entertainment Law prof (University of Washington). Supporter of trans kids.
The Republic Is Ours To Save
The Republic Is Ours To Save
I have occasionally angered famous men. Author, PHALLACY+THE TAILORED BRAIN. Journalist, words at SciAm+++. Frequent gremlin. Biologist of embryos, gonads, genitalia. Educator. She/her/y’all. V Texan 🤠 https://sites.google.com/view/emilywillinghamphd/home
Dan Nexon
Dan Nexon
"'A man without a plan is not a man.' Nietzsche."

Professor in the Department of Government and SFS @ Georgetown.

I study international order, power politics, & empires.

dhnexon.net | https://www.lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com | duckofminerva.com |
Avishay Ben-Sasson-Gordis
Avishay Ben-Sasson-Gordis
Normative Theory of Civ-Mil | Lecturer in Government @Harvard | Lady Davis Postdoctoral Fellow @Hebrew U | It's pronounced ah-vee-SHY.
Benjamin Dreyer
Benjamin Dreyer
abstruse in the sense of recondite

author of the New York Times/IndieBound bestseller Dreyer's English and Stet! (the game!) • America's Copy Editor® • retired Random House copy chief • he/him/his

Cat Manning
Cat Manning
narrative director at Firaxis. emergent/systemic storytelling. nominated for awards and things. lit PhD. awful at Greek. better profile coming soon.
Chris Kluwe
Chris Kluwe
Troublemaker extraordinaire
Dungibarra/Jarowair land. Disaster behaviour doc/comms teacher. Emergency comms/community engagement. Research. Renewables. Climate. Creatures. Dogs. Horses. #AusPol
Sam Workman
Sam Workman
Professor & Director of the Rockefeller Institute for Policy Research and Public Affairs at West Virginia University 🍸cocktails 📜 policy 📊 data

📍Morgantown, West Virginia, Appalachia, USA

Grandiloquent Word of the Day
Grandiloquent Word of the Day
Fancy words, witty descriptions, and vintage illustrations to educate and entertain.

Jordan Tama
Jordan Tama
I'm Provost Associate Professor at American University and Co-Director of Bridging the Gap. I study the domestic politics of US foreign policy. New book: "Bipartisanship and US Foreign Policy" (Oxford University Press, 2024) - https://tinyurl.com/bipart1
Thomas Scherer
Thomas Scherer
Research Director for fp21.org; setting a new standard for evidence and integrity in foreign policy. Now accepting article pitches and fellow applications. Loves conflict data, D&D, USWNT. he/him
NK Finney
NK Finney
Servant of the Republic on the Edges of Empire | Editor, British Journal of Military History | Editorial Board, Journal for Military History | President, Military Writers Guild | Je ne suis pas le pingouin qui glisse le plus loin
Angry Staff Officer
Angry Staff Officer
History person, Army officer, transplanted Buckeye. Writes stuff. Some Star Wars. Refugee from Twitter. Views do not reflect or represent the DoD's. He/him/his. angrystaffofficer.com
David M. Perry
David M. Perry
Journalist & historian. Pub musician. Dad. Husband. Fishing obsessed. I also do dishes. Read: #TheBrightAges http://tinyurl.com/brightages.
Lauren N. Ross
Lauren N. Ross
Philosopher of Science, PhD, MD. Associate Professor, Logic and Philosophy of Science, UC Irvine. she/her
Just thinking out loud.
Sam Ottewill-Soulsby
Sam Ottewill-Soulsby
Medieval historian and charismatic megafauna enthusiast. Blogs at https://salutemmundo.wordpress.com/
eric gonzalez juenke
eric gonzalez juenke
Personal account. I study racial and ethnic politics here: https://polisci.msu.edu/people/directory/juenke-eric.html

The Presidency and Immigration Policy: Rhetoric and Reality https://bit.ly/4cZUG9A
Michael Robinson
Michael Robinson
Army Strategist | Stanford PhD |
Adjunct Associate @GeorgetownCSS |
Fmr Asst Prof @westpointsosh.bsky.social (all views own, not DoD ); civil-military relations.

Author of Dangerous Instrument: Political Polarization & US Civil Military Relations
Carrie A Lee
Carrie A Lee
Personal account, public servant: Democracy & war, Civ-Mil, NatSec & Strategy. Member at CFR, Fellow at CNAS & Truman Project. Running enthusiast.
Anna Alexandrova
Anna Alexandrova
Philosophy of science, methodology of social sciences, wellbeing/happiness studies, evidence based policy, measurement/quantification, Cambridge UK.
Meredith Rose
Meredith Rose
Grumpy feminist lawyer. Giant nerd. SFFHR writer with ADHD. Senior Policy Counsel, Public Knowledge, ✨ on sabbatical ✨ . Copyright, tech, music, AI, fandom. I talk about stuff. She/her 🏳️‍🌈
Jeff Kosseff
Jeff Kosseff
Associate Professor of Cybersecurity Law, US Naval Academy. Views my own and do not represent employer.
George Morgan 🌈
George Morgan 🌈
Socialist wool merchant.
Kind of former architect.
Dysgwr Cymraeg.
DMs open!
Adam Isacson
Adam Isacson
I work at the Washington Office on Latin America (my views, not necessarily theirs). I'm also at wola.org, adamisacson.com, borderoversight.org, Mastodon elefanti.co/@adam, etc.
Anna Grzymala-Busse
Anna Grzymala-Busse
Professor of political science at Stanford. State formation, religion, political parties, Europe, etc. Amateur electrician.
Mitchell Epner
Mitchell Epner
Attorney, former AUSA, father, husband, former JBLC, long-time Knicks fan and occasional talking head
Andrew Heiss
Andrew Heiss
Assistant professor at Georgia State University. 6 kids. Study NGOs, human rights, #PublicPolicy #PublicAdmin, #Nonprofits, #CausalInference.

#rstats forever.

Nathan Favero
Nathan Favero
soft scientist (american university), church attendee, monoglot, datum scientist, chess grandnonmaster, etc. stata, r, javascript, quickbasic. #lifelonglearner
Seb Jilke
Seb Jilke
Faculty at Georgetown McCourt \\ Hang-around at OES, OPM, DHS and other acronyms \\ Otherwise mediocre whitewater gnar 🌊🛶

Montanan in exile. Philosopher Queen. Diva. Foodie. Shoes. Not my first rodeo.
Learning, charitible discussion, interesting ideas. No BS. Every day is Ethics Day! Chair in Military Ethics. Books #OnObedience #RethinkingMilitaryHonor #Broicism
My views.
James Vizzard
James Vizzard
Political science PhD student specializing in Civ-Mil
National security bureaucrat
Husband, father, former gangster for capitalism
Jess Blankshain
Jess Blankshain
Associate professor, mom, triathlete, dog person, Swiftie. US foreign policy, civil-military relations, & bureaucratic politics. Research fellow @ Modern War Institute. Personal views only.
Christoph Harig
Christoph Harig
Associate Professor, Royal Danish Defence College | Civil-military relations, IR, Security, Drug War absurdities

Verena Erlenbusch-Anderson
Verena Erlenbusch-Anderson
Political theorist, UIUC prof, author of Genealogies of Terrorism, writing a book on white supremacist terrorism in the U.S.
Dean, recreational author, Mexico maven. The School of Social Sciences and Government at the Tecnológico de Monterrey. Nuevo León, Mexico. #PoliSci
Ken Schultz
Ken Schultz
I am professor of political science at Stanford University and an avid nature photographer. All views are my own.
John R. Deni
John R. Deni
Research Professor at PME institution, Senior Nonresident Fellow at Atlantic Council, Associate Nonresident Fellow at NATO Defence College. Author of Coalition of the unWilling and unAble. Views are my own.
Melissa Schwartzberg
Melissa Schwartzberg
Silver Professor of Politics, NYU. Specialist in democratic theory. Supermajority rule skeptic before it was cool. Co-author of Democratic Deals: A Defense of Political Bargaining (Harvard UP, 2024).
Daniel Ziblatt
Daniel Ziblatt
Professor, Harvard University & WZB Berlin/ author of Tyranny of the Minority (2023), How Democracies Die (2018), and 'Conservative Parties and the Birth of Democracy' (2017)
Nadia Hilliard
Nadia Hilliard
Political theory, fraternity, wine, piano, cats. Lambing in the spring. Quaker tendencies.
Mike Jason
Mike Jason
Once a Soldier; NATO and Allies matter. History, Public Policy, and Typos. CivMil & Professional Ethic. Government is Serious Business for Serious People. Ally. Tanks. 🇺🇸🇮🇹
Marc Jason
Marc Jason
Husband and father. Tank guy dabbling in the acquisitions world. World traveler, reader of books, SCUBA, self-appointed member of the Papaya Army Formula 1, Georgia Southern Eagles. Decency matters.