Sean Webeck

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Sean Webeck

Round II
I thought you were going to say a mildly exasperated man just kept saying “this is the moving walkway”.
I was not aware of this framework. I appreciate you sharing. There is a lot to think about here.
I think it’s one of the reasons why I appreciate Waiting for Wrexham.
Bloomington is great. Was there for grad school. My wife and I talk about retiring there. Enjoy if you do. There is a lot for someone to get involved in.
Sounds like a win for you. That’s a low bar you’re setting there and it’s still too much for them.
This has been an interesting thing to figure out. And then figuring out how to leverage it is another thing entirely.
Right on about the “will sort itself out” bit. Life principle I have to often remind myself about (especially in regard to social media) there is a limit to how much I can and should stress about things that will ultimately resolve themselves at some point in the future.
Yeah, that sounds awesome. Any chance you still have a syllabus? Or any specific readings you can remember as being eye opening?
How did you dig this up? That’s pretty wild.
I’ve taken my father—not a soccer watcher—to a USL game, then a MLS game, then to the La Liga summer tour last year in SF. I don’t think we were in our seats for a minute when he said something recognizing the quality differences.
That seems like something I’d agree with. I’d add that this seems an even bigger difference to me once you factor in population size. But you also see something very similar when you look at league play.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Webeck
This is the actual, original article The Imperial Supreme Court. Accept no imitations from the New York Times, which decided to take the title and idea without attribution (after turning down my op ed with the same title, no less)
The Imperial Supreme Court - Harvard Law The past few years have marked the emergence of the imperial Supreme Court. Armed with a new, nearly bulletproof majority, conservative Justices on the...
Glad this was said clearly.
There are two kinds of people in the world: those who understand everything has an opportunity cost and those who do not know what opportunity cost is. It will be interesting to see how this policy space sorts itself out over the next few years.
Wow! Thanks for taking the time to dig that up. I wonder what the total cost to the state ends up being?
I’d love to hear more. This sounds like the type of nuts and bolts of government that is important, fascinating to me, and doesn’t get talked about enough.
Darn, not California… another place for the bucket list. That is an amazingly beautiful creature. Enjoy your trip.
This is funny. But it’s only when you read the skeets that prompted it that you can recognize the genius for what it is.
"They were losing knowledge so fast they had to resort to drastic, even criminal, acts." "You mean?..." "Yes, they had to," *sunglasses* "stele it." YEEEEEEEEEEEEAH
And there’s three schools with big PA programs…
Yeah, I hear it’s kind of warm in pretty much the rest of the country. Stay cool and enjoy the next couple of weeks of football.
Uh, still nice and warm. Just not anywhere near Texas. Weather is beautiful today in Cali.
Today I hit 4 years in Duolingo
Just something to get me started on thinking about how to empathize, respond, and what not. It seems to me if one has a better understanding of the thrust of the arguments another is making, you can better empathize, respond, etc.? Does that make sense? Does it help clarify? Thanks for responding.