Iain MacGilleBhràith

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Iain MacGilleBhràith


I like a LOT of shit**: outdoors (mountains , cycling, sailing), science & tech, environment & energy (ecomodernism), politics (~moderate, social-liberalism), culture & language(s), nuance & irony.

I hate black-&-white simplism.
I like presidents who don't get shot
Trump lost a point in Morning Consult after the shooting lmao
Nobody expects the Spanish lyric omission
Football's going for a little holiday in Marbella
the "violence shook this previously peaceful white christian nationalist rally railing against the vermin tainting the blood of the country" stories are going to destroy me
This is a welcome antidote to talk about “pulling the growth lever” as the solution to the multiple problems facing the economy and society. From today’s FT.
Can everyone stop using 'verbiage' when they mean 'language' or just plain 'text'? It really doesn't mean what you seem to think it means.
I'm pleased to be among the signatories to this response to the proposal by Lord Skidelsky & others for the West to push Ukraine to accept 'peace' on Russia's terms: www.ft.com/content/52ef...
Letter: Calls for ‘peace’ deal show blind­ness to Rus­sian goalswww.ft.com From James Sherr and others
I think you’ll find the English didn’t actually *defeat* the Dutch; the Dutch merely invited them to play Spain in the final… #GloriousRevolution
There seems to be an awful lot of “here’s the reality we’d like to have” vs “here’s the reality we actually have”. Certain parties had better align with the latter pretty damn quickly if they want to win this thing.
I asked someone what the difference between the Black Eyed Peas and chick peas is. After several incorrect guesses, I had to tell them that while the Black Eyed Peas could sing us a song, chick peas could only hummus one.
As John Oxley seems to have gone silent on here, I’m sharing this latest piece. He’s been the Cassandra of the Conservatives for a few years now, and if they don’t want this as a eulogy, they need to start believing him www.joxleywrites.jmoxley.co.uk/p/the-post-m...
The Post Mortem, Part Iwww.joxleywrites.jmoxley.co.uk Why things could get worse, and the examination needs to be deeper than you imagine.
This meme is relevant again.
does anyone else feel goofy trying to recycle and conserve power after reading about how much energy AI consumes on a daily basis
The most brutal part of the report was from Goldman Sachs' Head of Global Equity Research Jim Covello, one of the most technical and well-respected analysts in tech. He thinks Gen. AI is full of shit- and nothing like the early days of the internet at all. wheresyoured.at/pop-culture/
THE YANKS HAVE DISCOVERED WHEELIE BINS. This is not a drill x.com/NYCMayor/sta...
Standing on the shoulders of giants.
I know my wife loves me bc she always handles the RingGo process… (Alternately she may just wisely decide that dealing with my bad-app-tantrum isn’t worth it.)
I once had to apply at very short notice for a visa that would allow me to transit through Russia and thought that was the most stressful and Kafkaesque bureaucratic experience I’d ever have, but I just had to pay for 20 minutes’ parking with RingGo and that was worse.
I once had to apply at very short notice for a visa that would allow me to transit through Russia and thought that was the most stressful and Kafkaesque bureaucratic experience I’d ever have, but I just had to pay for 20 minutes’ parking with RingGo and that was worse.
You’re not saying…
There is something quite glorious in making a significant change of policy happen by the simple expedient of deleting two footnotes.
Policy statement on onshore windwww.gov.uk
You don’t really see or hear about crop circles these days; it’s sad the aliens have disowned us…
Another very interesting expert appointment via the Lords (this time someone already in there): Peter Hendy, former head of TFL, to the Department of Transport. Makes sense as TFL an excellent model for how to run a nationalised* railway. *Let's not open the 'is TFL nationalised or not?' debate.
The baseline far right position: that the people have badly let down the people
You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
“I before E except for when your weird foreign neighbour Keith receives eight counterfeit beige sleighs from feisty caffeinated weightlifters”