I am the Very Model of a Modern Mike, In General

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I am the Very Model of a Modern Mike, In General


I am here because Twitter has been taken over by someone who I only know exists against my will, and whose worldview heralds only darkness.
Sorry for grandpa screenshots (phone photo of second screen) but working out some frustration in Procreate tonight — haven’t made the second one work yet after a few iterations and color may have been a false move, but frankly I just needed something absorbing to do with my hands, and my spite
Rule of law is severely underrated. You’ve lived with it for so long you take it for granted. It’s partially gone already, and if it fully goes—if a criminal and putschist gains executive power with the blessing of corrupt judges—you will seriously miss it. Once gone, it’s very hard to get back.
I like that this app is still small enough that I can block everyone I see with a horrible, society-ruining take when I see it -- whereas on Twitter, I run into ten new ruiners every time I log on.
The sheer number of concern trolls filling Reddit with fake freakouts "from the left" right now is shocking.
I had blissfully forgotten until recently that a lot of loud people on the left never actually liked Joe Biden, and now they want to use this opening to try in vain to get rid of him.
The New York Times ratfucking operation in favor of Trump is so incredibly blatant that it’s beyond parody. If you saw ratfucking like this coming from a newspaper in a movie, you’d probably think it was a bit over the top.
Here it is, the dumbest thing you will read today www.nytimes.com/2024/07/04/o...
Talking to folks about how they won't vote for Democrats feels like being a negotiator with a bullhorn. Like, I know what you plan to do. I know you have reasons. I don't understand how you feel, and I know that. But if you make this decision, you're going to hurt so many people, including yourself.
"regular activism has failed, we must go further" says the person who couldn't organize a birthday party
SCOTUS is like a child who decided it's their delinquent parents' responsibility to clean the house, so they just keep wading through hoarder trash and knocking more shit over, and then fretting because no cleaning is getting done. This is not unusual behavior in America.
The thing is that packing the court isn't even a crime. It has nothing to do with this immunity ruling. It's a thing they should do, but I mean ... Framing it as a crime to be gotten away with is really weird?
This does seem to be true and is so outrageously fucked up.
No one will ever again be required to answer the question, "What did the President know, and when did he know it?"
We basically have no choice now but to keep modern-day Republicans out of the presidency, because now they can (and will) unilaterally dismantle everything we care about with no repercussions, as long as they say it's for the good of the country.
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
The goal of Internet Media, and I guess more media than I care to admit since the Fairness Doctrine died, is to make you freak about about something new every fucking day. Sometimes the things are valid; often not. Sometimes actionable; often not. Rarely, you *should* freak out; almost always not.
Somehow, having just watched it, it seems every criticism I heard of The Acolyte is wrong.
The Nazi Bar principle is clear: If you let one bigot talk shit on the internet, you're now sitting in a bigot internet.
A lot gets made of "living in an echo chamber," but I've seen the people outside my echo chamber, and they always want my loved ones to die and to make me feel unsafe and awful. And since I can't forcibly deport them, I guess I'll just avoid them on social media.
Every time I go back to Twitter, I bump into dozens more people to block. Dozens. In like five minutes. Every time. Awful, awful place.
Why is there even discourse about who you work for Who the fuck works for an entire chain of people they respect That sounds like magical thinking
When cops shot Linda Tirado in the George Floyd protests, they destroyed one of her eyes with a rubber bullet. The subsequent brain damage is proving fatal. Linda needs funds for hospice Venmo: Linda-Tirado-3 PayPal: Bootstrapindustries@gmail Zelle: 806.433.6075
Police Blinded Her With a Foam Bullet. Suing Them Was When the Pain Beganrubberbullets.longlead.com When less-lethal weapons are misused, journalist Linda Tirado learned, there are no consequences — except for the people at the wrong end of the launcher.
I just think that if you lay on your car horn for more than three solid seconds, some cosmic force should spirit your car away to the Neitherworld (that place where Beetlejuice had to fight those sandworms). If not for the inaction and cowardice of Congress, these systems could already be in place.
It would be easier on humanity as a whole if we were more open to the vast daylight between "I'm ecstatic that you agree with me!" and "I said what I said! Are you fucking stupid?"
The first line of The Godfather is "I believe in America," after which the guy proceeds to explain how there's absolutely no justice. Anyway. Movie's a classic.
I'm genuinely still pissed that my high-school Civics class didn't tell me the House and Senate have different responsibilities, and so don't both vote on literally everything, which invalidates all arguments that the Senate's composition being fair, and that I had to learn that on the street.
Like I don't really blame voters for not knowing that the ways laws get made is like "a congressional committee attaches it to a must-pass spending bill after the senate parliamentarian makes a ruling saying it won't affect the 10 year budget window." It's not supposed to work like that!
It says something about techbros that they created a machine that does nothing but endlessly bullshit and gaslight and spew biases and instantly thought "wow this thing is so intelligent, just like me."
Well I'm satisfied, put this thing in charge of firing control immediately
Please stop believing things said by terrible people for worse reasons at face value.
The first 30 minutes of Madame Web are like a very weird, serious version of Garden State or something. It's . . . better than Morbius? But then, most thing are?