
the worst dudes online are the guys who are like “the time for electoral politics is over, it’s time for guillotines.” yeah bud i’m sure you’ll stop posting and get the ball rolling on the guillotines any minute now.
this basically serves the same purpose as QAnon shit on the right. it projects itself as an aggressive form of political engagement, but it’s really just a retreat into fantasy and nihilism
"regular activism has failed, we must go further" says the person who couldn't organize a birthday party
the most insufferable poasters you've ever come across are definitely going to lead us into the glorious revolution lolol
[type of guy who can’t manage a 20 person discord without it imploding into petty feuds voice]: i am going to lead a revolution of the workers
oh god soooo much all of this ...
"Voting is useless! MY way is better!" "What's your way?" "HOW DARE YOU ASK ME QUESTIONS, YOU OPPRESSIVE PERSON WHO EXISTS IN A REPUGNANT MORAL VACCUUM, GET IN THE SEA" "well, whatever ... do the different political thing yourself, then" "that's ableist"
The difference is that Q Anon has numbers in the street and the Stalin people are just really good at drawing political class attention to themselves online. I cannot stress how much you can ignore them. You go to a big DSA meeting and there are maybe 2 of those dudes there. They represent nothing.
Other than that it’s just young punks being young punks. Same kind of talk that used to not get broadcast very much farther than zines and small press records. Been part and parlance of youth culture for 60 years or more.
...Why would you expect to find "Stalin people" at a DSA meeting?
Well because there’s more than zero who are there and the more dedicated & serious ML groups are so tiny as to be rounding errors of rounding errors when talking about the American polity. I have a certain amount of respect for spitting against the wind that hard, but there aren’t many of them.
Maybe they think they're infiltrating it or something
Thankfully. I feel like a lot of these guys, if they did have their revolution, would mostly use is as an excuse to vent their urges for violence. That's the main thing keeping me from being pro rrevolution
It would actually be better if there were a lot more than two of those dudes there. I don't know how you can say "Q Anon has the numbers to make big changes and fuck up the entire country but it's a good thing these lefty wackjobs don't have the ability to effectively counter them" seriously.
Q Anon doesn't have the numbers to do revolutionary violence either, mostly they just talk a big game but aren't actually willing to actualize), the thing that QAnon is good for is providing a large crowd of weirdos to hide Oathkeepers in ( and the Oathkeepers are very willing to actualize violence)
This is why QAnon dreams of the Storm ( wherein the Military does all the Bloody Hands Purge Stuff for them )
Q Anon has done violence. I don't know if you've noticed but right wing stochastic terrorism has been exponentially rising over your entire lifetime.
Very little of right wing stochastic violence has been Q-Anon driven ( which is not 0, I can think of roughly 5 small scale events ), explicit white supremacist stuff is way more common especially for mass scale attacks.
A lot of Q-Anon folks are old Boomers like my 70-year-old MIL and my 78-year-old mother. Those people aren't doing anything but bitching and posting right-wing memes on Facebook.
unfortunately a lot of them are on the DSA NPC.
tbh this is heartening about the DSA? this is, now that I am typing it, very dumb of me, but I kind of assumed DSA was like 99% this. like "oh ok you want anarcho-soc or full communism and not actually dem-socialism but DSA is the farthest left we have"
Don’t judge literally anything by the people who are vocal about it online. Especially on any platform that runs on engagement driving algorithms. Personal online experience is the mother of all sampling biases.
that's very true. i think with this stuff, it's tough emotionally because it's like... it's not sports, it's not Star Trek, it's about real lives, real values, real stakes, and i want leftists & liberals to come up with stuff productively together online but... yeah yr right
Social Media replacing traditional media is the worst shit that has ever happened. There are literally AIs that take psychological profiles of us to match us with content that we will find especially annoying / enraging and then presents it in a way where it seems important. It’s like an evil spell.
Yeah I mean thats a fair assessment but i also havent experienced political hope of any kind in almost a decade so its honestly hard not to retreat into nihilism.
Hallmark of both is vitriolic derisiveness towards any mention of voting.
"We've tried not voting and now we're all out of ideas!"
And, I think, a hope that *someone else* will execute the violence.
> No less insidious is the cry for 'revolution,' at a time when not even the germs of new institutions exist, let alone the moral and political consciousness that could lead to a basic modification of social life. -- Noam Chomsky, 1969 this tune tho
The Coup - "The Guillotine" "The Guillotine" by The Coup from the new album 'Sorry To Bother You,' out nowProduced and Directed by Beau Patrick CoulonDP & Edit - Shawn ButcherAC - Danie...
that was 55 years ago he is ancient and now a democrat
I'm also trying to retreat into fantasy and nilhism, that's why I need u to post those horse pics pls
They learned it from QAnon and MAGA spaces. Since it felt like those groups "won" and "got their way" their tactics must be better than other tactics. Whole premise of the "dirtbag left," really.
we were here before donald trump was even a twinkle in his father's eye.
Yes, fondly I remember those politics podcasts from ye olden times.
the communist party had radio shows, the early 20th c. equivalent of the "podcast", and trotskyist groups have been infamous for their newspapers, which are basically the same thing too. all of our present socialist discourse is informed by this historical experience.
Yeah, I'm familiar with the concept, it's just explicitly not what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about one particular, post-2016 iteration of the left, and the political events that precipitated it. It doesn't pay to be completely ignorant of the past, but also, some times and situations are different from others. :)
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The party that basically CAN'T win a popular vote, winning battles with dirty tricks while losing the wars that matter. I agree that the democrats should use more dirty tricks. But I disagree that we should build an entire political ideology out of that preference, and then pretend it's "leftism."
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Don’t worry, dude. Che is still alive and is in the United States. Once we follow the Xanax crumbs, we’ll be able to activate him. It’s all part of the plan.
people make fun of the firebombing a Walmart tweet but I still have yet to see any firebombed Walmarts
when someone fire bombed a Wendy’s because they called the cops who killed her boyfriend, y’all snitched on her because she’s white. she has now successfully been captured and tortured so congratulations to all the liberals for achieving racial justice
Electoral politics still dumb. But strikes are way better.
But sometimes the QAnon guys actually do take guns into a comet pizza.
I retreat into fantasy and nihilism by playing Elden Ring, like a normal person