
has Biden actually done anything after the debate that was disqualifying or is the building crisis entirely a bunch of media figures who took an extreme view and now need to force Biden out or eat crow, and have decided the best way to do that is destroy him electorally
I mean is it possible that the most progressive president of my lifetime had a single bad debate night and now bunch of unelected chatterers are going to attack him until he drops out, overruling the normal democratic process
I feel like we may come to regret such a thing! Just a hunch!
You should check out Alex Thompson's interview on the What A Day podcast. He gives the whole game away at the end of the interview when he confirms the Biden campaign's refusal to do interviews with CNN, NYT, and Axios has ruined the campaign's credibility.
This entire effort by media "elites" is driven purely by journalists and editors still butthurt about access.
Orrrr the candidate accused of hiding impairment refusing to do interviews to prove he's not impaired causes them to write that he's probably impaired. None of this requires some dark Trumpian conspiracy to explain. This is madness.
What conspiracy? It's a simple human emotion. He won't help them get clicks so they're mad about it. It's fairly straightforward and has been their practice for multiple election cycles. Ask Clinton or Gore.
Or just listen to the podcast yourself.
Will, picking up on Ezekiel Emanuel’s piece in the Atlantic, putting up a candidate with failing ‘fluid intelligence’ is a recipe for deservedly losing, and then, even if he managed to somehow win, a recipe for the first application of the 25th Amendment.
The fact that his suggested solution is “just pick two people from a swing state” without any sense of (a) how fucking pissed black voters and women voters will be to pass over Harris to pick a couple white dudes, or (b) why that doesn’t work within the nominating rules, is telling.
Correct. People imagining you can just pass over the first Black woman vice president when Biden’s victory was dependent on Black women is just parlor games. Yes, I could select a ticket that would possibly provide a better electoral college outcome if reality could be ignored.
Nobody has said that she's lost a step. She hasn't demonstrated that she suffers from declining "fluid intelligence."
The dude whose thoughts you’re “picking up on” literally suggested passing her over for the nomination because he’d rather have a white dude from a battleground state.
Remember also, he was the inventor of the thing that Sarah bleeping Palin turned into 'death panels.' Nobody ever said that he had his one brother's political instincts, or his other brother's
That was a hypertext link to an piece, and she seems to be better as a Putin analyst.
I don't, but why go with a candidate for the first application of that Amendment?
It's not likely to happen. Odds are Biden wins, serves some of a second term, and either steps down or dies.
Why continuously give in to bad faith far right attacks that they will make regardless of facts?
I prize not being in denial, and I know what I saw. And heard. And subsequently read. A speaker who was no longer cogent. This was a person, like Mueller and like McConnell, who had lost it.
"Deservedly" losing... to Trump? Like, you'd look at the results & think not "ugh that's on us Biden was a bad candidate" but "This is the correct outcome, Biden's victory would have been worse than Trump's for US governance"? As for the 25th Amendment, k... The alternative is Trump, why do we care
Your first alternative: "deservedly" in the sense that normies don't understand how locked in the November ballot already is, and that the Dem convention would be putting up a candidate that they clearly don't want. Want to bet on who gets more popular vote nationwide in 2024?
Against Trump it would not be a "deserved" loss. Even aside from all his other disastrous issues, Trump is not eligible for the presidency under the Insurrection Clause.
I’m not a moneybags and i agree it’s bad that the NYT’s old-man-gate coverage is outpacing its fascism-is-here coverage, but i think reasonable Dem voters can disagree on whether Biden’s full meltdown on TV where he failed to make any argument against that awful lying charlatan is disqualifying