

"...thin-skinned, entitled, result-oriented totalitarian idealogue." 👍👍👍👍
/5 So I don’t strongly object to stories about a SCOTUS justice’s spouse flying spicy political flags, but as I think about it, I wouldn’t want it to distract from the absolute wealth of more important public data about Alito being a thin-skinned, entitled, result-oriented totalitarian ideologue.
Yeah, I'm not buying that this was an accident. I think I will save my money, as I am saving up to purchase the Brooklyn Bridge.
So, uh 1. It's still up 2. It's very prominent. 3. You're a presidential campaign. Why are you posting unvetted videos? 4. Why is anyone making pro-Reich videos of your candidate? Hmm? 4. Why are your staffers stumbling on those? Again? Hm? Like ... this isn't an accident; it's a campaign culture.
It's still astounding to me how many of Trump's people are crooks. I need to stop thinking of him as a politician, and recognize that he is a mob boss, and all his cronies were chosen as his capos and soldiers precisely because they ARE crooks.
Matt Whitaker, a Trump toady who was once implicated in a patent scam for a "Masculine Toilet" designed for well-endowed men, said:
Yeah, that "right" is only available to the "right" people.
Pretty sure murdering your ideological enemies is only acceptable if you're a conservative.
I get why men buy into the Handmaids Tale, but I'll never understand why the women do.
Well, crap.
I am sorrier than I can say to learn that Tressie McMillan Cottom has removed herself from this site, though I think that I can well understand why she did. And it doesn't say anything good about this site.
But, they say, history can teach us nothing.
What's cool about looking back at the history of college protests is that 19 year old students have been right about every single American war, and the esteemed Harvard educated opinion writers at the New York Times have been wrong about every single American war.
Not to mention the Civil Rights Movement, Womens Movement, Gay Rights Movement, Anti-Apartheid Movement, the list goes on & on & on...
What's cool about looking back at the history of college protests is that 19 year old students have been right about every single American war, and the esteemed Harvard educated opinion writers at the New York Times have been wrong about every single American war.
He just sees women as breeding machines, to make more breeding machines.
BREAKING: Justice Samuel Alito hospitalized with finger sprain as a result of repeatedly making air quotes to say “life of the mother”
I'm sooooo tired of being told what to do by old, rich, white men.
Few sane people want to be bombarded with sales pitches, especially for something few sane people want or need.
Do people want AI everywhere or are tech companies just insisting really loudly that everyone else does and you’ll be left behind if you don’t want it too?
"If it costs me even a penny more, well, they probably won't die, and if they do...🤷."
DeSantis signed a law that protects delicate cops from having anyone come within 25 feet of them while they’re “performing their duties” but construction workers have to face the full fury of the goddamn sun
DeSantis signed a law that protects delicate cops from having anyone come within 25 feet of them while they’re “performing their duties” but construction workers have to face the full fury of the goddamn sun
Despicable. Ron Desantis has signed the bill banning heat protections for outdoor workers. Last year, the first heat death reported to OSHA was January 1. That farm worker was killed in Florida. www.wfla.com/news/florida...
DeSantis signs bill banning heat protection laws for outdoor workerswww.wfla.com Thursday night, Governor DeSantis signed a Florida bill barring local governments from requiring heat protection for outdoor workers.
Cowards. Hypocrites.
Conventionally decorous fascism is apparently preferable to a chaotic and complicated Republic.
They claim to be so Godly, but they don't follow Christian values.
In separate legal rulings, Trump has been found to have committed rape, business fraud, and insurrection. And yet he remains the Republican presidential front runner. Don't ever tell me again that the GOP is the party of "family values" or "law and order."
Exactly. Why do all these people think they're immune from the tyranny?
I am once again tapping the sign. People start out thinking fascism is a spectator sport where they watch things happen to the Other and most people realize way too late that we’re all on the playing field.
The answer has, and always will be, “Just apply the law to Trump as you would anyone else, and let the chips fall wherever they may.”
You can't possibly be serious. I'm sure those folks have a well-reasoned, logical, sagacious... No, I give up.
It's almost as if, and hear my out now, these folks aren't working from a stable set of political/philosophical principles but rather utilize whatever argument is most cynically useful to them in the moment.
"It's a bad idea to keep Trump off the ballot because he might respond by leading his supporters in a violent insurrection" seems more a statement of the problem than anything else.
These Republicans don't like to be called Nazis, but they sure love Nazi ideas.
Concentration camps, hm? Always a great signal when a would-be national leader says “I want to build concentration camps.”
Followed by It's Not Always About You 201: Live your life and leave other people alone; How to find happiness being true to yourself without forcing everybody else to do what you do.
I don’t have student debt but I believe in student debt forgiveness. I can’t get pregnant but I believe abortion should be legal. I’m straight and cis but I am pro same-sex marriage and trans rights. Welcome to It’s Not Always About You 101.
Zaphod would at least be fun.
Seems obvious, but....
Dear Republicans Getting Death Threats, Awful. Political violence and threats should have no place in our society. The way you stop that is by stopping the political march of the people issuing death threats, not by encouraging and empowering them. Love, Reality, History, Constitutional Democracy
Greg Olear followed me back, and I'm stanning so hard right now!
It is possible to do two things at the same time. I can be horrified and aghast at Hamas committing atrocities, and also call for Israel to refrain from retaliating in an abhorrent way.
You would hope, wouldn’t you.
Did you know that the leaf in turning over a new leaf is the leaf of a book, not the leaf of a tree? Now you do.