Señor Worfwood

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Señor Worfwood

Saw this on mastodon and it is fantastic. AI in medicine
Man, some people really just seem to like to complain about issues in the most vague way possible and when someone tries to help they'll just dance around it to avoid actually explaining what's wrong so they can keep complaining every day for the rest of their lives and live a miserable life.
Maybe I'm asking too much from Valve, but since we got an update for the first Half-Life can we get something similar for Half-Life 2 for its 20th anniversary? Yes the game is that old already and still no HL3 in sight.
Wherein we define "commercial potential " as using an order of magnitude more energy to produce worthless garbage. Fucking journalists.
"Players like you love" I guess Steam is comparing games I played with the libraries of people who played the same games and that's how they make these lists, but... Some of you people have some explaining to do.
Cities are telling everyone to stop using air conditioning so a less useful site that what we had in 2010 can tell you to eat rocks and put glue on pizza
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
Turns out the only annoying bug I was experiencing with the Mint 22 beta wasn't really a bug and just me fucking up something with the manual install. It works fine with the default settings. It's fixed now.
Okay so to be clear we are destroying power grids, the livelihoods of actual humans beings, and communication/research infrastructure for the sake of an algorithm that converts stolen data into unreliable stolen data and consistently loses millions of dollars. Just to be clear
It's not even officially available but I've already installed the Mint 22 beta. Not bad, only a small bug, nothing to worry about. The beta is easy to find. Just go to the download section and copy the url from one of the mirrors. If you remove the file name you can explore the other folders.
People really learned nothing from Nintendo shutting down Yuzu. Posting this kind of shit about a game that was just released is how you get the attention of their legal team and we already know what they can do when you give them enough reasons. Ryujinx only exists because they didn't do this shit.
Youtube tries to convince the music industry to give them the means to destroy the music industry. I'm sure that will go well. I hate everyone involved but YT is the bigger evil right now.
The Google-owned video site needs labels’ content to legally train AI song generators, as it prepares to launch new tools this year, according to three people familiar with the matter
YouTube tries convincing record labels to license music for AI song Video site needs labels’ content to legally train AI song generators.
ICYMI: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has agreed to plead guilty to a single criminal charge, ending a long extradition battle with the United States government. Assange will reportedly avoid further jail time and be allowed to return to his home country of Australia.
Julian Assange to plead guilty but is going home after long extradition "Julian is free!" wife wrote after Assange struck deal with US government.
Guy waited five years and paid $102k for a Cybertruck, crashed it after four hours of driving, only for Tesla to tell him that "the accelerator may not disengage under braking" and that it will take $30k and one year to repair. Truly an L of historical proportions.
I'd like to propose a solution.
I've been informed that Sargon's new thing is telling people that the west should just "let Putin do his things" and blaming the west for the war in Ukraine that started because we left Putin do his things for way too long without intervening.
Someone spray painted “Fuck Elon” on like 40 Cybertrucks in a Tesla parking lot. Blessed.
Ubisoft just delisted Beyond Good & Evil from Steam, probably because they plan to release a remaster soon. If you're interested you can still get the original from GOG with a 70% discount right now. Not even EA delisted Dead Space when they released the remake. Ubisoft really is the fucking worst.
Metroid Prime 4 trailer at a good quality and not compressed YT garbage.
The part right at the end was a bit disappointing but it's a really good game. Chapter 2 when?
Every time I've seen people say that the Xbox showcase was at least as good as the Nintendo Direct someone reminds them that none of the studios owned by Nintendo need to be afraid of being shut down regardless of the success of their latest game and nobody knows how to respond to that.
It took decades but finally someone said it for people who for some reason still don't understand the very obvious.
I've only seen 1 clip of the new season of The Boys and I can no longer agree with the claims that the show's writing is better than the comic. And I'm not saying the comic is well written but the quality has been going down since season 1 and I see it's falling somehow.
YouTube may be enabling server-side ad injection soon, which could make blocking ads incredibly difficult (if not practically infeasible) for ad blockers.
The Pope, who lives in an art museum with a bunch of dudes who've sworn off pussy: does it seem kind of gay in here to you?