Nolan Void

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Nolan Void

Punched Hitler on the bird site. I did other things. My name is not actually Nolan.

I’m trying a new policy of blocking people who come into my mentions hot, whether it’s pedantry, condescension, or just bad vibes. It’s not my job to deal with you.
user experience design is my passion
Just as you could call Mike Pence "Mike Pants," you can call J.D. Vance "J.D. Pants."
AH! For the record it wasn’t entirely left field on my end! This is sitting in my car right now.
“We’re getting word a second balloon has been launched.”
Balloon Boy has returned???
“Gee, I hope this doesn’t hoist me.”
just watched a presser with Milwaukee cops explaining that Wisconsin is an open carry state so they can't do anything about it if somebody's walking around the soft perimeter with an AR
On the gotta hand it to you, you little shit front, he asked me to help get this Gatorade bottle down for him after he bottle flipped it up about 7 feet in the air (the ceiling in this room is slanted down, not level). He is maybe 3 feet tall.
Pray for me: my six year old has discovered bottle flips in a big way.
This cartoon wanted poster by Art Young from the Christian Anarchist Ammon Hennacy Wikipedia page is *chef’s kiss*
This is the most late Boomer rockist my front seat has been in ages, but I am what I am (yes, I already have almost every song I checked out from the library, but I wanted to test how good those new red and blue sets sound).
Heaven is a place on earth (we don’t have time to stop, but goddamn it)
My wife sent me this and I had to remind her that, for people like her born here, the claim will be they can get there in 10 minutes, despite any and all evidence to the contrary.
Went back to change my Twitter password and what a fucking shithole website. I guess I should have used a different 14 words
Interesting to see so many dogs here, none of whom seems to be fixed. Cultural difference?
Finally we can go back to the golden age.
Picturing Randy Johnson tossing
What's the best episode of TV you've ever watched Maybe it's recency bias, but I have thought about this wonderful ep so often since it aired
I did my version 13 years ago and there are a lot of things I’d change, but the biggest one is I should’ve used the “KAMPF!” sound effect I used on the (also flawed) Solomon Stone punches Hitler piece I made. Also, a Buscema homage, but much less direct (he’s modeled off the Hulk backhanding a deer)
I think we all know what I think of Sal…
I think we all know what I think of Sal…
Sal, for better or worse, was THE Marvel house style in the 1970s. Dude cranked out 3 books a month! Of course, they were all stock poses and the same 5 facial expressions, but hey they were easy to read. Makes Kirby's output in the 1960s even more astounding, because Jack never relied on formula.
I swear to God my 6 year old just pointed to this guy and said “That’s Tosk!”
You know what? I think Quark has a heck of a fun fashion sense.
Artist rendering of my vocal cords
Every time I see the cover of this OMD singles collection on my phone, I think “is this loss?”
This is upside down erasure.
The inside out characters in my head
The Inside Out characters in my head
Sometimes you can look at a picture and instantly tell it was taken in England.
I understand this is jarring, but do understand: this is largely because we genuinely don’t care.
This is half my Twitter feed, Dorothy.
Today on a very special episode of Golden Girls