Nolan Void

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Nolan Void

Punched Hitler on the bird site. I did other things. My name is not actually Nolan.

I’m trying a new policy of blocking people who come into my mentions hot, whether it’s pedantry, condescension, or just bad vibes. It’s not my job to deal with you.
I lived 28 years in SC where my vote meant shit because it’s always red. I now live in IL, which might flip at some point, but Chicago drags it blue pretty much every time. Either way, whether or not I participate in a national election, my vote isn’t anything.
Taking aside the cannibalism argument, this is still ridiculous, because right now people in one or two states decide almost every election and have for most of this century.
having encountered a lot of justifications for the electoral college over the years “to avoid cannibalism” is by far the most persuasive
We do not need to pretend the elitist, antidemocratic plans of wealthy slave owners are actually a thing but a denial of the will of the people. The senate is bad enough, but the president should be the desire of the country as a whole, not some fucking “swing state.”
You want your party in charge of the executive branch? You should have to enough good things to convince the country’s a whole you aren’t rich, authoritarian christofascist dicks, not about 5% of the population.
Stewart’s politics are usually big standard centrist wishcasting, but his embrace of fucking O’Reilly is just straight up the politics of a man who has no stake in anything anymore.
apparently Jon Stewart figures Bill O'Reilly is what passes for a Reasonable People Can Disagree* republican and is happy to help him sell books *as long as we don't talk about grotesque sexual harassment and toxic workplace abuse
'Find a respectable conservative': Jon Stewart slammed over Bill O’Reilly "The Daily Show" host and comedian Jon Stewart was under fire Tuesday night for having former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly on the popular show to talk about political fanaticism and extreme rhetoric. ...
That whole fucking party needs a shake up, because none of their little duchies of local power will survive if an actual Napoleon rises to control in this country.
The alt text is chef’s kiss and makes the whole post
tbh jd vance is just a boring choice who wrote a shitty book full of lies that mischaracterized folks from the appalachian south.
There is not an anti-big business of any kind republican, and it’s absolutely ridiculous to pretend there is.
Palantir has a $63B market cap PayPal has a $64B market cap Peter Thiel, prominent Vance hype man, co-founded both He's definitely not an "anti-big tech" politician Likely just someone trying to help giant corps profit more from the panopticon spying on you, as the mega-corps do
Fuck, good luck finding more than a handful of elected Democrats who are truly anti-big business. They’re mostly just fans of slightly more regulations to keep the house of cards from collapsing.
Heck, I live in Illinois and 90% of the time I only care about Chicago and the area around Chicago near where I live.
Yeah, and that’s just it. To me, unless they’re doing something like fuck with textbooks, nothing separates Texas in importance to me from Idaho, Vermont, or Ohio. Another state that exists and occasionally I meet someone from there.
Exactly! And of course my general empathy as a leftist person born in the Bible Belt for the decent people there who are fighting the good fight! But day to day? Y’all have fun! Do your thing.
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River crossing
I think Texans in general would be surprised how little the rest of the country thinks about Texas by choice, even most other red states who share similar sentiments.
it’s really funny how so many GOP Texans are IRATE about the existence of California, while people in California largely don’t think about Texas at all
This isn’t even a slam on Texas! It’s just…all things being equal, no one cares what you do there. We all have our own problems.
Absolutely not. I bought a hideous silver straw one in Nashville for the irony factor once, but I love myself too much for that.
I’ve got a couple of flats. I’m about 90% sure that’s where I’m drifting. I know it’s not going to be bucket, a trend I’m viewing with wariness.
I might be southern enough to one day go all in on white seersucker suit and straw panama hat, but not yet and probably not until climate change turns the Midwest into a humid subtropical zone.
Guess they’re trying to pad their “officer deaths on duty” stats even more than they already do.
Cops want Cybertrucks. They serve no practical purpose and are an irresponsibly expensive misuse of taxpayer funds that have sacrificed much more beneficial public services…but cops don’t care about the communities they serve.
To steal a line from Douglas Adams: I wouldn’t trust Buchanan as far as I could spit a rat, but that’s some amazing “guy they need Hannibal Lecter to aid in apprehending” dialogue.
I still sometimes think about an e-mail Pat Buchanan sent me when I was fact-checking him for The Atlantic. I had asked him for the source of a D. P. Moynihan quote. "Moynihan said it in a meeting in the White House I attended. It is a fine phrase. I have a good memory. I am the reliable source."
There are so many objectively gorgeous parts of this country I’ve never even seen yet that I want to, and so many areas that feel increasingly unwelcome to visit, even for me, a very white guy.
Reposted byAvatar Nolan Void
you could genuinely and literally read any of a million stories on a telecom privacy leaks across Axios, New York Times, CNN, and countless other outlets, and not find ONE REFERENCE to the fact that AT&T works tirelessly to erode not just privacy oversight, but all consumer protection oversight
Reposted byAvatar Nolan Void
the GOP works in absolute synchronicity with telecom monopolies to ensure that U.S. broadband and wireless consumer protection is as feckless and broken as possible, though oddly that's context news organizations don't think is important for readers to understand
Consumer Broadband Privacy Protections Are Last week, the Senate voted 50-48 along party lines to kill consumer broadband privacy protections. That vote then continued today in the House, where GOP lawmakers finished the job, apparently hap…
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Reposted byAvatar Nolan Void
I’m trying very hard to institute a “unless it’s soft enough to sleep in, no more free t-shirts,” because man, I became so much of “fuck it, it’s free” hoarder the moment I had a kid. I swear I used to own clothes for aesthetic reasons.
I just had to do one of the hardest tasks in any dad’s life: get rid of a free promotional baseball cap just because I never wear it, have several I like better, and indeed rarely wear baseball caps at all. Godspeed to goodwill, my friend.
My dad *does* wear caps and he used to have a wall of them in his basement to loan to visitors who needed one on a sunny day if they were going golfing* or to the beach or something. *Yeah, I know, but he’s a boomer who lives in coastal South Carolina. I have better battles to fight.
I was thinking that while driving through one of the less developed areas in the north burbs yesterday. I love this land, but the people are just no damn good sometimes.
Reposted byAvatar Nolan Void
I realize it's not to the press' interest to portray one of the parties accurately. Much less have any manner of historical perspective on the matter. That's just not in the cards. But the GOP in my lifetime has only become more like it already was. Getting high on your own supply does that.