Chillbo Hangins

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Chillbo Hangins

Star Wars films in order of favorties
Sometimes an engineer, other times other things 🌈 ally. Black. Lives. Matter.
je parle français en petit peu
It’s brave, really. Most dads want to keep it quiet when they find out their kids are bastards
Someone in San Antonio, TX reached out to me today because she has a sweet, magical boy with FIV who desperately needs a home ASAP. In fact, he's so sweet that his name is Sweet Boy. Look at that face - he obviously just wants love! 💔 (continued with more info)
Hello Blue Sky followers! I know that not everyone is, like, expected to know who I am, and I truly do not expect that. Just in case you missed it, I write romance novels. They have kissing in them.
you know what, everyone should just take a minute and go watch Casablanca. Have you seen it? It's pretty good. You'll finally get all the references.
you could almost feel the deflation in the atmosphere.
As soon as we learned that Crooks was a registered Republican it was clear that the assassination attempt was going to be a two-day story.
two guys, sitting on the floor
AMAB? Yeah, AMABout to sock you in the teeth if you keep using coded language to call me a man
I keep remembering that the official Republican solution to gun violence is just... more gun violence. "The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" means the plan -- the only plan -- is that AFTER the shooting starts, there's more shooting. Prevention isn't even considered.
My only interaction with hillbilly elegy has been finding a copy in a little free library and taking it home to put in the recycling
I learned today that I am now the same age as "Old Batman" in Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns" and I confess to having some feelings about that
"Upon arrival, they were made to work 10-12 hours a day for seven days a week for wages as low as €4 per hour. And even that sum was not paid to them as it went to settling the €17,000 debt they owed their employers. Almost 25% of the agricultural workforce in Italy is employed under this method."
low libido chicken burrito
This crap never happened before they stopped serving peanuts
So The boomers made the world more cutthroat gave everyone guns And are .. amazed at the results???
ecstasy used to come in different shapes and colors like lucky charms marshmallows
Sent to me by a friend.
Republicans are now waging war on… *checks notes* women, because there was a… *checks notes, frantically fumbles through notes* female member of Trump’s secret service detail. This should go well for them.
Hi there. Secret Service? Do we poke his head out AFTER someone just tried to shoot him? Is that protocol?
Let’s hope let’s hope let’s hope all I know is PRIMARY DATASS Joe must not be the nominee
Let’s hope this helps us finally pass common sense gun legislation?
you have to imagine that alaska is the south with laxer gun laws
Let’s hope this unravels the campaign. Whose? FIND OUT! On the next AMERICAN. GEN. ZEEE
preparing for Melania Trump's potential RNC speech by reading Michelle Obama's old speeches
Look, man... you get what you get. Keep fucking fighting one another and shit. Keep tearing each other down. Sounds like a winning solution. Don't demand things from elected officials, right? Just tear down anyone you see that isn't toeing your line. Fantastic. Only good can come from this. 👍👍