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Reposted byAvatar Sam
Sonya Massey was murdered. And but for police body cams, the cops would've covered it up. She called for help, and the police came into her home and murdered her.
Reposted byAvatar Sam
Reposted byAvatar Sam
Hey other white people, reminder that if you see/hear people you know calling Harris a “DEI candidate” you should ask them to spell out exactly what they mean
I’ll take political parties that don’t try to have a mob kill their VP for 200, Alex
Reposted byAvatar Sam
Today I start as the Executive Director of the George Washington Presidential Library. I plan to spend a lot of time talking about Washington’s decision to step away from power. It was a radical act in 1783. It was revolutionary in 1797. And it remains extraordinary in 2024. 1/3
Now we can make fun of the old senile m*ga felon rapist without people putting on their monocle and smacking their lips while saying “Hmm yes, well ACTUALLY Biden’s not much better….*laughs in top 1%*” I support Harris for President
We’re kicking it with Kamala
Reposted byAvatar Sam
Just remember, if anyone questions Vice President Harris’s credentials, the correct answer is to act surprised and say, “Are you kidding me? A highly successful lawyer, senator, and Vice President against the bankrupt reality TV fail son who already failed once as president?”
Democratic leadership by and large still don’t know how to connect to their voters. Thats their biggest weakness.
Reposted byAvatar Sam
Reposted byAvatar Sam
Reposted byAvatar Sam
Reposted byAvatar Sam
Please don’t “both sides” the “violent political rhetoric” conversation when one side regularly glorifies and intimidates with guns and the other side speaks out to end gun violence. These are not the same.
Reposted byAvatar Sam
No one in America has done more to normalize the idea of political violence than the man who was the target of it tonight. There is no contradiction in deploring what happened and saying that any Republican who supports Trump has forfeited the right to be heard on the subject.
I mean if Biden claims to be responsible he could call it an official presidential act and be immune, right SCOTUS?
Back in my day we didn’t support Nazis
Reposted byAvatar Sam
"Expand the court" has gone from radical solution to the most exceptionally moderate option on the table.
Reposted byAvatar Sam
FACT CHECK Trump: “Biden is a very bad Palestinian.” TRUE: Biden is far too alive to be a Palestinian.
Reposted byAvatar Sam
Our Front Page:
Reposted byAvatar Sam
"Life is so much easier when you aren't taught to hate people because of their sexuality or gender identity. There's no struggling to accept friends or family after they come out."
Bombing refugee camps, hospitals, schools. Mostly children, or injured Our tax dollars are funding a genocide. Israel is no longer defending itself. It’s committing an ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people in Gaza. And our government supports it.
With Fox News paying nearly 1billion for their lies about the 2020 election, and now Sydney Powell pleading guilty and agreeing to testify against the other defendants - it’s not looking good for Donald and his Trumpies. The dominoes are falling
End of feed.