
I don’t know if we should be looking at this from a “luck” standpoint. There were, and are, plenty of candidates that would crush Trump. These are DNC decisions that are…questionable at best being generous to them.
I'm constantly marveling at Trump's luck as a politician. He only won in 2016 because he ran against one of the Democrats' weakest candidates. In 2024 he ends up running against someone even weaker.
Who? There are never named names in this conversation. Gretchen Whitmer is the only one who seems plausible to me but has little to no national profile.
There's a reason all the op eds throwing out names never mention anyone who has run a national campaign. And when it comes to women candidates, they are always the woman people would vote for, up to the moment she opens a national campaign.
They will "not that woman" Whitmer 100%.
haven't seen any polling that supports the idea that a specific Democratic candidate is better positioned than Biden to defeat Trump at this time
I’ve seen polling that they all do worse. And none have faced real national scrutiny which would take them down a bit
You guys keep pushing these lies that are as stupid as MAGA freaks claiming the 2020 election was stolen. Voters had 100% agency in 2016 and 2020 in picking the nominee. The DNC doesn't run state elections nor did they change votes.
There’s basically no evidence for this and saying it doesn’t help anyone right now. Play the hand you were dealt.
It's not a conspiracy, and it's goofy to keep thinking it is.
i have a theory that they actually WANT to lose. but whatever it’s not like we live in a democracy anyway lol
I mean, anyone who is not huffing copium can kind of read between the lines. They are either not trying to win or incredibly shit at winning. Like, I’m not sure which is worse? Lmao
i have however thoroughly enjoyed this last week of absolute panic of them unveiling the state of him and then trying desperately to justify everything 😌 just the ultimate in fafo
Seriously. Like watching them desperately trying to shove the toothpaste back into the tube has been pretty comical, albeit pathetic. Nothing we say is going to make a difference so it will be morbidly fascinating to watch it all play out.
i’ll just be here knitting mme dufarge style. we tried the easy way, now it’s time to buckle down for the hard way 🤷🏻
oh damn don't list them or anything