Anton Schindler

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Anton Schindler

Unpaid servant of Beethoven
Most Republicans in Congress are also barred from holding office by the Fourteenth Amendment.
Your reminder that: Matt Gaetz Andy Biggs Louie Gohmert Scott Perry and Marjorie Taylor Greene … all asked Donald Trump for pardons for their roles in January 6th, and they, along with 113 other seditionists, are running for reelection in 2024 too.
Normalize understanding that all of us are like 2-3 misfortunes that are beyond our control away from being homeless.
Don’t let these asshats give cover to the ongoing insurrection.
As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).
Please, everyone: we all need to triple down in solidarity with each other now. We have to protect each other. We must be on the side of peace, safety and rights for everyone.
"You boy, what day is this??"
it's cool how Netanyahu is on record saying they have to prop up Hamas to undermine Fatah, and Hamas's funding comes mostly from gulf oil monarchies, and the American press looks at this situation and decides the ultimate responsibility for Hamas's terrorism lies with American College Students
DEVIL: And this is the lake of lava that you'll be spending eternity in. ME: Actually we're underground so it would be magma. DEVIL: This is why you're here you realise.
I think we should ship him to the ukranians, let them sort it out.
pro tip: if you're rich enough to run your own private foreign policy playpen, you're rich enough to pay your fair share of taxes
Yes, it has its flaws, but all in all Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins is still, to this day, the best film in the series.
As Jim Jordan tries to inserts his committee improperly into state prosecutions once again, a reminder of why he is even in Congress in the first place. This is his district in Ohio. One of the most gerrymandered in the nation.
NEW: I spoke to store owner’s about what it’s like to fly Pride flags after Lauri Carleton was murdered for hers. Read/subscribe:
Anaheim’s former mayor admits to federal prosecutors that he took bribes to smooth the way for a baseball stadium subsidy deal. If you think he’s the only elected official - or that the Angels are the only team - to be involved in something like that then I have a stadium district to sell you.
Ex-Anaheim mayor to plead guilty to charges tied to Angel Stadium sale - The former mayor of Anaheim agreed to plead guilty to obstructing an FBI corruption investigation into the $150 million sale of Angel Stadium to the owner of the MLB team, federal prosecutors announce...
We all should still be wearing masks in public and crowded spaces to help protect ourselves and others from spreading Covid and other communicable diseases.
What's your hottest take that you feel shouldn't be controversial? personally, mine is that peanut butter and hot sauce belong on the same sandwich.
This Zatanna expression from in our new Harley short killllllls me. It’s like I can HEAR it it’s so accurate. I mean…the subtle set of the jaw. So few lines and yet such a pinpoint accurate vibe.
Veronica Lake, 1943 - photo portrait by A.L. “Whitey” Schafer
The whole thing never made any sense. I should have known that it was all about stealing his money.
the more one reads about this Blind Side story the grosser it is. The Tuohys saw a cash cow, duped him when he was underage then smothered their exploitation in smarmy white savior Christian syrup, repackaged it and sold as a Self Help product in theaters and speaking tours. A truly American tale.
Reposting this from Tumblr myself because otherwise people will be posting it tomorrow and other people will be asking if I said it.
The response working class people should have to “UPS drivers would make $170,000” is “Good.” That 170k includes benefits and pension money, which used to be the norm in union contracts and should be the floor of our demands. Your enemy is never another worker getting more.
I am curious as to why my Following, Discover, and Popular with Friends feeds are all exactly the same. Have I discovered everything, and it’s all popular with my friends? Good to know.