Aaron Bady

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Aaron Bady


Meat blood, bees, things of that nature
Reposted byAvatar Aaron Bady
Not to be a vulgar marxist but the easy explanation for this is that business owners think as members of the capitalist class rather than as the owners of a specific business with specific needs
It will never cease to amaze me how little business owners understand how their customers reach their business
A lot of times a better explanation for how people behave than rational economic self-interest is simply to divide the world between workers and people who hate workers, and to assume that binary is the most important explanatory factor
This is the only good cybertruck
got it made got it made got it maaaaaade i'm hot for tesla
It seems bad that Trump is ahead literally everywhere, I don't know, is that bad?
but don't worry, maybe all the polls are lying and the media will soon begin to report that actually Trump is the one whose brain doesn't work
it's why you take the time to build a deep bench
why hasn't the new york times called for Satan to step down in favor of a candidate to be selected at the next pandemonium of demons. Don't they think he's the false accuser? note that they always call him "son of the morning," which is a bit of a tell
I will happily say that if forced to choose which I think will be more damaging, it's Chevron in a walk
but if we're talking about what makes a monarchy distinct from a republic, in terms of what words mean (which maybe you weren't! in which case, this is me being a pest online!), it's *that* distinction that Roberts is fucking with when he posits legality flowing out of the fact of executive action
lol, it is only because I read so agonizingly many 17th and 18th century works of political theory in grad school that I care about what is a fairly abstruse and theoretical distinction.
all I'd saying is that I think if you posed this issue to the founders, what "faithful execution" means, e.g., they would understand the roberts court decision as undermining and reversing exactly the form of non-king they were inventing the president to be
which is a point worth making because the roberts decision really is profoundly baseless! like, not only invented out of thin air, but just wildly at odds with how a republic was being, in the 18th c, theorized as distinct from a monarchy
well, to the extent that it ever did, it sure as fuck doesn't anymore.
I mean, the real reason he isn't a king is that he doesn't have a crown and isn't called a king. But the substantive difference in those terms, in political theory, which the analogy gestures at, is the *categorical* deference given to him
Obama could drone strike an American, after all, but he had to say "here is why that was legal" and, in theory, prove it. Roberts is saying he didn't have to prove it, that anything the executive uses his military for is, by definition, immune from prosecution.
I'm on board with saying that the imperial presidency has been a thing for a long time! But the Roberts court really made it OFFICIAL.
the point is that the king is in theory above any other form of law, and the law flows out of him. that's a rough way to describe the relationship roberts posits between the executive and his duty, that if the president does it, it is legal no matter what "it" is.
re: the limitations, I would say that the difference (in theory) was that the limitations are regarded as self-imposed by the king, from whom all sovereignty flows. in reality, those limitations were a function of a king not REALLY being all-powerful but needing to build consent of the governed
read the dissents! the immunity granted to the president is categorical in a way that qualified immunity is, well, qualified. If a president orders the military to go out and shoot people, he's immune from prosecution because "giving orders to the military" is his duty.
in practice, immunity is immunity, but QI doesn't work like that. A cop that decides to shoot you in the face is not categorically immune because "carrying a gun" is part of his job.
a king is sovereign and thus cannot in his own body be subject to the law; he has subjects, is not a subject. in a republic or democracy, the people are sovereign, and thus no one is above the law, all are subject to it. calling him a king is an effective shorthand for where the SC put him.
also, plenty of kings, going way back into history, were sharply limited in their powers? the definition of kingship has rarely been "can do anything they want."
The coconut tree thing reads different if you see her as simply saying it--as Kamala Harris--than if the clip you're seeing includes the lead-up, where she makes it clear that this is a thing her mom would say, and which she is delivering in her mom's voice
The thing about all of the memes people are passing around is that someone edited and cropped them; you might say that while they exist in a context, the internet presents them as if they fell out of a coconut tree, unencumbered by
Reposted byAvatar Aaron Bady
Or just learn from the true masters of the genre, Kerala
I think places should do more to fuck with tourists. Name every restaurant in Delhi "Indian Restaurant" . Every building in London taller than one story is now the Tower. All water in Australia is Sydney Harbour.
Reposted byAvatar Aaron Bady
Look, I'm willing to try anything at this point.
Reposted byAvatar Aaron Bady
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.
the sky crashed at Planet Hollywood