
I think places should do more to fuck with tourists. Name every restaurant in Delhi "Indian Restaurant" . Every building in London taller than one story is now the Tower. All water in Australia is Sydney Harbour.
Atlanta has you covered. Just take Peachtree Road, turn left on Peach Tree, and the light after Peach Tree Court, take the first right.
my state does it right
Oh, I have family in Kottayam.
It’s better these days, but parts of NC used to be like “Do you mean Robert E Lee Road, Avenue, Lane, Court, Alley, Circle, or Expressway?“
The Triangle is the best because every city and town has roads named after the other cities and towns nearby. It’s a navigational version of Who’s On First.
I could literally not deal with the Triangle until modern GPS systems became a thing.
Even with GPS, it still gets to certain exits and intersections and says “Nah, you’re on your own here.”
All driving directions in Eastern Massachusetts that involve 3 or more turns must contain references to at least two different Dunkin' Donuts. I think it's a state law.
Chicago traffic reporters refer to highways exclusively by name (the Eisenhower, the Kennedy, the Stevenson) but maps exclusively use numbers. Also major highways that go from downtown to Wisconsin, for example, are said to be "east/west" and vice versa
300 characters is not enough space to cover the depths of my contempt with Chicago traffic reporting.
How long from the circle to Paulina today!?
Hell if I know. I was listening to the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth soundtrack on my ride into work.
London needs the Shard, the Sherd, the Shird, the Shord, and the Shurd.
Or they could just randomly call a part of town a circus, but then not have anything resembling a circus there.
I once worked for a company compiling an online hospitality guide for the whole of Austria. One thing I learned is that EVERY town or village, no matter how small, has at least one Kirchenwirt (church pub). They may not have a church, but they do have the Kirchenwirt.
If you searched for "Kirchenwirt" in our guide you got so many results that the web page started breaking.
Technically, Los Angeles is part of Sydney harbor.
In this map of NYC, anything shaded blue is technically SoHo.
Come to the Slocan Valley, where the Slocan River flows out of Slocan Lake, by the town formerly known as Slocan City but is now just Slocan, the upper and lower Little Slocan rivers, following the Slocan Range of mountains, Slocan Park, and of course there is Slocan Village, plus roads.
Every locality has their own characteristic little navigational traps for making outsiders look dumb while trying to find their way around and I just think it’s great
It’s also why, if it’s an option, the best way to learn a new city is to get really, incredibly lost a few times, bad enough you realize on more than one occasion that you’ve unintentionally made a full circle w/o reaching your destination
Big fan of specific regional pronunciations as well. Near Chattanooga, there’s a town called Fairyland but the locals call it “Ferralynd” I guess because Fairyland is a ridiculous name.
There is (was?) a restaurant in Chicago’s Chinatown named “Tasty Place”.
Mario Cuomo can try/insist all he likes. It is still the Tappan Zee bridge.🖕
I like when people near the airport paint "welcome to [different town]" on the roof