
lmao, they’re running from *threads*? PG-rated twitter? twitter for people who can’t fight? lol
Wow. has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
Honestly them getting their asses torn up on Threads and IG, the normie sites, harder than here makes me feel a *lot* better about this election.
Like, the theory for how the NYT can ratfuck this election is that they just keep saying "Biden old and senile" and all the normies just go "If it's in the newspaper it must be true" and don't vote for him.
If instead they're going "shut the fuck up", doesn't look like that's in the cards.
Really hoping the nervous nelly elected Dems realize this is the opinion of the Dem base (but not holding my breath).
The thing is that the electeds can't actually bully Biden out of office short of impeaching them, and I have enough faith to believe that the Dems in the House realize that "impeaching Biden" would not only be a death knell for democracy in the US over the next decade min but personal suicide.
Exactly. I’m not convinced what path is best rn, but something they’re missing is voters actually don’t care enough that he’s old to not vote for him! The “x% Dems think he’s old” are still all going to vote for him- and the fundraising/polls(for what they’re even worth) bear that out.
A lot of people in the US still see age as a sign of wisdom and not that you're Last Year's Model who should be put in the suicide pod. I will fully defend this summary of America's relationship with age, and it is one of the few things I will directly blame on consumerism.
I mean, would I prefer a younger candidate who speaks more clearly? Sure. I don’t have that, Biden’s first term has been far better than I feared it would be, and we’re here now so let’s fucking go!!
Some % of people comprehend they aren't just voting for "a person," and also not based on a wildly-spun perception of a performance in a fake debate over a span of 90 minutes. The entire "omg you had a sore throat, get out" discourse has been so over the top even regular people are annoyed.
This piece is a few days old by now, but tbqh, after reading this, I feel like Jeffries has already got a really good handle on this, and the risk of major defections in the House post-recess is going to be fairly minimal.
Jeffries seeks to stem House defections, for now, as Democrats panic over The House Democratic leader, who hopes to be speaker under a Democratic majority post-November, is seeking to stem defections among his rank-and-file.
Right now I feel like there are some folks in the media who are trying to *will* a House revolt into reality (because it's what they need atm in order to validate their own feeding frenzy for the last week), but this article and others make me think they're probably not going to get it.
Yes! I read this too- and tho I have other reasons I dislike him seems his strategy of listening and allowing for venting (privately) is a good one
My current theory is that this is election Moneyball; just stack up all the undervalued left-liberal American constituencies with some careful media outreach and see what kind of magic that gets you at the margins.
man if biden beats out all the haters and wins in the fall i am going to be goddamn *insufferable* with certain of my fellow libs
I want to see a lot of folks eat shit on this one
If he loses we will have to eat a lot of crow, along with the whole we will have elected a fascist. Seems a lot of people would rather hedge their bets
If he loses, I won't care about eating crow cuz we'll have bigger fish to fry.
The people shouting to replace him haven't presented a plausible means to do it, and the media would still tear the replacement to pieces. (but if Biden loses it won't really matter who was right about it anyway because the republic will be dead and we'll have to figure out how to deal with that.)
Want him to do a Dewey beats Truman photo.
We’re often too quick to forget the winemom mandate from heaven
So many of these Washington press corp people truly were so deep in the bubble they didn’t see how nuts their takes were getting
honestly they're getting torn up here pretty hard if you look at the nyt replies, but I assume they've priced that in.
I kind of want a comic in November that mimics the infamous Eric Trump hunting trophy photo except the person holding the elephant’s tail is a generic suburban mom.
Their coverage of the French election is still titled implying the far right is winning
Manifesting. Manifailing?