Aaron Cynic

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Aaron Cynic


Photographer, Chicago guy, punk rock nostalgia keeper. Sometimes I still write things too.
I hadn't thought about this yet and oh my am I not looking forward to it.
U.S. public transit systems are weathering the outage OK. Spoke for San Francisco Municipal Transportation System, (buses, trains and iconic cable cars) said the agency's main systems are not even connected to the internet. "Long live floppy disks, I guess!" link: www.nytimes.com/live/2024/07...
Might as well make this their 2024 slogan
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's candidacywww.axios.com Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.
The Trump campaign's 2nd fundraising email of the day.
The folks I used to tour with could get that on a bike with room for groceries. We once moved dinner for 35 and the chef on a bike.
When the NYT published its fawning profile of a "nazi next door" in 2017 (not their first, either) they shrugged off criticism and pretty much said "sorry you're offended but actually we did the right thing." They've been helping normalize fascism the whole time.
I know they get rolled all the time but for the Times to get rolled by “actually they just want to reclaim the values of Western civilization as they see it … with larger families and fewer immigrants” is the Times putting the 14 words in the paper
It's NASCAR weekend in Chicago again and I'm still wondering who the hell it's supposed to be for, exactly.
Pilsen is always next level on the 4th of July
A few more from last night's block party in Pilsen.
I spent last night walking around my neighborhood w/a group of pals to see autonomous fireworks displays on pretty much every block. There were huge parties & small gatherings everywhere. Everywhere we went folks were just hanging out, sharing food/drink, and just having fun. We need more of that.
From Pokémon go to the polls to whatever this is I don't know how we're supposed to take these people as serious when they tell us they're the only way to stop fascism in America
I don't make nearly as many pictures as I should when I travel for vacation but as a timeline cleanse, here's a few I snapped from the Borealis Amtrak from Chicago to Minneapolis.
You really do love to see it. That's nearly a quarter million passengers a year. I heartily endorse the Borealis train. I'm literally posting this from one right now.
Today's takes are something else so here's some hummingbirds
Post an image that people will hear when they see it
Post an image that people will hear when they see it
Funny how that's never and option and as soon as a tax on rich people fails we pivot to taxing a bunch of other things that are already barely affordable (or in many cases not) for the rest of us.
Once again America would rather make everyone miserable rather than do the work to make things livable for everyone.
There's a gas station in the south loop that blasts classical music from its front doors at a volume so loud you can hear it from across the street (it's somewhat near a shelter for houseless people) and I'm honestly amazed anyone goes there and it's gotta be hell to work there.
I live 2 blocks away from a pink line stop. Saturday I planned to catch a train to a show. I waited at the station for 25 minutes and no train ever showed up. Train tracker said there were "delays due to short staffing" and didn't even have estimated times. I ended up having to take a lyft.
My dad is a very big model train guy. Years ago he came upon a conductor's uniform, so he bought a mannequin. Harry has been part of the family & lived in the basement for like 5 years now & still freaks me out every time I go down there.
Super punk of you to have a festival in a place nearly inaccesible by public transit and laugh about it
Riot Fest is now in Bridgeview
Pace buses run every 30 minutes if you're lucky and the system is no way equipped to handle an influx of thousands of people.
Chicago's Water Taxi is one of the most underappreciated forms of transit. Also one of the prettiest and affordable ($10)
You really get a fantastic view