Aaron Cynic

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Aaron Cynic


Photographer, Chicago guy, punk rock nostalgia keeper. Sometimes I still write things too.
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Check out my latest Teen Vogue column on mask bans and how they are the new ugly laws www.teenvogue.com/story/mask-b...
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Here's Snoop Dogg hanging out with the US Fencing Team. Everyone looks so happy. I love that Snoop just shows up randomly at shit these days. He's having a great time.
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Yeah I'm not suddenly Kamala's biggest fan but i can at least enjoy her calling Donald Trump a weird felon as opposed to Joe Biden being like "he's a worthy opponent may the best man win"
Like after 9 years of most people yelling at the folks on top that this is a deeply unserious candidate and he's crazy and weird and stop pretending this guy is normal it feels really validating when they finally come around and stop pretending as well!
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Referring to calls to end a genocide as "dangerous hate-fueled rhetoric" is a terrible thing to do.
Here's Harris' statement on 'unpatriotic protesters and hate-fueled rhetoric' (people exercising their first amendment rights to oppose Netanyahu) in DC yesterday as hosted on the White House website. No mention of the INVITED families of hostages who were arrested.
Statement by Vice President Kamala Harris | The White Housewww.whitehouse.gov Yesterday, at Union Station in Washington, D.C. we saw despicable acts by unpatriotic protestors and dangerous hate-fueled rhetoric.   I condemn any
Also doing a lite version of the right's rhetoric over flag burning is just pointless. Nothing you can do is going to make them come out for you.
Thinking about this a little more...Dems could continue to focus on how the right is horribly fascist and genuinely weird. Or they can paint folks who are protesting a genocide as "just as bad." There's a choice.
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"We want to be the first law enforcement agency to have a Cybertruck" is one of the easiest ways to tell your community that they exist to subsidize your lifestyle and that you will do nothing for them in return.
Cops want Cybertrucks. They serve no practical purpose and are an irresponsibly expensive misuse of taxpayer funds that have sacrificed much more beneficial public services…but cops don’t care about the communities they serve. www.404media.co/email/746a69...
Reposted byAvatar Aaron Cynic
What the jokes *are* is a form of mass outcasting directed at an elite who's gunning to be the next leader of the MAGA movement. They land because, like any good joke, they tap into a deep truth--Vance's ability to be Puritanical and deeply creepy at the same time.
Saw some folks describing the couch-f*cking jokes as vigilantism. That's not quite right--first because vigilantism in the U.S. is almost always directed at marginalized groups and second because the jokes aren't enforcing a particular social or moral code.
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you never need to debate transphobes. tell them to shut the fuck up. shout them down, they're not listening to you. show other people who they are and why they're transphobic. ✨ it's ok to bully transphobes ✨
I'm adopted. My niece and nephew are my brother's step children. That brother isn't from the same parents who adopted me. Family isn't limited by biology, it's what you make it.
A while back I realized that for 100+ years, there hasn't been even a single generation of my family where everyone was raised by the people who gave birth to them. Never let ANYONE tell you who your family is.
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It turns out a lot of return-to-office mandates were meant to make workers quit: Executives surveyed by Bamboo HR said they hoped return-to-office mandates would encourage "voluntary turnover"
It turns out a lot of return-to-office mandates were meant to make workers quitqz.com Executives surveyed by Bamboo HR said they hoped return-to-office mandates would encourage "voluntary turnover"
Reposted byAvatar Aaron Cynic
In fact it's really no comfort at all because possibly more depressing than Harris' statement is the way it triggers a round of discourse about the Bad Protesters who did Bad Things (burning a US flag!!! our beautiful beautiful flag, our staras an dstripes...) whom we must root out...
I expect people more given to optimism or faith in Harris will make the case that this was worded very carefully so as to only refer to protests at Union Station - not those inside the rotunda, or at Bibi's hotel, or elsewhere on the streets of DC. But that's cold comfort.
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Painfully disappointing
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Democrats finally blundered into the winning formula against MAGA: just keep saying “Why are you like this?” over and over
I don't really have any thoughts on the veep race besides Shapiro backstabbed PA unions and Mike Kelly is to the right of Joe Manchin on labor, but I love this talking point by Tim Waltz. The GOP is dangerous, but they're also fucking absurd.
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Before Biden dropped out, a columnist wrote, "Kamala Harris Would Be the Best Democratic Choice." After Biden dropped out, the same columnist wrote, "Kamala Harris Isn't the Change Democrats Need." This sort of cynicism is what's wrong with punditry. My latest: www.readtpa.com/p/when-pundi...
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I just want everyone to appreciate—really, deeply appreciate—that the actual convicted felon is mocking someone for being an actual prosecutor … … surrounded by “Back the Blue” placards. It’s not ironic. Because it’s not a contradiction. It tells you what “Back the Blue” really means.
8-SECOND KAMALA HARRIS AD: x.com/KamalaHQ/sta... TRUMP AT RALLY: "And then their campaign says (goofy voice) 'I'm the prosecutor, and he is the convicted felon—" HARRIS (VOICEOVER): "I'm Kamala Harris, and I approve this message."
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Today’s shameful display will live in infamy and future generations will be disgusted by those who facilitated this genocide. Everyone in that room clapping is cursed and I hope nothing good happens for them as long as they live.
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They gave a standing ovation and riotous applause for the orphaning of countless thousands of children, for countless amputations without anesthesia, for roving death squads posing in the underwear of murdered and displaced women. For genocide. Mass murder. The leveling of Gaza.
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Experts say JD Vance never fucked a couch. But some concerned Americans in this Iowa diner believe otherwise.
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The Simpsons has the opportunity to genuinely do the funniest thing they've done with a title sequence in 20 years.
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for like 3/4 of my life "couch gag" meant something else. great job vibe-shifting, everyone
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this is irresponsible journalism. it should read "There is no current evidence JD Vance had sex with a couch"
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People online use "purity test" as a way to pre-empt Leftists from making demands of politicians. I hope this is clear.
"I can't find a deli anywhere and the pizza is always a casserole"