Aaron Huertas

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Aaron Huertas


Democracy and unions liker, former House staff. Vibes-pilled. Writing: aaronhuertas.com
What Democrats Can Learn from Crusader Kings 2: The Glitterhoof Path to Total Victory in November
Big difference between "The party should have replaced the nominee" (how?) and "I wish a specific not-Dean-Phillips Democrat had challenged the incumbent president Teddy Kennedy style."
"The seasoned politician with enough self-regard and Type A hyper competitiveness to become president should also nobly step aside for a variety of logical, but individually contestable reasons in the face of great uncertainty."
It’s such a wholesome event, too. People come out in their work vehicles, classic cars, skateboards. The parade leaders are the children and grandchildren of the founders, who I think imported this from the Midwest.
Sometimes when you're doing crisis communication, the client really wants a solution, but if there's no quick fix, the "solution" is sucking it up and waiting it out.
Cross me off the list: I saw a Cybertruck in the wild last week and this one was remarkably wholesome! Lewes, DE hosts an annual "doo dah" parade before the official fireworks show where anyone in the community can participate. www.capegazette.com/article/lewe...
Reposted byAvatar Aaron Huertas
The absolute funniest outcome here is Biden adopting Sanders style anti-party-elite messaging and getting a resulting polling bump.
Hell, start spreading some lib conspiracy theories about how it was actually the bosses and greedheads trying to take you down -- the progressive wing hasn't been driving this at all, all donors and center-left
I've been disappointed with Fetterman's left punching, but his wholehearted partisan cheerleading for Biden has been excellent and is a nice evolution from where he was at in 2022
I would simply not run coinflip elections against fascists regardless of who is at the top of the ticket
It’s basically a coinflip no matter who the nominee is. I’m glad at least one elected official isn’t actively crying about their duly elected presumptive nominee on TV.
The chickenshittery from our own electeds and donors has been gross. It’s hilarious to hear Biden campaigning against the party elite!
I’ve given up on if ever happening in my working lifetime. Not sure alternative models or industry unionization offer pathways to a different outcome.
Not every response to a post is disagreement
It's the paper of record for most liberal politicians and a ton of donors.
No one is claiming that a minor social media site is representative of any voting constituency.
He’s calling a bunch of bluffs here. Sen. Warner backed off, only a handful of House members spoke out and they’re still fundraising a ton, so the megadonor push fizzled. He’s making it hyper clear he’s not stepping down and it’s 100% his decision.
Every cycle, some Republicans promise to use a combo of tech nonsense and volunteer labor to disqualify a bunch of voters and then it turns out they have no idea how to tell the difference between records for John A. Smith and Jonathan A. Smith. www.appenmedia.com/forsyth/fors...
Forsyth County Elections Board tosses AI voter challengeswww.appenmedia.com The Forsyth County Board of Voter Registrations and Elections rejected challenges to 742 voter registrations June 28 citing a lack of evidence that the voters were ineligible to vote in
Biden's message right now is that he's doing what the voters want not the "party elite." Finding a way to run against your own party as the incumbent president is pure gold.
Biden is on minute 20 of calling into Morning Joe rn, we are beyond back.
I’ve done a bunch of shop “furniture” but no real trim work before. Gonna tweak a couple things, but the face frame and a little bit of crown goes a long way.
Reposted byAvatar Aaron Huertas
Touched grass (built my first custom built in in my office / workshop)
Lotta people looking to fulfill a post-election psychological need to say “I expressed my concerns” instead of engaging in serious analysis or work, including elected officials who should know better.
Reposted byAvatar Aaron Huertas
A lot of folks who supposedly analyze politics for a living are just like…not good at it?
Strongly encourage open convention wanters to keep the ideas coming, I think they're quite revealing in their specificity. I will say I don't hate RCV here but prefer approval method for earlier rounds with least-approved candidates getting eliminated until the top two are left as prez / VP
If they get Taylor Swift, though, who cares, tell all the polisci nerds to pound sand, that shit's in the bag, baby!