Aaron van Dorn

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Aaron van Dorn


Sometime writer and (mostly) analog photography | Award winning chili maker | Baltimore via Jersey City, Kurdzhali, Bulgaria, and Ohio | Friend to cats | Parisan Dem | He/him
Hilarious that she accuses people of "gaslighting" for arguing back against her just two posts below that one.
Am I supposed to take this bullshit seriously? I recall voting for Joe Biden in the primary.
Gonna get back to the Hocking Hills some time.
The "copyright violations are cool if I think they are" and "AI is a technological abomination" Venn diagram is a circle.
Ending the day is improving on the beginning.
Shotting because I'm already arguing with him in another thread, but honest to God the campaign hasn't "put Biden out there"?
This is a self-discrediting list of people
A prominent group of political donors, civic leaders and business executives founded to protect the institutions of American democracy sent a letter Friday morning to President Biden calling on him to “cement your legacy” by ending his bid for reelection.
Business leaders, pro-Democracy activists send letter asking Biden to withdrawwapo.st The letter sent to the White House is the latest outreach from the donor and activist community pushing for a new nominee after the president’s debate performance.
It's been a rough week or so, but I think we can all appreciate the enormous cultural victory US conservative brainworms have had, incredible stuff www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/0...
Thought to myself, "What has Ryan Lizza, that wet bowl of soggy Wonder Bread, been up to? Haven't heard his name in a while and HOO BOY
A tweet you still think about
I would punch a beautiful, innocent child square in the mouth for a doner from Happy King Doner Kebab in Kurdzhali, Bulgaria right now.
Large doner, flat (laudatory)
I look at these photos I took of fireworks not that infrequently.
This is your annual advance reminder that you will never look at a photograph or video of fireworks again, nor will it be of any real interest to your social media contacts. Just look with your own gelatinous human eyes.
Got this and then got blocked, it's the perfect Bluesky interaction: doomy, weirdly aggressive, and wildly wrong.
I guess trolling for blocks is a thing we're doing now.
I'd invite you to eat my shit and hair but you're not even worthy of that. You're an insufferable prick and deserve nothing but my scorn. 😘
There's an entire contingent of people on this app who actively believe that the Democrats are worse than the Republicans, and it baffles me.
This doofus blocked me, why am I getting his posts in my tl?
Man, I don't know if he got turfed out of Twitter finally, but the Abbot his absolutely cooked himself
There’s lots of people who should go fuck themselves over this immunity decision, and this motherfucker certainly isn’t at the top of the list, but he can get the “My God the Fucking Nerve” honorary mention award for sure.
"Halting," "faltering," "debacle" -- nothing about Trump's incoherence. Honestly not very far from the Daily Mail or the Post.
Biden Should Withdraw, And So Should Trump (Ted Van Dyk/Wall Street Journal) Main Link | memeorandum Permalink
I don't know what the metric underlying this is, but this is straight deranged.
This isn't politics, it's eschatology.
EU member states are way closer in size to states than they are to the US, and their internal political systems vary significantly more than is generally true of the US.
This is the kind of mac and cheese you can only get at a real New York bodega.
It's a vibe. I was unaware of the anti-woke stuff, which is surprising because they've made a concerted effort to appeal to comedy and music spaces.