Aaron van Dorn

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Aaron van Dorn


Sometime writer and (mostly) analog photography | Award winning chili maker | Baltimore via Jersey City, Kurdzhali, Bulgaria, and Ohio | Friend to cats | Parisan Dem | He/him
Yeah, this really does raise some pretty serious alarms about the editorial decision making at the Times. I mean, I think we already know the answers, but it's clear they're willing to run *anything* on Biden, even if two seconds of research completely undermines the (unstated) premise of the story.
knowing that the white house just signed a massive parkinson’s bill in july changes the entire tone of this story so much that this makes it wildly, horrifically offensive
Listen, my commitment to the cause is enough to shit post, but not enough to trade in my mid comedy podcast for actually working in politics.
Well, I'm not telling you to sit down or shut up, but I think your priorities here are wildly incorrect.
As others have pointed out, could also be from the Parkinson's research funding bill they just passed.
If I can refute the central insinuation of your article in five seconds by searching google, what you're doing is not journalism
Only one of us is backing the nominee who won the primary.
My greatgrandmother had Parkinson's, and it did not look like Joe Biden.
Breaking News: A Parkinson’s expert visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, according to official visitor logs. The administration has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease.
Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight Monthswww.nytimes.com The White House has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease and that there has been no reason to update the most recent testing, conducted in February.
Unless Biden ends up the nominee. Then it very much is in service of Trump. Also, 32% isn't close to a majority.
So, to be clear, you plan to undermine Biden for another month and a half in an effort to get him to drop out by making his candidacy non-viable, and if that doesn't work, you'll support him. You cannot see the tension in that?
I've seen you post multiple times that you would vote for Biden if he's the nominee. He's the nominee, he's said multiple times he's not going to drop out. At what point do you stop trying to undermine his candidacy? Genuine question.
Haven't. You're right, though, Buetler is definitely worse than Stancil, who is after all occasionally correct.
Stancil without Stancil's redeeming ability to be right on occasion.
A standard that we all agree has always existed and was not created at this very moment is that Presidenting is CLOSED BOOK
He was working off notes. You can hear the papers shuffling and he talks about reading a list of 7 Trump lies.
Right, there's two parts: is he capable, and if so, is a perception of his capability hurting election chances and so far the answers seem to be "Yes" and "No," which is why the handful of senators and House dems over the last week have been odd.
Biden's handling of inflation has been pretty phenomenal.
Consumers no longer expect elevated inflation as prices have cooled back to a normal pace of increase. *US 1-YR INFLATION EXPECTATIONS FELL TO 3% IN JUNE FROM 3.2% *US 3-YR INFLATION EXPECTATIONS ROSE TO 2.9% IN JUNE AFTER 2.8% *US 5-YR INFLATION EXPECTATIONS FELL TO 2.8% IN JUNE AFTER 3%
Tough to have a rational argument to convince someone of their own electoral decline based on their purported impairment land with the person it would need to, I think.
I use last pass for personal stuff, but the org keeps changing the required password algorithm every six months or so and it's driving me nuts.
I'm sure this will quiet the "teleprompter" nonsense.
Biden is on minute 20 of calling into Morning Joe rn, we are beyond back.
Reboot "Alien" as a multicam workplace comedy, you cowards
📺ABC Primetime, March 25, 1984: — Network premiere of 'Alien'
I would argue there could be an alternative explanation
"There's blood in the water" as if the news media is a thoughtless animal driven mad and have no agency over their decisions or ability to revisit them
But here's the thing, and I'll say it as someone who monitors and analyzes media: the bad media coverage isn't going to let up. It's going to drive his poll numbers down and it's going to be relentless. There's blood in the water, and maybe it's not fair, but that's the reality right now.
He certainly wouldn't be blamed for the ensuing chaos and crushing Trump victory.
"Having a social media manager is a sign of dementia"
They're really scraping the bottom of the outrage barrel, seems like this is going to be unsustainable to maintain until November
Always liked the fact that the Weather Channel just plays Tom Waits' "Emotional Weather Report" on the 8s.
What is your favorite TV theme song that already existed as a song before the show was created? (Like The Wire using “Way Down in the Hole.”)
Ah but what you've forgotten is that the greatest measure of a man is his ability to extemporaneously deliver a policy-focused speech that says exactly what every single person wants to hear. We agreed on this long ago.
Read that as "butter oil" and now I'm thinking of a ghee-based aioli.
I remember we looked at a cat shelter in NYC when we were looking for a cat and they wanted like a credit check and two personal references or something and I thought, "This cannot possibly be justified."
To the extent it's an *electoral* argument ("he's losing"), that in and of itself isn't sufficient justification to overturn an election against the wishes of the winner. If he's going to be removed, it would need to be something that would justify his removal from the positon via the 25th amd.
Yeah, the whole thing has been a become a huge bad faith motte and baily where we skip from "We have concerns about his mental acuity" to "Well his mental acuity is fine, but how can he come back from the media firestorm" and then back to "The firestorm is itself proof of his decline."