Colleen "Nightmare Woman" Ennen

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Colleen "Nightmare Woman" Ennen

Writer, teacher, project manager, bookworm, history nerd, dog parent, Midwesterner, sometimes witch, future ghost.

Recent work in The Lit Pub, Breadcrumbs, Moonbirds, LUMINA, and "The Haunted Quill" (Megara Publishing).

“Biden issued a separate proclamation last year marking the 70th anniversary of the lavender scare. It described a “shameful chapter” in the nation’s history in which 5,000 to 10,000 LGBTQ+ federal employees were investigated and interrogated, and lost their jobs.”
As far as I can tell, editing this little paper that comes with our fancy eggs is the best job in journalism. I’d definitely apply if it came up!
Kavanaugh reassures his friends Alito and Thomas that nobody's allowed to be mad at them for taking bribes
The final SCOTUS decision today is Snyder v. US. Kavanaugh has the court's 6-3 decision on ideological grounds, holding that the Section 666 bribery statute does not apply to "gratuities" given for public officials' *past* acts. Jackson writes the liberals' dissent.
If you’re a writer, it’s important to take regular breaks. Gradually increase their frequency and duration. Eventually you will have stopped writing altogether, and can take your place as a normal, decent member of society.
It continues to baffle me that in Minneapolis it is illegal for me to pop into a coffee shop to buy a drink with my well behaved dog entirely contained in a backpack strapped to my body.
If you tell me five minutes before the interview that you will ask about my favorite authors, I will have a thousand names for you. If you ask who my favorite authors are DURING the interview, I will forget how reading even works.
Today is a Blessed & Holy Holiday, my favorite celebration: Baguette Day, on which occasion I mark & sanctify the journey to the bakery for another loaf of bread by also buying a baguette & then eating the entire baguette before sundown. It comes but once a fortnight & I always give thanks.
Every time Big Tech is like “stop being so alarmist, that Big Bad will never happen because something something incentives and use cases and the social contract,” 5 minutes later that we get an article about, like, Israel using AI to bomb Gaza.
Every day I take two baths. The first is the normal bath, and the second is the tongue bath my dog determinedly gives me whilst chasing me around the house desperately trying to lick any bit of available skin while I’m rushing to dry off and put on socks and find a sweatshirt and etc.
Me at the French Language: “Alright punk, give me just one non-sexist reason why there would be different words for man (homme) & husband (mari), boy (garçon) & son (fils); but NOT woman (femme) & wife (femme), girl (fille) & daughter (fille). I’ll wait.”
Most political reporters think their job is primarily to interpret messaging: "When Biden says he's going to be 'tough on the border,' he's trying to appeal to working-class whites..." etc. But both Trump and Biden have been president! The best way to predict what they'll do is what they've done.
The extent to which this kind of faux sophistication depends on obsessively remembering campaign talking points and deliberately *misremembering* the granular details of his administration, during which he fucked up everything from disease control to the post office, is underappreciated
I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again: much of the media, especially NY Times, thinks it’s job is to find and publicize the nugget of coherence in a Trump speech (even if they have to edit him to get it) and the error in an otherwise coherent Biden speech. To not be biased or something.
So when Trump says "they aren't paying their dues" they hear that through the elite filter of previous normal candidates upset that NATO members weren't funding *their own* militaries properly, and "correct" him to that framing. But that's not what he's saying, and it's not what he means!
This is just beyond parody. Even New York Times stories about Trump's authoritarianism are framed around Biden's age.
Am considering never putting an single skincare product on my face again, because I feel like a monster every time I have to gently reject my dog’s many face kisses because it’s probably not good for him to ingest, like, sunscreen or hyaluronic acid.
Oh no I’m once again resisting consuming media I know I’ll enjoy for reasons that are opaque even to me!
My phone just autocorrected “mom” to “mommy” and I have objections.
Truly the best gift.
Being able to turn to and tell her, “I think Henry Kissinger is dead?” was the perfect way to end her birthday
I guess I'm just out here trying not to seek new landscapes, but to have new eyes instead. We shall see.
End of feed.