A. Elms

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A. Elms


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i was just going to make a post about this. if trump decides you are an enemy of the state or a “threat to national security” and has you deported, citizenship or not, there’s nothing you can do to get home. he has full legal power to render you stateless.
Related, if trump is summarily deporting citizens under his new mass deportation regime, citizenship and an ability to appeal to the law isn’t going to get people back in the country. The executive runs border security
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There are around 50 million children age 6-17 in this country. I'm not particularly good at math but does a couple hundred surgeries and maybe a few thousand kids on hormone therapy a year strike you as a particularly large percentage of 50 million? www.welcometohellworld.com/they-want-to...
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The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil. www.ftc.gov/business-gui...
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Glory to you and your house music.
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I don't post to "look cool" I post because the man in the back said "everyone attack!" and it turned into a ballroom blitz, and the girl in the corner said, "Boy, I want to warn you, it'll turn into a ballroom blitz."
I dont post to “look cool” i post because the man in the corner is telling me to 😰
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Would not have expected this well-reasoned rant from the smug, front-running sports shouter Colin Cowherd but right is right.
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Shakespeare comedies: I cross-dressed my way into this problem and I'll cross-dress my way out of it
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We now have a website. udm14.com
Tell your friends about &udm=14
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I laughed at this harder than was perhaps necessary
Which actor’s expression will stay with you forever?
Which actor's expression will stay with you forever?
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it’s a crazy homemade bumper sticker with a weird aspect ratio that doesn’t really even fit on the car, but you gotta admit it has a point
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Anyway, good morning from this evergreen quote from a guy we teach the kids is a great American hero
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If Dems post like this every day for the rest of the year they’ll have the trifecta in January
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Holy shit this is truly the most perfect explanation for AI
I saw someone call it mansplaining as a service, not just the unwanted explaining but the high inaccuracy and high confidence, and I do think that explains both who makes it and who is pushing it
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Oh this is a way better way of putting it:
the energy i try to bring the skyline, despite my intentions
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All this private equity talk on the timeline makes me want to remind everyone that Bob's Red Mill and King Arthur's Flour are employee owned.
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And Du Bois dropped some bars: “It is the punishment of the South that its Lees and Davises will always be tall, handsome and well-born. That their courage will be physical and not moral. That their leadership will be weak compliance and never costly and unswerving revolt for justice and right.”
No Excuses for a Racist Murderer: W.E.B. DuBois on the Legacy of Robert E. Leeinthesetimes.com Historian and civil rights organizer, W.E.B. DuBois, wrote this short essay in 1928.
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Frederick Douglass has thoughts about the effort to recuperate Robert E. Lee "Whatever else I may forget, I shall never forget the difference between those who fought for liberty and those who fought for slavery; between those who fought to save the Republic and those who fought to destroy it.”
What Frederick Douglass Thought About Robert E. Leewww.newsweek.com
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is this what they mean by rising murder rates in cities?
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Also, it's worth noting that Chuck Jones applied more rigor, internal logic and respect for his audience in writing his work than the conservative majority of the Supreme Court does in writing theirs.
Chuck Jones' rules for writing a Road Runner cartoon - this is the original Dogme manifesto
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i hope this email finds you living in a shotgun shack. and i hope this email finds you behind the wheel of a large automobile. and i hope this email finds you in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife
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The state of OK enabled the murder of a child at two levels: - Elected official hires known stochastic terrorist. - School employees (plural!) refused to seek medical attention for a beaten child, leading to their death It's impossible to describe how ugly this entire situation is.
A child was beaten in a bathroom and then the school refused to get them medical attention due to the child's gender identity. A state institution refused aid to A CHILD. We should all be exceedingly, unrelentingly furious.
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This ought to be humiliating, a death blow to all credibility, a permanent stain on reputation. Why did Hezbollah think it was okay to be on Twitter?
X is allowing US-designated terrorist groups and leaders to buy check marks, a possible sanctions violation. Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, has one and is listed by X as having his ID verified, meaning he provided a government-issued ID to the company. www.nytimes.com/2024/02/14/t...
Terrorists Are Paying for Check Marks on X, Report Sayswww.nytimes.com The report shows that X has accepted payments for subscriptions from entities barred from doing business in the United States, a potential violation of sanctions.
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MLK quote you're unlikely to hear today.
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The 90s coursepack was our mixtape.
As I put together and update my syllabi, I'm reminded of the "coursepacks" that were so common in the 1980s and 1990s. We get the luxury of dropping in links today to create a mosaic of new and eclectic content, but the coursepack was a hand-made, laborious confection. 🗃️
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the Mesoamerican ballgame was a sport played since at least 1650 BC that often culminated with ritual sacrifice
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Turns out you can't make a large language model from 14 words
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if the grinch ever stole shit from me they'd have to clean him out of his little mountainside cave with a hose